Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
'Mysidopsis bahia': An Estuarine Species Suitable for Life-Cycle Toxicity Tests to Determine Effects of a Pollutant. 1977
15N Natural Abundance and (15)N Labelling Studies in Forest Ecosystems. 1994
40 CFR 190 environmental radiation protection requirements for normal operations of activities in the uranium fuel cycle, final environmental statement. 1976
A partial differential equation model of fish population dynamics and its application in impingement impact analysis / 1980
A review and synthesis of effects of alterations to the water temperature regime on freshwater life stages of salmonids, with special reference to chinook salmon / 1999
Advances in marine environmental research : proceedings of a symposium / 1979
Aflatoxin Bl Induced Hepatic Neoplasia in Great Lakes Coho Salmon. 1988
African savannas and the global atmosphere : research agenda : report of a joint IGBP/START/IGAC/GCTE/GAIM/DIS workshop on African savannas, land use and global change : interactions of climate, productivity and emissions, 2-5 June 1993, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe / 1994
Airborne particles / 1977
Algae and element cycling in wetlands / 1995
Algal Nutrient Studies of the Potomac Estuary. 1977
Alterations in Growth, Reproduction, and Energy Metabolism of Estuarine Crustaceans as Indicators of Pollutant Stress. 1994
Alternatives for high-temperature/high-pressure particulate control / 1979
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for dissolved oxygen : (freshwater) / 1986
American-Soviet Symposium on the Biological Effects of Pollution on Marine Organisms (1st). 1978
Analysis of biogeochemical cycling processes in Walker Branch Watershed / 1989
Analysis of Latent Demand for Water-Based Outdoor Recreation Facilities. 1971
Antarctic nutrient cycles and food webs 1985
Apply Pesticides Correctly. A Guide for Commercial Applicators. Food Processing Pest Control. 1976
Aquatic and terrestrial resources of the Kenai River watershed : a synthesis of publications / 1997
Aquatic surface chemistry : chemical processes at the particle-water interface / 1987
Aquatic Toxicology: Ten Years in Review and a Look at the Future. 1988
Assessment of Host Resistance to Infection with Rodent Malaria. 1992
Atmospheric and biospheric interactions of gases and energy in the Pacific Region of the United States, Mexico, and Brazil. 1997
Automotive Gas Turbine Optimum Configuration Study. 1972
Basin-specific characterizations of Chesapeake Bay living resources status / 1994
Baywide Nutrient Cycling (Denitrification) Monitoring Program-In situ loggers : progress report no. 38 (October-December 2011) / 2012
Bearing Investigation. AEC Organic Rankine Cycle Technology Program. 0
Bioaccumulation of Radionuclides on Granitic Outcrops in the Georgia Piedmont. 1966
Biogeochemical processes at the land-sea boundary 1986
Biogeochemistry of estuaries / 2007
Biogeochemistry of Gulf of Mexico estuaries / 1999
Biogeochemistry of Gulf of Mexico estuaries / 1999
Biogeochemistry of trace metals / 1992
Biogeochemistry of wetlands : science and applications / 2008
Biogeochemistry of wetlands science and applications / [electronic resource] : 2008
Biological Assessment of Continuous Exposure to Tritium and Lead in the Rat. 1976
Biological Processes Affecting the Distribution of Pollutants in Marine Sediments. Part I. Accumulation, Trophic Transfer, Biodegradation and Migration. 1980
Biological processes and wastes in the ocean 1987
Biology of Submerged Aquatic Macrophyte Communities in the Lower Chesapeake Bay. Volume 3. Interactions of Resident Consumers in a Temperate Estuarine Seagrass Community: Vaucluse Shores, Virginia. 1983
Biota of Freshwater Ecosystems. Identification Manual No. 6. Aquatic Dryopoid Beetles (Coleoptera) of the United States. 1972
Bromacil and Diuron Herbicides: Toxicity, Uptake, and Elimination in Freshwater Fish. 1987
Cadmium and Zinc Toxicity to 'Jordanella floridae'. 1975
Cadmium and zinc toxicity to Jordanella floridae / 1976
Calorimeter Performance Tests of HFC-245ca and HFC-245fa as CFC-11 Replacements. 1997
Carbon and nutrient fluxes in continental margins : a global synthesis / 2010
Changes in a California estuary : a profile of Elkhorn Slough / 2002
Changes in Nucleic Acids over the Molt Cycle in Relation to Food Availability and Temperature in 'Homarus americanus' Postlarvae. 1992
Changes in the Physiological Performance and Energy Metabolism of an Estuarine Mysid 'Mysidopsis bahia' Exposed in the Laboratory through a Complete Life Cycle to the Defoliant DEF. 1991
Chemical environment 1977
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