Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Ammonia)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Economic Impact of a Proposed Change in the Ammonia Effluent Standards, R77-6. 1977
Economic impact of existing ammonia nitrogen water quality standard, IPCB chapter 3 rule 203(f) 1981
Effect of a flyash conditioning agent on power plant emissions / 1976
Effect of Fluctuating Exposures on the Acute Toxicity of Ammonia to Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdneri) and Cutthroat Trout (S. clarki). 1981
Effect of pH on the Release of Phosphorus from Potomac River Sediments. 1986
Effect of stripper off-gas burning on NO[subscript]x emissions / 2000
Effect of the Method of Preparing Monochloramine upon Inactivation of MS2 Coliphage, 'Escherichia coli', and 'Klebsiella pneumoniae'. 1991
Effects of Chlorine and Ammonia from Wastewater Treatment Facilities on Biotic Integrity. 1985
Effects of Elevated Ammonia Levels on the Fingernail Clam, 'Musculium transversum', in Outdoor Experimental Streams. 1987
Effects of endogenous ammonia on neutralization of inhaled sulfuric acid aerosols / 1979
Effects of forest fertilization with urea on major biological components of small cascade streams, Oregon / 1979
Effects of Meteorology on Concentrations of Acid Aerosols. 1994
Effects of Nitrogen Source on Crude Oil Biodegradation. 1994
Effects of Nitrogen Sources on P-Limited Growth of 'Anabaena Flos-Aquae'. 1983
Effects of pH and hardness on acute and chronic toxicity of un-ionized ammonia to ceriodaphnia dubia / 1995
Effects of selected inorganic coal-gasification constituents on aquatic life an annotated bibliography / 1983
Effluent Ammonia Variability from Nitrification Facilities. 1984
Effluent monitoring procedures, nutrients : student reference manual / 1976
Effluent Monitoring Procedures: Nutrients. Staff Guide for Conducting the Course. 1977
Emergency Planning And Community Right-To-Know Act Section 313 Guidance For Reporting Aqueous Ammonia 2000
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know section 313 : guidance for reporting aqueous ammonia. 1995
Emission Reduction Using Gaseous Fuels for Vehicular Propulsion. 1971
Emission test report : OMSS field test on carbon injection for mercury control / 1992
Emissions of Vapor-Phase Fluorine and Ammonia from the Columbia Coal-Fired Power Plant. 1985
Enforcement Alert : Anhydrous Ammonia at Refrigeration Facilities Under Scrutiny by U.S. EPA. 2015
Engineering and economic analysis of waste to energy systems / 1978
Engineering Design and Operation Report: Biological Treatment Process for the Removal of Ammonia from a Small Drinking Water System in Iowa: Pilot to Full-Scale. 2014
Environmental assessment of a reciprocating engine retrofitted with selective catalytic reduction / 1986
Environmental Assessment of a Reciprocating Engine Retrofitted with Selective Catalytic Reduction. Volume 2. Data Supplement. 1986
Environmental assessment of NH3 injection for an industrial package boiler / 1986
Environmental Assessment of NH3 Injection for an Industrial Package Boiler. Volume 2. Data Supplement. 1986
Environmental characterization of geokinetics' in-situ oil shale retorting technology / 1981
Environmental characterization of geokinetics' in-situ oil shale retorting technology : field and analytical data appendices / 1981
Environmental considerations of selected energy conserving manufacturing process options. 1976
Environmental Considerations of Selected Energy-Conserving Manufacturing Process Options. Volume XIX. Solid Residues Summary Report. 1979
Environmental Considerations of Selected Energy-Conserving Manufacturing Process Options. Volume XVI. Sulfur Oxides Summary Report. 1979
Environmental Considerations of Selected Energy-Conserving Manufacturing Process Options. Volume XVIII. Particulates Summary Report. 1979
Environmental Control Seminar Proceedings, held at Rotterdam, Warsaw, Bucharest, on May 25-June 4, 1971. 1971
Environmental Impacts of Airport Deicing -- Water Quality. 2010
Environmental requirements and pollution tolerance of trichoptera / 1978
Environmental Technology Verification Report: Removal of Arsenic, Iron, Manganese, and Ammonia in Drinking Water. Nagaoka International Corporation, CHEMILES NCL Series, Water Treatment System. 2014
Equipment Configurations for Use of Ammonia in Supermarket Applications. 1996
Estuarine Ecosystems and High Temperatures. 1972
Eutrophication / 1970
Evaluating ACQ as an Alternative Wood Preservative System. 1994
Evaluation of ammonia 'fixation' components in actual refinery sour waters / 1980
Evaluation of ammonia emissions from swine operations in North Carolina / 1998
Evaluation of dense gas simulation models / 1991
Evaluation of equations for designing ammoniacal scrubbers to remove sulfur oxides from waste gas / 1974
Evaluation of foams for mitigating air pollution from hazardous spills 1982
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