Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Ammonia)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Contribution of Ammonia, Metals and Nonpolar Organic Compounds to the Toxicity of Sediment Interstitial Water from an Illinois River Tributary. 1991
Contribution of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen Deposition to Mid-Atlantic Coastal Waters. Precipitation Concentration, Isotopic Composition and Wet Flux. 1998
Control and pollution prevention options for ammonia emissions / 1995
Control and pollution prevention options for ammonia emissions. 1995
Control of Nitrogen in Wastewater Treatment. 1971
Control of odors from anaerobic lagoons treating food processing waste-waters / 1978
Control Techniques for Carbon Monoxide Emissions from Stationary Sources. 1970
Control techniques for sulfur oxide emissions from stationary sources / 1981
Conventional tertiary treatment / 1976
Conversion of ammonia plants to methanol production / 1982
Conversion of cattle feedlot manure to ethylene and ammonia synthesis gas / 1978
Conversion of cattle feedlot wastes to ammonia synthesis gas / 1974
Cost and performance estimates for tertiary wastewater treating processes / 1969
Cost of selective catalytic reduction (SCR) application for NOx control on coal-fired boilers / 2001
CWM PO*WW*ER [TM] evaporation-catalytic oxidation technology : Applications analysis report. 1993
Degradation of the Peritrophic Membrane of Fresh-Water Zooplankton Fecal Pellets. 1983
Demonstration of a leachate treatment plant : interim report. 1977
Design criteria for swine waste treatment systems / 1976
Design of Ammonia Stripping Towers for Wastewater Treatment. 1970
Design optimization of the chlorination process / 1980
Detailed Cost Breakdown for Selected Sulfur Oxide Control Processes. 1972
Determination of a range of concern for mobile source emissions of ammonia / 1981
Determination of Harmful Quantities and Rates of Penalty for Hazardous Substances. Volume IV. Comparative Analysis. 1975
Development and applications of a high-throughput activity assay, using the ammonia-oxidizing bacteria Nitrosomonas europaea / 2014
Development and Demonstration of Nutrient Removal from Animal Wastes. 1973
Development and Evaluation of Test Methods for Benthic Invertebrates and Sediments: Effects of Flow Rate and Feeding on Water Quality and Exposure Conditions. 1993
Development and selection of ammonia emission factors : final report / 1994
Development and selection of ammonia emission factors : project summary / 1994
Development and selection of ammonia emission factors for the 1985 NAPAP emissions inventory / 1990
Development and Selection of Ammonia Emission Factors for the 1985 NAPAP Emissions Inventory. 1990
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the basic fertilizer chemicals segment of the fertilizer manufacturing point source category / 1974
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the basic fertilizer chemicals segment of the fertilizer manufacturing point source category. 1974
Development of a gas laser system to measure trace gases by long path absorption techniques : Volume I - Gas laser system modifications for ozone monitoring. Final report / 1974
Development of a Mathematical Water Quality Model for Grays Harbor and the Chehalis River, Washington. 1974
Development of a mobile treatment system for handling spilled hazardous materials / 1976
Development of a Pilot Plant to Demonstrate Removal of Carbonaceous, Nitrogenous and Phosphorus Materials From Anaerobic Digester Supernatant and Related Process Streams. 1970
Development of improved ammonia fate models for the state of Iowa 1983
Development of the aqueous processes for removing NO[subscript x] from flue gases, 1972
Development of the mesopuff II dispersion model / 1984
Development of water quality criteria for ammonia and total residual chlorine for the protection of aquatic life in two Johnson County, Kansas streams : project completion report / 1979
Differential Foliar Sensitivity of Soybean Cultivars to Ozone Associated with Differential Enzyme Activities. 1975
Digital Computer Programs for the Cost Engineer. 1971
Dissolved Free Amino Acids, Combined Amino Acids, and DNA as Sources of Carbon and Nitrogen to Marine Bacteria. 1993
DOAS Urban Pollution Measurements. 1991
Draft 2009 update aquatic life ambient water quality criteria for ammonia - freshwater [electronic resource]. 2009
Draft 2009 update of aquatic life ambient water quality criteria for ammonia / 2009
Drinking water health advisory for ammonia / 1991
Dynamics of the Nitrogen Cycle in Lakes. 1970
Economic Analysis of the Phosphate Subcategory of the Fertilizer Manufacturing Industry: Louisiana Phosphoric Acid Plants, July 1986. 1986
Economic Impact Analysis of a Trihalomethane Regulation for Drinking Water. MCL of THM at 0.10 Milligrams/Liter for Large Water Systems. 1977
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