Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Ammonia)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Evaluation of Management Tools in the Occoquan Watershed. 1983
Evaluation of Mathematical Models for the Effects of pH and Temperature on Ammonia Toxicity to Aquatic Organisms. 1985
Evaluation of physical chemical treatment at Rosemount / 1978
Evaluation of pollution control processes : Upper Thompson Sanitation District / 1980
Evaluation of simultaneous SO2/NOX control technology / 1993
Evaluation of SO2 - Control Processes. 1971
Evaluation of watershed quality in the Minnesota River basin / 1994
Evaluation of watershed quality in the Saginaw River Basin / 1996
Examining the Temporal Variability of Ammonia and Nitric Oxide Emissions from Agricultural Processes. 2000
Experience with Chlorine Dioxide at Denver's Reuse Plant. 1986
Experimental evaluation of oxygen and air activated sludge nitrification systems with and without pH control / 1976
Exploratory Work on the Oxidation of Ammonia by Potassium Ferrate (VI). 1973
Exposure Modeling of Acid Aerosols. 1993
Factors affecting NO{subscript}x generation from burning stripper off-gases in power boilers and lime kilns 2002
Fate and effects of pollutants on aquatic organisms and ecosystems : proceedings of USA-USSR Symposium, Athens, Georgia, October 19-21, 1987 / 1988
Fate of Coal Nitrogen during Combustion. 1982
Fate of Nitrogen Oxides in the Atmosphere. 1974
Fate of Nitrogen Oxides in the Atmosphere. Appendices. 1974
Feasibility of primary copper smelter weak sulfur dioxide stream control / 1980
Feasibility of primary copper smelter weak sulfur dioxide stream control / 1980
Federal facilities toxic release and reduction initiatives fact sheet : ammonia. 1998
Field Comparison of Methods for the Measurement of Gaseous and Particulate Contributors to Acidic Dry Deposition. 1990
Field intercomparison with five automatic ammonia monitors / 1993
Field measurement of greenhouse gas emission rates and development of emission factors for wastewater treatment / 1997
Field Study of Nitrification with the Submerged Filter. 1973
Field study on application of laser coincidence absorbtion measurement techniques. 1972
Field study on application of laser coincidence absorption measurement techniques. 1972
Field surveillance and enforcement guide for petrochemical refineries. 1974
Final Response to BDAT Related Comments Document: General BDAT Issues. Volume 1-A-3. 1990
Fish physiology, toxicology, and water quality : proceedings of the fifth international symposium, Hong Kong, November 10-13, 1998 / 2000
Fish physiology, toxicology, and water quality proceedings of the fourth international symposium, Bozeman, Montana USA, September 19-21, 1995 / {microform} : 1997
Flux of Reduced Chemical Constituents (Fe(2+), Mn(2+), NH4(1+) and CH4) and Sediment Oxygen Demand in Lake Erie. 1983
Formation of Aerosols in a Photochemical Fast Flow Reactor. 1975
Fuel gas environmental impact / 1976
Fuel NOx Control by Catalytic Combustion. 1981
Full-scale demonstration of nitrogen removal by breakpoint chlorination / 1978
Gaseous and particulate ammonia and nitric acid concentrations, Columbus, Ohio, area, summer 1980 / 1980
Groundwater and leachate treatability studies at four Superfund sites / 1986
Guidance on the application of refined dispersion models for hazardous/toxic air releases. 1993
Guide for developing a training program for anhydrous ammonia workers. 1978
Guidelines for identification of ammonia refrigeration piping and system components / 2014
Guidelines for mercury measurements from stationary sources : quality assurance handbook, section 3.19 volume 3 {microfiche} / 1992
Guidelines for the pollutional classification of Great Lakes harbor sediments. 1977
Guides for short-term exposures of the public to air pollutants : IV, guide for ammonia / 1972
Halogenated organics study for Allen, Kingston, and Shawnee Steam Plants / 1981
Hazards of ammonia releases at ammonia refrigeration facilities. 1998
Health effects assessment for ammonia. 1987
High rate nutrient removal for combined sewer overflows : bench scale and demonstration scale studies / 1978
Human alteration of the global nitrogen cycle : causes and consequences / 1997
Hydrogen cyanide emissions from a three-way catalyst prototype / 1977
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