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Select Item Title Year Published
A lake trout rehabilitation guide for Lake Huron / 1998
A selected bibliography on rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri Richardson, with particular reference to studies with aquatic toxicants / 1977
A selected bibliography on the biology of Salmo gairdneri Richardson (rainbow, steelhead, kamloops trout), with particular reference to studies with aquatic toxicants / 1981
A study of migratory lake run trout in the Brule River, Wisconsin : Part II, Rainbow trout / 1970
A study of migratory lake-run trout in the Brule River, Wisconsin : Part I, brown trout / 1967
Absorption Dynamics of Organic Chemical Transport across Trout Gills as Related to Octanol-Water Partition Coefficient. 1985
Accumulation of mercury by fish of the Little Piney River and Mill Creek : completion report / 1976
Accumulation of PCBs by lake trout in Lake Michigan / 1978
Accumulation of tritium in various species of fish reared in tritiated water. / 1974
Acquisition and culture of research fish : rainbow trout, fathead minnows, channel catfish, and bluegills / 1975
Acute 48-Hour Dahnid (Daphnia magna), 72-hour algal (Pseudokirchneriel lasubcapitata)and a 96-hour Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Rangefinding Studies Conducted with the Test Result. 2007
Acute and chronic effects of water quality criteria based metal mixtures on three aquatic species 1985
Acute and Chronic Effects of Water Quality Criteria-Based Metal Mixtures on Three Aquatic Species (Journal Version). 1986
Acute and chronic toxicity of chlordane to fish and invertebrates / 1977
Acute and chronic toxicity of HCN to fish and invertebrates / 1979
Acute lethality of wastewater disinfection alternatives to juvenile rainbow trout (Salmo Gairdneri) / 1979
Acute Toxicity of Ammonia and Nitrite to Cutthroat Trout Fry. 1981
Acute Toxicity of Ammonia to Rainbow Trout. 1983
Acute Toxicity of Ferrocyanide and Ferricyanide to Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdneri) 1984
Acute Toxicity of Kelthane, Dursban, Disulfoton, Pydrin, and Permethrin to Fathead Minnows 'Pimephales promelas' and Rainbow Trout 'Salmo gairdneri'. 1982
Acute Toxicity of Nitrite to Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdneri): Effects of pH, Nitrite Species, and Anion Species. 1981
Acute toxicity of selected toxicants to six species of fish / 1976
Acute Toxicity of Tetrachloroethylene and Tetrachloroethylene with Dimethylformamide to Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdneri). 1982
Acute Toxicity of Thiocyanate to Trout. 1985
Acute Toxicity Study in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) with a Formulation Containing Substituted Cyclopropanecarboxylate Family: Pyrethroide. 2008
Acute Toxicity Study in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) with Substituted Nitrogen Containing Heterocycle. 2007
Acutely Lethal Levels of Cadmium, Copper, and Zinc to Adult Male Coho Salmon and Steelhead. 1978
Age and Growth of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) and Sculpin (Cottus SPP.) as it Relates to Eutrophication in the Jordan and Asuable Rivers. 1971
Age Dependent Model of PCB in a Lake Michigan Food Chain. 1984
Albion River Total Maximum Daily Load for Sediment. 2001
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for hexachlorobenzene : draft. 1988
Ammonia Effects on Microinvertebrates and Fish in Outdoor Experimental Streams. 1987
Ammonia Toxicity to Fishes. Effect of pH on the Toxicity of the Un-ionized Ammonia Species. 1981
An automated monitoring system for fish physiology and toxicology / 1989
An evaluation of the fish population, North Fork of the South Platte River. 1977
An Evaluation of the South Platte River Fish Population between Deckers and South Platte, Colorado 1977
Analysis and GC-MS characterization of toxaphene in fish and water / 1976
Analysis of Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Loading Trends in Lake Michigan. 1983
Analysis of the 1985 national survey of fishing, hunting, and wildlife-associated recreation Trout fishing in the U.S., 1985. 1989
Annual progress report : Chesapeake Bay alosid, blue crab, oyster, bluefish, weakfish/spotted seatrout, American eel, Atlantic croaker/spot, and summer flounder : Chesapeake Bay Program / 1992
Anthracene Bioconcentration in Rainbow Trout during Single-Compound and Complex-Mixture Exposures. 1985
Anthracene bioconcentration in rainbow trout in single-compound and complex chemical mixture exposures / 1982
Application of habitat evaluation models in southern Appalachian trout streams 1985
Aquatic environmental inventory summary : Provo River from Olmstead Power Plant to Deer Creek Dam 1965
Aquatic Insects, with Emphasis on Trichoptera, of a Colorado Stream Affected by Coal Strip-Mine Drainage. 1981
Aquatic Resources Injury Assessment Report, Upper Clark Fork River Basin, Appendices A-G 1993
Assessment of clinical procedures to evaluate liver intoxication in fish / 1979
Atlas of trout histology 1974
Atmospheric transport and deposition of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans / 1991
Avoidance of Copper and Nickel by Rainbow Trout as Monitored by a Computer-Based Data Acquisition System. 1982
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