Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Advanced insulations for refrigerator/freezers: the potential for new shell designs incorporating polymer barrier construction / 1993
Air pollution aspects of manganese and its compounds. 1969
Alternative control techniques document : surface coating of automotive/transportation and business machine plastic parts / 1994
Analysis of Regional Visibility in the Southwest Using Principal Component and Back Trajectory Techniques. 1985
Analytical Method Comparisons by Estimates of Precision and Lower Detection Limit. 1986
Application of LIMB to pulverized coal boilers - a systems analysis : limestone feed and boiler systems / 1982
AQUATOX / 2000
AQUATOX : a modular fate and effects model for aquatic ecosystems Technical documentation (addendum). 2001
Aquatox for Windows : a modular fate and effects model for aquatic ecosystems. 2000
AQUATOX for windows : a modular fate and effects model for aquatic ecosystems. vol. 3, Model validation reports : addendum. 2001
Association of Personal and Workplace Characteristics with Health, Comfort and Odor: A Survey of 3948 Office Workers in Three Buildings. 1993
Automotive Gas Turbine Economic Analysis. 1972
Automotive Gas Turbine Optimum Configuration Study. 1972
Biological indicator of summational exposures to lead : tooth lead in children living in Cleveland and its suburbs / 1978
Climatological and regional analyses of CASTNet air concentration data / 1998
Combustion modification effects on NOx emissions from gas-, oil-, and coal-fired utility boilers / 1978
Competitive Adsorption of VOCs and BOM: Oxic and Anoxic Environments. 1994
Control of motor vehicle emissions, the U.S. experience 1990
Deoxidation of steel using waste aluminizing dross : a feasibility study / 1972
Determination of Polychlorinated Biphenyl Levels in the Serum of Residents and in the Homogenates of Seafood from the New Bedford, Massachusetts Area: A Comparison of Exposure Sources through Pattern Recognition Techniques. 1994
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines for the electrical and electronic components point source category / 1983
Development document for interim final effluent limitations guidelines and proposed new source performance standards for the forming, finishing, and specialty steel segments of the iron and steel manufacturing point source category. 1976
Development of a Method for the Measurement of the Biological Component of Indoor/Outdoor PM. 2000
Development plan for the causal analysis/diagnosis decision information system (CADDIS). 2004
DNA Adduct Research with Capillary Electrophoresis. 1993
Effect of automotive parts on vehicle and engine emissions, phase II : after-market parts / 1977
Effects of combustion modifications for NOx control on utility boiler efficiency and combustion stability / 1977
Effects of conditioning agents on emissions form coal-fired boilers / 1979
Environmental assessment of a wood-waste-fired industrial watertube boiler / 1987
Environmental Protection Agency : guidelines for the health risk assessment of chemical mixtures. 1986
EPA industrial boiler FGD survey. 1978
Evaluation system for wetlands of Ontario south of the Precambrian Shield 1985
Experimental evaluation of fuel oil additives for reducing emissions and increasing efficiency of boilers / 1977
Facilities evaluation of high efficiency boiler destruction PCB waste / 1981
Feasibility of Using Satellite Derived Data to Infer Surface-Layer Ozone Concentration Patterns. 1994
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 109 (Tires). Semperit Osterrichisch-Amerikanische Gummi Werke Aktiengesellschafe (Austria). 1970
Finding a Common Data Representation and Interchange Approach for Multimedia Models. 2003
Forecasting the composition and weight of household solid wastes using input-output techniques, an executive summary / 1977
Guidelines for burner adjustments of commercial oil-fired boilers : oil-burner adjustment procedures to minimize air pollution and to achieve efficient use of fuel / 1976
Guidelines for health risk assessment of chemical mixtures / 1986
Guidelines for industrial boiler performance improvement : boiler adjustment procedures to minimize air pollution and to achieve efficient use of fuel / 1977
HVAC Systems as Emission Sources Affecting Indoor Air Quality: A Critical Review. 1995
IITRI radio frequency heating technology : innovative technology evaluation report / 1995
IITRI radio frequency heating technology. 1995
Initial Submission: Letter to USEPA Reporting Results of Guinea Pig Maximization Test on (Confidential Information), dated 12/02/99 (Sanitized). 1999
Installation for Analog Signal Processing with Computer Components. 1971
Laboratory and Field Evaluation of Instrumentation for the Semi-Continuous Determination of Particulate Nitrate (and Other Water-Soluble Particulate Components). 2004
Life cycle design of air intake manifolds phase II: lower plenum of the 5.4 L F-250 air intake manifold, including recycling scenarios / [electronic resource] : 2001
Multi- and megavariate data analysis / 2006
Multivariate Assessment of Meteorological Influences on Inhalable Particle Source Impacts. 1985
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