Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Cloning)

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Select Item Title Year Published
38,000-Dalton Membrane Protein (p38) Present in Synaptic Vesicles. 1985
Advances in the Use of Biotechnology for Municipal Pollution Control. 1988
Animal biotechnology : science-based concerns / 2002
Application of DNA-DNA Colony Hybridization to the Detection of Catabolic Genotypes in Environmental Samples. 1985
Application of Recombinant DNA Technology in Methane Biosynthesis. 1986
Aromatic Hydrocarbon Degradation: A Molecular Approach. 1991
Bacterial Metabolism of Naphthalene: Construction and Use of Recombinant Bacteria to Study Ring Cleavage of 1,2-Dihydroxynaphthalene and Subsequent Reactions. 1992
BALB/3T3 Transformation Test: Gulfgrown Grease E.P. No. 2 with Cover Letter. 1984
Benzoate-Dependent Induction from the OP2 Operator-Promoter Region of the TOL pWWO in the Absence of Known Plasmid Regulatory Genes (Journal Version). 1988
Ca(2+)/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase Enriched in Cerebellar Granule Cells: Identification of a Novel Neuronal Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase. 1989
Catabolism of Aromatic Biogenic Amines by 'Pseudomonas aeruginosa' PA01 via meta Cleavage of Homoprotocatechuic Acid (Journal Version). 1988
Characterization and Nucleotide Sequence Determination of a Repeat Element Isolated from a 2,4,5-T Degrading Strain of 'Pseudomonas cepacia'. 1989
Characterization of 'Pseudomonas putida' Mutants Unable to Catabolize Benzoate: Cloning and Characterization of 'Pseudomonas' Genes Involved in Benzoate Catabolism and Isolation of a Chromosomal DNA Fragment Able to Substitute for xylS in Activation of the TOL Lower-Pathway Promoter. 1992
Cloning and Characterization of a Chromosomal DNA Region Required for Growth on 2,4,5-T by 'Pseudomonas cepacia' AC1100. 1991
Cloning and Characterization of tfdS, the Repressor-Activator Gene of tfdB, from the 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid Catabolic Plasmid pJP4. 1990
Cloning and Characterization of the 'cl' Repressor of 'Pseudomonas aeruginosa' Bacteriophage D3: a Functional Analog of Phage Lambda 'c'I Protein. 1987
Cloning and Expression in 'Escherichia coli' of Pseudomonas Strain LB400 Genes Encoding Polychlorinated Biphenyl Degradation. 1989
Cloning and Expression of a Lignin Peroxidase Gene from 'Streptomyces viridosporus' in 'Streptomyces lividans'. 1990
Cloning and Expression of the catA and catBC Gene Clusters from 'Pseudomonas aeruginosa' PAO. 1988
Cloning, Expression, and Regulation of the 'Pseudomonas cepacia' Protocatechuate 3,4-Dioxygenase Genes. 1989
Cloning, Physical Mapping and Expression of Chromosomal Genes Specifying Degradation of the Herbicide 2,4,5-T by 'Pseudomonas cepacia' AC1100. 1988
Comparison of the Methyl Reductase Genes and Gene Products. 1991
Constructing Microbial Strains for Degradation of Halogenated Aromatic Hydrocarbons. 1988
Determination of Plasmid DNA Concentration Maintained by Nonculturable 'Escherichia coli' in Marine Microcosms. 1992
DNA cloning : a practical approach / 1985
Fabricated man : the ethics of genetic control / 1970
Frontiers of biotechnology 2002
Gene cloning the mechanics of DNA manipulation / 1984
Gene Structure in Methanogenic Bacteria. 1987
Gene. 1976
Genetic engineering : principles and methods / 1979
Guide to molecular cloning techniques / 1987
GUS protocols : using the GUS gene as a reporter of gene expression / 1992
Hydrogenase-Linked Gene in 'Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum' Strain DeltaH Encodes a Polyferredoxin. 1989
Innovations in biotechnology proceedings of a poster symposium, Delft, The Netherlands, November 22, 1983 / 1984
Isolation of a Cytochrome P-450 Structural Gene from 'Saccharomyces cerevisiae'. 1986
Methods for cloning and analysis of eukaryotic genes / 1990
Molecular cloning : a laboratory manual / 1989
Molecular cloning : a laboratory manual / 2001
Molecular cloning : a laboratory manual / 2012
Molecular cloning : a laboratory manual / 1982
Molecular Cloning, Characterization, and Regulation of a 'Pseudomanas pickettii' PKO1 Gene Encoding Phenol Hydroxylase and Expression of the Gene in 'Pseudomonas aeruginosa' PAO1c. 1990
Molecular Phylogenetic Explorations of Natural Microbial Community Composition and Diversity. 1994
Nuclear transfer protocols : cell reprogramming and transgenesis / 2006
PCR cloning protocols / 2002
PCR Primers Specific for Detection of a Rat Repetitive Sequence. 1992
Phylogenetic Analysis of a Bacterial Aerobic Degrader of Azo Dyes. 1993
Potent biology : stem cells, cloning, and regeneration / 2007
Practical guide to molecular cloning 1984
Practical guide to molecular cloning 1988
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