Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 558
Showing: Items 551 - 558
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Tissues)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Use of Perifusion to Evaluate Hormonal Release In vitro from Rat Pituitary and Hypothalamic Tissue. 1992
Using the DNA Alkaline Unwinding Assay to Detect DNA Damage in Laboratory and Environmentally Exposed Cells and Tissues. 1990
UTAB: A Computer Database on Residues of Xenobiotic Organic Chemicals and Heavy Metals in Plants. 1992
Utilization of a Response-Surface Technique in the Study of Plant Responses to Ozone and Sulfur Dioxide Mixtures. 1984
Vapor-Phase 2,3,7,8-TCDD Sorption to Plant Foliage: A Species Comparison. 1994
Variation in Elemental Content of Lettuce Grown Under Base-Line Conditions in Five Controlled-Environment Facilities. 1982
Water Quality Analysis of Copper and Lead for the Jones Falls in Baltimore County and Baltimore City, Maryland. 2004
Water Quality Analysis of Mercury for Broadford Lake in Garrett County, Maryland. 2004
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