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Records 101 to 125 of 490 records from author Darren Lytle

Burkhardt, J., H. Woo, J. Mason, F. Shang, S. Triantafyllidou, M. Schock, D. Lytle, AND R. Murray. Framework for Modeling Lead in Premise Plumbing Systems Using EPANET. JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCES PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Reston, VA, 146(12):04020094, (2020).
Lytle, D., M. Schock, C. Formal, C. Bennett-Stamper, S. Harmon, M. Nadagouda, D. Williams, Mike DeSantis, J. Tully, AND M. Pham. Lead Particles Size Fractionation and Identification in Newark, New Jersey's Drinking Water. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 54(21):13672-13679, (2020).
Lytle, D. Lead Particulate Release. 2020 EPA/ ASDWA Small Systems Drinking Water Conference, CINCINNATI, OH, September 01 - 03, 2020.
Lytle, D. Lead in Drinking Water Chemistry, Sampling and Other Areas of Interest. Presented at College Arts and Sciences Colloquium, Cincinnati, OH, February 14, 2020.
Lytle, D., M. Schock, C. Formal, AND K. Cahalan. Lead in Drinking Water: Research Update, Sampling Tools - Columbus, OH. State of Ohio Governor's Lead Advisory Committee Meeting, Columbus, Ohio, Ohio, March 10, 2020.
Lytle, D., M. Schock, C. Formal, AND K. Cahalan. Lead in Drinking Water: Research Update, Sampling Tools . State of Ohio Governor's Lead Advisory Committee Meeting, NA, Ohio, September 22, 2020.
Stanek, L., J. Xue, C. Lay, E. Helm, T. Speth, D. Lytle, M. Schock, AND V. Zartarian. Modeled Impacts of Drinking Water Pb Reduction Scenarios on Children’s Exposures and Blood Lead Levels. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 54(15):9474-9482, (2020).
Wahman, D., M. Pinelli, M. Schock, AND D. Lytle. Practical Relationships from Theoretical Lead Solubility Modeling. 17th Annual EPA Drinking Water Workshop: Small System Challenges and Solutions, Cincinnati, OH, August 31 - September 03, 2020.
Lytle, D., C. Formal, E. Dore, C. Muhlen, S. Harmon, D. Williams, S. Triantafyllidou, AND M. Pham. Synthesis and characterization of stable lead (II) orthophosphate nanoparticle suspensions. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH, PART A. Marcel Dekker Incorporated, New York, NY, 55(13):1504-1512, (2020).
Lytle, D., M. Tang, A. Francis, A. O'Donnell, AND J. Newton. The Effect of Chloride, Sulfate, and Dissolved Inorganic Carbon on Iron Release from Cast Iron. WATER RESEARCH. Elsevier Science Ltd, New York, NY, 183:116037, (2020).
Lytle, D., D. Williams, C. Muhlen, E. Riddick, AND M. Pham. The Removal of Ammonia, Arsenic, Iron and Manganese by Biological Treatment from a Small Iowa Drinking Water System. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology. Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, Uk, 6(11):3142-3156, (2020).
Mofidi, A., D. Lytle, S. Masters, F. Sidari, AND J. Krause. Consider Common Management and Treatment Approaches to Control Legionella Bacteria. OPFLOW. American Water Works Association, Denver, CO, 45(3):16-19, (2019).
Latham, M., M. Shah, M. Schock, AND D. Lytle. Consumer Tool for Identifying Point of Use (POU) Drinking Water Filters Certified to Reduce Lead. Safe and Sustainable Water Resources BOSC Subcommittee Meeting, Washington, DC, Washington, DC, April 23 - 24, 2019.
Schock, M., S. Triantafyllidou, J. Tully, M. Desantis, AND D. Lytle. Diagnostic Sampling Tools for Lead in Drinking Water. AWWA Annual Conference and Exposition, Denver, Colorado, June 09 - 12, 2019.
Formal, C., D. Lytle, S. Harmon, AND M. Nadagouda. Effect of pH, Dissolved Inorganic Carbon and Orthophosphates on the Nature of Lead Particles and Associated Solubility in Water. AWWA Annual Conference (ACE19), Denver, CO, June 09 - 12, 2019.
James, R., V. Lal, D. Lytle, AND M. Schock. Flush Sampling and Sequential Profile Sampling for Lead Service Line Identification. Presented at 16th Annual EPA Drinking Water Workshop Small Systems Challenges and Solutions, Cincinnati, OH, September 24 - 26, 2019.
Lytle, D., D. Wahman, M. Schock, M. Nadagouda, S. Harmon, K. Webster, AND J. Botkins. Georgeite: A Rare Copper Mineral with Important Drinking Water Implications. Chemical Engineering Journal. Elsevier BV, AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, 355:1-10, (2019).
Lytle, D., J. Fincher, J. Mistry, AND C. Carter. Juvenile Detention Center Drinking Water Lead Source Investigation in Region 6. Region 6 Small Systems Workshop, Dallas,TX, May 21 - 22, 2019.
Lytle, D. Lead in Drinking Water Research. Federal Lead Action Plan: Interagency Lead Research Workshop, Bethesda, MD, December 04 - 05, 2019.
Lytle, D., M. Schock, C. Formal, AND K. Cahalan. Lead in Drinking Water: Research Update, Sampling Tools - Lansing, MI. Michigan Department of Health and Human Service, Lansing, MI, November 20, 2019.
Lytle, D. Managing Naturally Occurring Ammonia in Ground Water Systems. 2019 Small Drinking Water Systems Meeting, Addison,TX, May 21 - 22, 2019.
Ma, X., D. Lytle, AND W. Lee. Microelectrode Investigation on the Corrosion Initiation at Lead−Brass Galvanic Interfaces in Chlorinated Drinking Water. LANGMUIR. American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 35(40):12947-12954, (2019).
Lytle, D. AND S. Triantafyllidou. Monitoring and Operating Internal Building Drinking Water Distribution Systems to Maintain Drinking Water Quality. Region 3 Webinar, Cincinnati, OH, March 05, 2019.
Lytle, D. Other Reasons to Perform Jar Tests. 16th Annual EPA Drinking Water Workshop Small Systems Challenges and Solutions, Cincinnati, OH, September 24 - 26, 2019.