Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Organic wastes)

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Select Item Title Year Published
10th Annual Residuals & Biosolids Management Conference : 10 years of progress and a look toward the future : August 18-21, 1996, Denver Marriott Tech Center, Denver, Colorado. 1996
1997-98 Compost/organics reference book. 1997
57 ways to protect your home environment (and yourself) / 1996
A comparative study of oxygen consumed methods / 1950
A laboratory study to investigate gaseous emissions and solids decomposition during composting of municipal solid wastes [electronic resource] / 2003
A plain English guide to the EPA part 503 biosolids rule / 1994
A survey of pathogen survival during municipal solid waste and manure treatment processes / 1980
A survey of pathogen survival during municipal solid waste and manure treatment processes / 1980
Air Emissions from the Incineration of Hazardous Waste. 1990
Air pollutant emissions from burning sugar cane and pineapple residues from Hawaii / 1975
Alternative Drinking Water Treatment Technology Applications from Superfund Sites: Development of a National Register. 1988
An index of refractory organics / 1977
Anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge and organic agricultural wastes 1986
Anaerobic digestion of solid waste and sewage sludge to methane / 1975
Analysis of the NBS sediment by the MRI sludge protocol 1981
Analysis of the NBS sediment by the MRI sludge protocol / 1984
Assessment of organic contaminants in emissions from refuse-derived fuel combustion / 1986
Assessment of organic contaminants in emissions from refuse-derived fuel combustion / 1985
BioCycle guide to the art & science of composting 1991
BioCycle. 1981
BioCycle. 1981
Biodegradation of Organic Substrates Under Arctic and Subarctic Conditions. 1972
Bioflocculation and the accumulation of chemicals by floc-forming organisms / 1975
Biological Removal of Colloidal Matter from Wastewater. 1973
Biological Survey of the Susquehanna River and Its Tributaries Between Cooperstown, New York, and Northumberland, Pennsylvania. 1967
Biological Survey of the Susquehanna River and Its Tributaries Between Danville, Pennsylvania, and Conowingo, Maryland. 1966
Biological treatment of aqueous hazardous wastes / 1987
Biological Treatment of Beef Animal Wastes. 1971
Biological Treatment of Feedlot Runoff. 1973
Biology. A Technical Report Containing Background Data for a Water Pollution Control Program. 1968
Biosolids recycling : beneficial technology for a better environment. 1994
Buffer Capacity in Aquatic Ecosystems. 1974
Characterization of air emissions from the simulated open combustion of fiberglass materials / 1993
Characterization of soil disposal system leachates / 1984
Chemical Responses by Marine Organisms to Stress. Stress in Hard Clams from a Polluted Estuary. 1971
Chesapeake Bay Region Nutrient Management Training Manual. 1997
Closure evaluation for petroleum residue land treatment / 1984
Combined Use of Ion Exchange Resins and Granular Activated Carbon for the Control of Organic Matter and Disinfection By-Products. 1993
Comparison of alternative manure management systems effect on the environment, total energy requirement, nutrient conservation, contribution to corn silage production and economics / 1983
Composting 91, proceedings 1991
Composting of organic wastes : an annotated bibliography / 1958
Composts and composting of organic wastes, January 1983-February 1989 : 223 citations / 1989
Comprehensive summary of sludge disposal recycling history. 1977
Computerized Risk and Bioaccumulation System (Version 1.0). 1991
Control of composting odors. 1995
Conversion of organic solid wastes into yeast : an economic evaluation / 1969
Current Practice in GC-MS Analysis of Organics in Water. 1973
Dairy Waste Management. 1973
Design and construction of demonstration/research wetlands for treatment of dairy farm wastewater. / 1993
Design considerations for a thermal decomposition analytical system / 1980
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