Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 501 - 550
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Select Item Title Year Published
The Distribution of cadmium and other metals in human tissues / 1978
The elemental composition of human tissues and body fluids : a compilation of values for adults / 1978
The health and environmental impacts of lead and an assessment of a need for limitations / 1979
The incidence and severity of sediment contamination in surface waters of the United States. Volume 2, Data summaries for areas of probable concern. 1997
The National Environmental Specimen Bank Research Program / 1979
The plant cell. 1989
The Science of Reconstructive Transplantation [electronic resource] / 2015
Thin is in plastic embedding of tissue for light microscopy / 1981
Tin Distribution in Adult Rat Tissues after Exposure to Trimethyltin and Triethyltin. 1984
Tissue Assays and Population Characteristics of Roosevelt Hot Springs' Animals (1977-1978). 1981
Tissue burdens of selected radionuclides in beef cattle on and around the Nevada Test Site / 1976
Tissue Distribution of P32-Labeled Parathion. 1961
Tissue Organ Distribution and Behavioral Effects of Platinum Following Acute and Repeated Exposure of the Mouse to Platinum Sulfate. 1980
Tissue Slices in the Study of Lung Metabolism and Toxicology. 1984
Tissues of the body, 1971
TMDLS for Segments Listed for Mercury in Fish Tissue for Selected Arkansas Watersheds. 2002
Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Documentation for Chlordane in Back River. 1999
Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Documentation for Chlordane in Baltimore Harbor. 2001
Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Documentation for Chlordane in Lake Roland. 2001
Total Maximum Daily Loads of Phosphorus and Sediments for Loch Raven Reservoir and Total Maximum Daily Loads of Phosphorus for Prettyboy Reservoir, Baltimore, Carroll, and Harford Counties, Maryland. Final Report. 2006
Toxic contaminant characterization of aquatic organisms in Galveston Bay a pilot study / 1992
Toxic Effects of Cadmium on Three Generations of Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). 1976
Toxic Residues and Pollutants. 1979
Toxicity and Estimated Water Quality Criteria Values in Mallard Ducklings Exposed to Pentachlorophenol. 1994
Toxicity of Chlorine to Juvenile Spot, Leiostomus Xanthurus. 1977
Toxicity of Paraquat to Rats and Its Effect on Rat Lungs. 1969
Toxicological Assessment of Hexachloroniphenyl Isomers and 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzofuran in Chicks. II. Effects on Drug Metabolism and Porphyrin Accumulation. 1975
Toxicological profile for benz[a]anthracene / 1990
Toxicological Study of Diphenyl in Citrus Wraps with Cover Letter. 1983
Trace Metals in Scallops from Within and Around Two Ocean Disposal Sites. 1977
Trace metals monitoring at two ocean disposal sites / 1979
Trace substances and tobacco smoke in interaction with nitrogen oxides : biological effects / 1976
Tracheal Organ Culture as Air Pollution Damage Indicator. 1981
Trans-Nonachlor Residues in Human Adipose Tissue. 1976
Trans-Nonachlor Residues in Human Adipose Tissue. 1976
Transplantation of Composite Tissue Allografts [electronic resource] / 2008
Transplantation of Neural Tissue into the Spinal Cord [electronic resource] / 2006
Transport of Naphthalene in the Oyster 'Ostrea edulis'. 1981
Trip Robert G. Heath on March 23 - 25, 1988 to Midwest Research Institute (MRI), Kansas City, Missouri 1988
Tumor immunity 1962
Two plans (A and B) for allocation of quality control samples for chemical analysis of FY87 composite samples : prepared for Task 1-23 / 1988
Ultrastructural Comparison of Ion Beam and Radiofrequency Plasma Etching Effects on Biological Tissue Sections. 1984
Ultrastructure of Thyroid Gland in Rats Receiving PCBs. 1977
Unusual Polyhalogenated Chemical Residues Identified in Fish Tissue from the Environment. 1981
Uptake and Toxicity of Toxaphene in Several Estuarine Organisms. 1976
Uptake of Cadmium from Phosphate Fertilizers by Peas, Radishes, and Lettuce. 1978
Uptake of Inorganic Lead In vitro by Isolated Mitochondria and Tissue Slices of Rat Renal Cortex. 1985
Uptake of Insecticides by Freshwater Mussels and the Effects of Sublethal Concentrations of Insecticides on These Mussels. 1972
Uptake, Translocation and Release of Phosphorus by 'Elodea densa'. 1984
Use of Molecular Negentropy to Encode Structure Governing Biological Activity. 1980
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