Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Ammonia)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Assessment of atmospheric emissions from petroleum refining / 1980
Assessment of catalysts for control of NOx from stationary power plants, phase 1 / 1975
Assessment of industrial hazardous waste practices : inorganic chemicals industry / 1975
Assessment of surface runoff from iron and steel mills / 1979
Atmospheric measurements of trace pollutants : long path Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy / 1981
AWWA standard for anhydrous ammonia 2005
Baseline Loadings of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Sediments from Illinois Watersheds. 1999
Behavioral Evaluation of the Irritating Properties of Ozone. 1985
Bench-Scale Evaluation of Ammonia Removal from Wastewater by Steam Stripping. 1991
Bench-scale studies to identify process parameters controlling reburning with pulverized coal / 1990
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for K060 : final. 1990
Biological Fixation and Transformation of Nitrogen in Small Impoundments. 1970
Biological removal of carbon and nitrogen compounds from coke plant wastes / 1973
Breakpoint chlorination/activated carbon treatment : effect on volatile halogenated organics / 1978
Bromine chloride : an alternative to chlorine for fouling control in condenser cooling systems / 1977
Carbon dioxide laser system to measure gaseous pollutants 1977
Carbon dioxide laser system to measure gaseous pollutants / 1977
Case-Control Study of Bladder Cancer in Massachusetts Among Populations Receiving Chlorinated and Chloraminated Drinking Water. 1989
Catalytic Control of NO(X) Emissions from Mobile Sources. 1971
Catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides with ammonia : utility pilot plant operation / 1976
Characterization and treatment of aqueous wastes and residue from petroleum refineries / 1983
Characterization of emissions from advanced automotive power plant concepts / 1984
Characterization of exhaust emissions from operation of a light-duty gasoline vehicle on alternative-source gasoline fuels / 1983
Characterization of Particulates and Other Non-Regulated Emissions from Mobile Sources and the Effects of Exhaust Emissions Control Devices on These Emissions. 1973
Characterization of the Reaction between Monochloramine and Isolated Aquatic Fulvic Acid. 1985
Chemical analyses for water pollutants : training manual / 1976
Chemical Analyses for Water Quality. Training Manual. 1973
Chemical and biological studies related to the water quality of St. Louis Bay of Lake Superior / 1984
Chemical emergency preparedness and prevention advisory : ammonia. 1991
Chemical import data may help EPA identify facilities that need to file or update risk management plans / 2014
Chemical import data may help EPA identify facilities that need to file or update risk management plans / 2014
Chemistry laboratory manual for bottom sediments and elutriate testing. 1979
Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model Application and Calculation of Nutrient and Sediment Loadings. Appendix D: Phase 4. Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model. Precipitation and Meteorological Data Development and Atmospheric Nutrient Deposition. 1997
Chloride and Nitrogen Concentrations Along the West Shore of Lake Erie. 1976
Chlorine Utilization during Trihalomethane Formation in the Presence of Ammonia and Bromide. 1984
Chronic Toxicity of Ammonia of Rainbow Trout. 1984
Chronic Toxicity of Ammonia to Rainbow Trout. 1984
Clean Air Interstate Rule Emissions Inventory Technical Support Document. 2005
Climatic Effects of 1950-2050 Changes in US Anthropogenic Aerosols. 2012
Combined Effects of Chlorine and Ammonia on Litter Breakdown in Outdoor Experimental Streams. 1989
Comparison of Aerosol Acidity in Urban and Semi-Rural Environments. 1992
Comparison of Effluent Toxicity Results Using 'Ceriodaphnia dubia' Cultured on Several Diets. 1993
Comparison of Measurements of Atmospheric Ammonia by Filter Packs, Transition-Flow Reactors, Simple and Annular Denuders and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. 1990
Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Third Edition (Including Supplements 1-7). Supplement 9. 1979
Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Third Edition. Supplement No. 9. 1979
Compilation of methodology for measuring pollution parameters of landfill leachate / 1975
Composition of Size-Fractionated Aerosol in Charleston, West Virginia. 1979
Conditioning of fly ash with sulfur trioxide and ammonia. 1975
Conditions for Keeping Laboratory Animals in 100-Liter Inoculation Cages during Long-Term Chronic Experiments (Uslovia Soderzhaniya Laboratornykh Zhivotnykh v 100-Litrovykh Zatravochnykh Kamerakh pri Dlitelnom Khronicheskom Eksperimente). 1972
Connecticut River Basin Program. Part III, Phase I. Water Quality Reconnaissance for the Connecticut River Supplemental Study. 1975
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