Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Organic wastes)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Designing Fixed-Bed Adsorbers to Remove Mixtures of Organics. 1989
Destruction and Removal of POHCs (Princpal Organic Hazardous Constituents) in Iron Making Blast Furnaces. 1987
Development of a method for the determination of carbon and hydrogen in solid waste / 1970
Development of a system to combine solvent recovery with the recovery of heat from residual organic wastes / 1989
Ecologic Impact of the Interactions Among Microorganisms and Aquatic Contaminants in Lake Erie. Phase III. Parts 5, 6, and 7. 1973
Effect of Background Organic Matter from Surface Waters on the Activated Carbon Adsorption of Specific Organic Compounds. 1990
Effectiveness of packaging waste management systems in selected countries : an EEA pilot study / 2005
Effects of Chronic Chlorine Exposure on Litter Processing in Outdoor Experimental Streams. 1987
Effects of Solar Radiation on Organic Matter Cycling: Formation of Carbon Monoxide and Carbonyl Sulfide (Chapter 11). 1994
Emerging Technology Report: Development of a Photothermal Detoxification Unit. 1995
Energy Alternatives: A Comparative Analysis. 1975
Enrichment of Marsh Habitats with Organic Wastes. 1973
Environmental Distribution and Metabolic Fate of Key Industrial Pollutants and Pesticides in a Model Ecosystem. 1973
Evaluation of Toxicity Test Procedure for Screening Treatability Potential of Waste in Soil. 1987
Feasibility Study on In-Sewer Treatment Methods. 1977
Field verification of liners from sanitary landfills / 1983
Field verification of liners from sanitary landfills. 1983
Field verification of liners from sanitary landfills. {MICROFICHE} 1983
Final report on rate of biodegradation of toxic organic compounds while in contact with organics which are actively composting 1982
Food Waste to Energy: How Six Water Resource Recovery Facilities are Boosting Biogas Production and the Bottom Line. 2014
Food, fuel, and fertilizer from organic wastes 1981
Forced air ventilation for remediation of unsaturated soils contaminated by VOC 1991
Fuel and energy production by bioconversion of waste materials : state-of-the-art / 1976
Full cost of providing garbage collection and disposal, recycling, and yard waste services in Indiana cities & towns during 1992 / 1993
Full-scale demonstration of a sequencing batch reactor for a hazardous waste disposal site final report / 1985
GAC adsorption of a mixture of natural organic matter and VOCs in the presence and absence of molecular oxygen / 1991
Global atlas of wastewater sludge and biosolids use and disposal 1997
Growth responses of chicks fed microbial protein produced from organic wastes / 1976
Handbook of organic waste conversion / 1980
Identification of organic compounds in industrial effluent discharges / 1978
Identification of organic compounds in industrial effluent discharges / 1979
Identification of organic compounds in industrial effluent discharges / 1978
Illinois Water Quality Report, 1986-1987. 1988
Impairment of the Flavor of Fish by Water Pollutants. 1973
In situ physical and biological treatment of volatile organic contamination : a case study through closure / 1990
Innovative biodegradation technologies for treatment of hazardous organic wastes at Superfund sites : request for applications NPIR-003-89. 1989
Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Models No. LF-1 and LF-2. Organics Samplers for Water. 1967
Interferences Mechanisms in Waste Stabilization/Solidification Processes. 1990
Investigation of failure mechanisms and migration of industrial chemicals at Wilsonville, Illinois / 1990
Investigation of Volatile Organic Chemical Contamination in Groundwater Near Rockton, Illinois. 1988
Issues affecting the applicability and success of remedial/removal incineration projects. 1991
Kanawha River Investigation. Report on Benefits to Pollution Abatement from Increased Minimum Flows on the Kanawha through Regulated Releases from Summersville and Sutton Reservoirs. 1956
Laboratory Ozonation of Municipal Wastewaters. 1973
Land treatment field studies. volume 4, Secondary wastewater treatment plant sludge from a synthetic manufacuring plant. / 1983
Land treatment field studies. volume 6, Inorganic pickling liquor waste / 1983
Le compost gestion de la matiere organique / 1987
Long-term effects of slow-rate land application of municipal wastewater : a critical summary. 1981
Macromolecular Transport of Hydrophobic Contaminants in Aqueous Environments. 1988
Maintenance and Stability of Introduced Genotypes in Groundwater Aquifer Material. 1987
Markets for compost. 1993
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