Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Avoidance Responses of Salmon and Trout to Air-Supersaturated Water. 1980
Baseline Concentrations of Polychlorinated Biphenyls and DDT in Lake Michigan Fish, 1971. 1975
Baseline Concentrations of Polychlorinated Biphenyls and DDT in Lake Michigan Fish, 1971. 1975
Behavioral reactions of a juvenile rainbow trout, salmo gairdneri, to a heated thermal plume / 1975
Better trout habitat : a guide to stream restoration and management / 1991
Big River Total Maximum Daily Load for Sediment. 2001
Biological Opinion. Arlington Wastewater Treatment Plan Snohomish County, Washington. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Reference: 13410-2009-F-0175. Endangered Species Act - Section 7 Consultation. 2009
Biological Productivity of the Coeur D 'Alene River as Related to Water Quality. 1970
Biological test method. Acute lethality test using rainbow trout. 1990
Biological test method. Reference method for determining acute lethality of effluents to rainbow trout / 1990
Biological test method. Toxicity tests using early life stages of salmonid fish (rainbow trout) / 1998
Biological test method. Toxicity tests using early life stages of salmonid fish (rainbow trout, coho salmon, or Atlantic salmon) / 1992
Boreal shield watersheds : lake trout ecosystems in a changing environment / 2004
Bromacil and Diuron Herbicides: Toxicity, Uptake, and Elimination in Freshwater Fish. 1987
Brook trout of Great Smokey Mountains National Park 1967
Brown trout population and habitat changes associated with increased minimum low flows in Douglas Creek, Wyoming / 1990
Bull trout life history, genetics, habitat needs, and limiting factors in central and northeast Oregon : ... annual report / 1995
Bull trout population assessment in the Columbia River Gorge 2001
Bull trout Salvelinus confluentus population and habitat surveys in the McKenzie and Middle Fork Willamette Basins, 1999 / 2000
Capture Locations of Rare Fish in the Upper Colorado River System. 1978
Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Hepatotoxic Response in Rainbow Trout, Salmo gairdneri, as Influenced by Two Commercial Fish Diets. 1980
Carcinogenicity of Benzo(a)pyrene in Rainbow Trout Resulting from Embryo Microinjection. 1988
Causal analysis of biological impairment in Long Creek : a sandy-bottomed stream in coastal southern Maine. 2007
Cells, Proteins, and Certain Physical-Chemical Properties of Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) Blood. 1977
Chemical toxicities and thermal synergisms in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) 1975
Chesapeake Bay Alosid, Blue Crab, Bluefish, and Weakfish/Spotted Seatrout Fishery Management Plans. 1991
Chronic Toxicity of Ammonia of Rainbow Trout. 1984
Chronic Toxicity of Ammonia to Rainbow Trout. 1984
Chronic Toxicity of Pydraul 50E to Lake Trout. 1993
Colorado Fisheries Research Review 1978-1980 1981
Columbia River Thermal Effects Study. Volume I. Biological Effects Studies. 1971
Columbia River Thermal Effects Study. Volume I. Biological Effects Studies. 1971
Comparative Food Habits and Habitat Selection of Mountain Whitefish and Rainbow Trout in the Kootenai River, Montana 1985
Comparative Toxicity of Polyelectrolytes to Selected Aquatic Animals. 1976
Comparative toxicity of selected chemicals to rainbow trout and endangered salmonids 1992
Comparative Toxicity of Ten Organic Chemicals to Ten Common Aquatic Species. 1985
Comparison of Continuous and Episodic Exposure to Acidic, Aluminum-Contaminated Waters of Brook Trout ('Salvelinus fontinalis'). 1986
Comparison of Effluent Toxicity Results Using 'Ceriodaphnia dubia' Cultured on Several Diets. 1993
Comparison of Robust Bayes and Classical Estimators for Regional Lake Models of Fish Response to Acidification. 1988
Comparison of sedimentation, aquatic vegetation, benthic invertebrates, and wild brook and brown trout twenty years after dredging in Wisconsin spring ponds / 1995
Compendium of 45 trout stream habitat development evaluations in Wisconsin during 1953-1985 1988
Computer Simulation of Trophic Level Interrelationships in Cayuga Lake. 1973
Conservation assessment for inland cutthroat trout : distribution, status, and habitat management implications / 1996
Contaminant Trends in Lake Trout ('Salvelinus namaycush') of the Upper Great Lakes. 1985
Contaminant trends in lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) of the upper Great Lakes / 1985
Contingent Valuation of Montana Trout Fishing by River and Angler Subgroup, Angler Preference Study Final Economics Report 1988
Copper avoidance and mortality of juvenile brown trout (salmo trutta) in tests with copper-sulfate-treated water from West Branch Reservoir, Putnam County, New York 2001
CT-756-02: Acute Toxicity to Rainbow Trout (Oncorrhyncus mykiss) under Static Test Conditions. 2004
CT-756-02: Acute Toxicity to Rainbow Trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Under Static Test Conditions. 2002
Demographic and habitat requirements for conservation of bull trout 1993
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