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Select Item Title Year Published
Great Lakes--Nature's Own Environmental Laboratory. 1985
Growth and Survival of Developing Steelhead Trout ('Salmo gairdneri') continuously or Intermittently Exposed to Copper. 1984
Gualala River Total Maximum Daily Load for Sediment. 2001
Habitat selection and spatial interaction in allopatric and sympatric populations of cutthroat and steelhead trout / 1977
Habitat suitability index model for brook trout in streams of the southern Blue Ridge province : surrogate variables, model evaluation, and suggested improvements / 1993
Habitat suitability index models : cutthroat trout / 1982
Habitat suitability index models : lake trout (exclusive of the Great Lakes) / 1984
Habitat suitability index models and instream flow suitability curves. Brown trout / 1986
Habitat suitability index models brook trout / 1982
Habitat Use of Twenty-Five Common Species of Oregon Freshwater Fishes. 1988
Hazard Evaluation Division standard evaluation procedure : fish early life-stage test / 1986
Heat tolerance in strains of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) / 1974
Hepatic Microsomal N-hydroxylation of Aniline and 4-chloroaniline by Rainbow Trout 'Onchorhyncus mykiss'. 1991
Hepatocarcinogenicity of Benzo(a)Pyrene to Rainbow Trout By Dietary Exposure and Intraperitoneal Injection. 1985
Hepatoma studies in rainbow trout. 1963
Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD): An Early Life-Stage Toxicity Test with the Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). 2001
Histochemical and Cytophotometric Assay of Acid Stress in Freshwater Fish. 1971
Histological Progression of Hepatic Neoplasia in Rainbow Trout ('Salmo gairdneri'). 1984
Histology and DNA cytophotometry of the pancreas in acid exposed brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). 1970
Historical distribution and current status of steelhead/rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in streams of the San Francisco Estuary, California 2005
Homestake Phase II Project, Eagle County, Colorado, Summary of Draft Environmental Impact Statement 1982
Horokiwi stream : a study of a trout population / by K. Radway Allen. 1951
Identification of the sources and amount of lake trout egg and fry mortality on a reef in Lake Ontario 1989
Illustrated field guide for the classification of sea lamprey attack marks on Great Lakes lake trout / 1979
Impact analysis of a flow augmentation program on the brown trout fishery of the Arkansas River, Colorado / 1994
Impact of surface water acidification on commercially and recreationally important salmonid fishes : effects on reproductive success and recruitment / 1984
Impact of urbanization on the hydrology of Pocono Creek Watershed a model study / [electronic resource] : 2006
Impairment of the Flavor of Fish by Water Pollutants. 1973
Implications to the aquatic environment of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons liberated from Northern Great Plains coal / 1979
Improvement of trout streams in Wisconsin by augmenting low flows with ground water / 1973
Influence of Cytochrome P450 Mixed-Function Oxidase Induction on the Acute Toxicity to Rainbow Trout 'Salmo gairdner' of Primary Aromatic Amines. 1990
Influence of pH, Dissolved Oxygen, Suspended Solids or Dissolved Solids Upon Ventilatory and Cough Frequencies in the Bluegill 'Lepomis macrochirus' and Brook Trout 'Salvelinus fontinalis'. 1984
Influence of Thermal Challenge on Conditioned Feeding Forays of Juvenile Rainbow Trout. 1980
Influence of turbidity on fish abundance in western Lake Superior / 1978
Initial Submission: Draft Summary Report Acute Toxicity to Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) under Static Conditions with (Confidential Information), with Cover Letter dated 11/01/99 (Sanitized). 1999
Initial Submission: Letter from BASF Corp to USEPA Re Preliminary Results of Sublethal Toxic Effects on Rainbow Trout in a Flow-through System w/(Confidential), w/Attachments & Dated 4/12/1999 (Sanitized). 1999
Initial Submission: Letter from High Point Chemical to USEPA Reporting Preliminary Results in 96 Hour Toxicity Screen in Rainbow Trout of Bis(N-Octyl) Phthalate, Dated 11/24/1998. 1998
Initial Submission: Letter to USEPA re: Definitive Results in Daphnia Acute Study and Acute Toxicity Range-Finding Study in Rainbow Trout with XC 2732 (Confidential Information), dated 11/12/99 (Sanitized). 1999
Initial Submission: Summary from Draft Report, BAS 505 F (Confidential) - Early Life-Stage Toxicity Test on the Rainbow Trout, with Cover Letter Dated 12/14/1998 (Sanitized). 1998
Inventory and Evaluation of the Game and Fish Resources of the Upper Green River in Relation to Current and Proposed Water Development Programs. 1972
Investigation of Spinal Deformity of Trout (Salmo sp.) in the Brule River, Wisconsin. 1983
Laboratory effects of lead on brook trout. 1970
Laboratory evaluation of irrigation intake pipe end cap concepts to reduce juvenile salmonid entrainment / 2012
Laboratory study of the effects of sediments of two different size characteristics on survival of rainbow trout (Salmo Gairdneri) embryos to fry emergence 1984
Lake Huron Bibliography with Limited Summaries. 1981
Lake trout spawning habitat in the Six Fathom Bank, Yankee Reef Lake Trout Sanctuary, Lake Huron 1990
Lake trout studies in the AYK region, 1995 / 1996
Landowner Stream Rating 1991
Liming and fisheries management guidelines for acidified lakes in the Adirondack region / 1989
Limnology of Michigan's nearshore waters of Lakes Superior and Huron / 1980
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