Grantee Research Project Results
2015 Progress Report: Water Innovation Network for Sustainable Small Systems (WINSSS)
EPA Grant Number: R835602Center: Water Innovation Network for Sustainable Small Systems
Center Director: Reckhow, David A.
Title: Water Innovation Network for Sustainable Small Systems (WINSSS)
Investigators: Reckhow, David A. , Lawler, Desmond , Kinney, Kerry A. , Speitel, Gerald E. , Boyer, Treavor H. , Dvorak, Bruce I. , Kirisits, Mary Jo , Butler, Caitlin S. , Ray, Chittaranjan , Park, Chul , Brown, Jess , Tobiason, John , Katz, Lynn , Saleh, Navid , Shenoy, Prashant , Zhang, Qiong , Lai, Rebecca , Wilson, Steven
Current Investigators: Reckhow, David A. , Lawler, Desmond , Kinney, Kerry A. , Speitel, Gerald E. , Katz, Lynn , Kirisits, Mary Jo , Ray, Chittaranjan , Tobiason, John , Boyer, Treavor H. , Zhang, Qiong , Butler, Caitlin S. , Park, Chul , Shenoy, Prashant , Saleh, Navid , Dvorak, Bruce I. , Wilson, Steven , Brown, Jess , Lai, Rebecca
Institution: University of Massachusetts - Amherst , University of Florida , University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign , Carollo Engineers , University of Nebraska at Lincoln , University of South Florida , The University of Texas at Austin
Current Institution: University of Massachusetts - Amherst , The University of Texas at Austin , University of Florida , University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign , University of Nebraska at Lincoln , University of South Florida , Carollo Engineers
EPA Project Officer: Aja, Hayley
Project Period: August 1, 2014 through July 31, 2017 (Extended to July 31, 2019)
Project Period Covered by this Report: July 1, 2014 through June 30,2015
Project Amount: $4,100,000
RFA: National Centers for Innovation in Small Drinking Water Systems (2013) RFA Text | Recipients Lists
Research Category: Drinking Water , Water
Progress Summary:
Research conducted in Year 1 primarily involved extensive literature review and preliminary data collection under the guidance of the respective PIs according to the original research plans. Particular effort was made to build a collaborative and engaging Center through regular meetings of the WINSSS Executive Committee, meetings with individual PIs and the Executive Committee, and biannual Center-wide meetings involving all PIs and students. These efforts are ongoing and have been effective in making WINSSS a national center rather than a collection of research projects. Research collaborations between WINSSS and DeRISK (the other national drinking water center funded by the U.S. EPA) also have been initiated and encouraged.
Future Activities:
Pilot plant testing will start in August 2015. An ion exchange pilot system has been installed at a small drinking water system in Cedar Key, FL. The focus of the pilot plant testing will be on comparing the regeneration efficiency of NaCl with KCl and NaHCO3. It is envisioned that the ion exchange pilot system will be tested at two other locations in collaboration with other WINSSS researchers.
Journal Articles: 19 Displayed | Download in RIS Format
Other center views: | All 48 publications | 19 publications in selected types | All 19 journal articles |
Type | Citation | ||
Almassi S, Li Z, Xu W, Pu C, Zeng T, Chaplin B. Simultaneous Adsorption and Electrochemical Reduction of N-Nitrosodimethylamine Using Carbon-Ti4O7 Composite Reactive Electrochemical Membranes. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2019;53(2):928-937. |
R835602 (Final) |
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Almassi S, Samonte P, Li Z, Xu W, Chaplain B. Mechanistic Investigation of Haloacetic Acid Reduction Using Carbon-Ti4O7 Composite Reactive Electrochemical Membranes. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2020;54(3):1982-1991. |
R835602 (Final) |
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Dasi E, Cunningham J, Talla E, Ergas S. Autotrophic denitrification supported by sphalerite and oyster shells:Chemical and microbiome analysis. BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY 2023;375(128820). |
R835602 (Final) |
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Devi, P., Thakur, A., Lai, R. Y., Saini, S., Jain, R., Kumar, P. Progress in the Materials for Optical Detection of Arsenic in Water.Trends in Analytical Chemistry 2018; 110: 97-115 |
R835602 (2018) |
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Goodwill JE, Jiang Y, Reckhow DA, Gikonyo J, Tobiason JE. Characterization of particles from ferrate preoxidation. Environmental Science & Technology 2015;49(8):4955-4962. |
R835602 (2016) |
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Goodwill JE, Jiang Y, Reckhow DA, Tobiason JE. Laboratory assessment of ferrate for drinking water treatment. Journal: American Water Works Association 2016;108(3):E164-E174. |
R835602 (2015) R835602 (2016) R835172 (Final) |
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Goodwill JE, Mai X, Jiang Y, Reckhow DA, Tobiason JE. Oxidation of manganese(II) with ferrate: stoichiometry, kinetics, products and impact of organic carbon. Chemosphere 2016;159:457-464. |
R835602 (2015) R835602 (2016) R835172 (Final) |
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Jiang Y, Goodwill JE, Tobiason JE, Reckhow DA. Effect of different solutes, natural organic matter, and particulate Fe(III) on ferrate(VI) decomposition in aqueous solutions. Environmental Science & Technology 2015;49(5):2841-2848. |
R835602 (2016) R835172 (Final) |
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Jiang Y, Goodwill JE, Tobiason JE, Reckhow DA. Bromide oxidation by ferrate(VI): the formation of active bromine and bromate. Water Research 2016;96:188-197. |
R835602 (2016) R835172 (Final) |
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Jiang Y, Goodwill JE, Tobiason JE, Reckhow DA. Impacts of ferrate oxidation on natural organic matter and disinfection byproduct precursors. Water Research 2016;96:114-125. |
R835602 (2016) R835172 (Final) |
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Li, F., Yu, Z., Han, X., Lai, R. Y. Electrochemical Aptamer-based Sensors for Food and Water Analysis:A Review Analytica Chimica Acta, 2018. |
R835602 (2018) |
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Lofti HR, Zhad Z, Lai RY. Hexavalent Chromium as an Electrocatalyst in DNA Sensing. Analytical Chemistry 2017;89(24):13342-13348. |
R835602 (2018) |
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Lynn W, Heffron J, Mayer B. Electrocoagulation as a Pretreatment for Electroxidation of E. coli. WATER 2019;11(12). |
R835602 (Final) |
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Plazas-Tuttle J, Das D, Sabaraya I, Saleh N. Harnessing the power of microwaves for inactivating Pseudomonas aeruginosa with nanohybrids. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-NANO 2018;5(1):72-82. |
R835602 (Final) |
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Ringenberg, D., Wilson, S., and Dvorak, B. (2017) “State Barriers to Approval of Drinking Water Technologies for Small Systems,” Journal of the American Water Works Association, 109 (8) E343-E352, August, |
R835602 (2017) R835602 (2018) |
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Ryan D, Maher E, Heffron J, Mayer B, McNamara P. Electrocoagulation-electrooxidation for mitigating trace organic compounds in model drinking water sources. CHEMOSPHERE 2021;273. |
R835602 (Final) |
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Zhang J, Tejada-Martinez AE, Lei H, Zhang Q. Indicators for technological, environmental and economic sustainability of ozone contactors. Water Research 2016;101:606-616. |
R835602 (2015) R835602 (2016) |
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Zhang, J., A. E. Tejada-Martinez, H. Lei, Q. Zhang, 2016. Indicators for technological, environmental and economic sustainability of ozone contactors, Water Research, 101, 606-616. |
R835602 (2017) |
not available |
Jiang Y, Goodwill JE, Tobiason JE, Reckhow DA. Comparison of the effects of ferrate and ozone pre-oxidation on disinfection byproduct formation potentials. Water Research 2019; 156: 110-124. |
R835602 (2018) |
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Supplemental Keywords:
Small public water systems, treatment, technology, carbon, nitrogenous, disinfectant, regulation, barriers, implementation, community water, WINSSSProgress and Final Reports:
Original AbstractThe perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.