Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Investigation of HCB (Hexachlorobenzene) as a Metabolite from Female Rats Treated Daily for Six Days with Lindane. 1985
Irrigation of Citrus with Citrus Processing Waste Water. 1974
Isolation and Determination of Diphenyl Chloride from Animal Tissue and Its Distribution in White Rats (Enka Jifueniru no Dobutsu Soshiki Kara no Chushutsu Teiryoho Narabi ni Shiroezumi ni Okeru Tainai Bunpu). 1970
Isolation and Identification of Polychlorinated Styrenes in Great Lakes Fish. 1976
Isotopic Study of the Inhalation Toxicology of Oxidants. 1985
Isozyme Profiles of Lactic Dehydrogenase and Creatine Phosphokinase in Neonatal Mouse Hearts. 1978
Karyological Study of the Calanoid Copepod 'Eurytemora affinis'. 1984
Kepone (Trademark) Bioconcentration, Accumulation, Loss, and Transfer through Estuarine Food Chains. 1977
Kinetics of Ingested (222)Rn in Humans Determined from Measurements with (133)Xe. 1987
Laboratory methods for soil and foliar analysis in long-term environmental monitoring programs / 1995
Laboratory Methods for Ten Hepatic Toxification/Detoxification Parameters. 1983
Levels of chemical contaminants in nonoccupationally exposed U.S. residents / 1980
Levels of chemical contaminants in nonoccupationally exposed U.S. residents [microform] / 1980
Levels of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Adipose Tissue of the General Population of the Nation. 1972
Literature review summary of analytical methods for adipose tissue and blood 1981
Liver and Pancreatic Diseases Management [electronic resource] / 2006
Long-Term Accumulation of Hexachlorobenzene in Adipose Tissue of Parent and Filial Rats. 1983
Long-Term Effects of Lead Exposure on Three Generations of Brook Trout ('Salvelinus fontinalis'). 1976
Long-Term Effects of Methylmercuric Chloride on Three Generations of Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis): Toxicity, Accumulation, Distribution, and Elimination. 1976
Long-Term Effects of Zinc Exposures on Brook Trout ('Salvelinus fontinalis'). 1979
Long-Term Toxic Effects of DDT Food and Water Exposure on Fathead Minnows 'Pimephales promelas'. 1977
Macro and Micro Approaches to the Determination of Pesticide Residues in Human and Animal Tissues. 1976
Malathion Exposures During Lice Treatment: Use of Exposure Related Dose Estimating Model (ERDEM) and Factors Relating to the Evaluation of Risk. 2007
Manual of analytical quality control for pesticides and related compounds in human and environmental samples : a compendium of systematic procedures designed to assist in the prevention and control of analytical problems / 1979
Manual of analytical quality control for pesticides and related compounds in human and environmental samples : a compendium of systematic procedures designed to assist in the prevention and control of analytical problems / 1976
Mass spectral confirmation of chlorinated and brominated diphenylethers in human adipose tissues : final report / 1990
Maternal - fetal tissue levels of sixteen trace elements in eight communities / 1978
Measurement of Small Mechanical Vibrations of Brain Tissue Exposed to Extremely-Low-Frequency Electric Fields. 1986
Mechanisms of tissue injury with reference to rheumatoid arthritis / 1975
Mercury levels in fish from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (ELS Subregion 2B) in relation to lake acidity / 1991
Mercury maps : a quantitative spatial link between air deposition and fish tissue : peer reviewed final report / 2000
Mercury, lead, arsenic, and cadmium in biological tissue : the need for adequate standard reference materials / 1978
Mercury: Uptake by the Goldfish, Carassius auratus, From Low Concentrations in Water and Its Tissue Distribution. 1973
Metabolism of 1-Nitropyrene by Cultured Rabbit Alveolar Macrophages and Respiratory Tract Tissues. 1986
Metabolism of Benzo(a)pyrene in Monolayer Cultures of Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells from a Series of Donors. 1986
Metal bioaccumulation in fishes and aquatic invertebrates : a literature review / 1978
Metals, Pesticides, and PCBs: Toxicities to Shrimp Singly and in Combination. 1976
Method 1699: Pesticides in Water, Soil, Sediment, Biosolids, and Tissue by HRGC/HRMS. 2007
Methodology for the Determination of Dinitroaniline Herbicides in Tissue and Excreta. 1985
Methylmercury : formation in plant tissues / 1976
Micropathology from Single Oral Doses of Several Aliphatic Chemicals with Cover Letter. 1983
Microwave Energy Absorption in Tissue. 1972
Microwave Irradiation for Rapid Killing and Fixing of Plant Tissue. 1989
Mirex residue levels in human adipose tissue : a statistical evaluation / 1980
Mixer residue levels in human adipose tissue : a statistical evaluation / 1980
Monitoring Food and People for Pesticide Content. 1966
Monitoring human tissues for toxic substances 1991
Monitoring Human Tissues for Toxic Substances. 1991
Monitoring of Olympic National Park beaches to determine fate and effects of spilled bunker C fuel oil : final report / 1990
Movement of Mercury in Rat Submaxillary Slices. 1980
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