Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 982
Showing: Items 51 - 100
Your Search: (SUBJECT=sediment)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Application of 'Real-Time' Monitoring in Decision Making: The New Bedford Harbor Pilot Dredging Project. 1994
Application of a Hazard Assessment Research Strategy to the Ocean Disposal of a Dredged Material: Exposure Assessment Component. 1984
Application of a Hazard Assessment Research Strategy to the Ocean Disposal of a Dredged Material: Overview. 1989
Application of dye-tracing techniques for determining solute-transport characteristics of ground water in karst terranes / 1988
Application of the ANSWERS model in a nonpoint source program final report / 1986
Application of the Finite-Element Method for Simulation of Surface Water Transport Problems. 1972
Application of the universal soil loss equation to the estimation of nonpoint sources of pollutant loadings to the Great Lakes : a technical report to the International Reference Group on Great Lakes Pollution from Land Use Activities of the International Joint Commission / 1978
Appraisal of stream sedimentation in the Susquehanna River Basin / 1972
Aquatic disposal field investigations, Eatons Neck disposal site, Long Island Sound : appendix A, investigation of the hydraulic regime and the physical characteristics of bottom sedimentation, final report / 1977
Argentum International Conference Proceedings (3rd): Transport, Fate and Effects of Silver in the Environment. Held in Washington, DC. on August 6-9, 1995. 1996
Aspects of flow resistance and sediment transport, Rio Grande near Bernalillo, New Mexico / 1964
Assessing Potential Bioavailability of Metals in Sediments: A Proposed Approach. 1994
Assessing the Biodegradation of Sediment Associated Chemicals. 1985
Assessment and Implementation of In-Stream Value Studies for the Northern Great Plains. 1974
Assessment and remediation of contaminated sediments (ARCS) : 1991 work plan / 1991
Assessment and remediation of contaminated sediments (ARCS) program : bench-scale evaluation of Soil Tech's anaerobic thermal process technology on contaminated sediments from the Buffalo, Saginaw, and Grand Calumet Rivers / 1994
Assessment and remediation of contaminated sediments (ARCS) program : quality assurance program plan / 1993
Assessment and remediation of contaminated sediments (ARCS) work plan / 1990
Assessment of contaminated sediments in slip C Duluth Harbor, Minnesota / 1999
Assessment of Sediment Contamination in Tampa Bay, Florida Using the Sediment Quality Triad Approach. 1996
Assessment of Sediment Toxicity to Marine Benthos. (Chapter 9). 1992
Assessment of Sediments in the Buffalo River Area of Concern. 1995
Assessment of the Ecological Condition of the Delaware and Maryland Coastal Bays. 2009
Assessment of the role of bottomland hardwoods in sediment and erosion control / 1988
Automated Long-Term Remote Monitoring of Sediment-Water Interfacial Flux. 2010
Bacterial distribution and metabolic activity in subsurface sediments from a gasoline spill 1992
Baseline Loadings of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Sediments from Illinois Watersheds. 1999
Bed-load transport measurements on the Chippewa River using the ISSDOTv2 method / 2020
Behavior of DDT, Kepone, and Permethrin in sediment-water systems under different oxidation-reduction and pH conditions / 1981
Behavior of mercury, chromium, and cadmium in aquatic systems / 1977
Benthic boundary layer : transport processes and biogeochemistry / 2001
Best Management Practices for Sediment Control and Water Clarity Enhancement. 2006
Big River Total Maximum Daily Load for Sediment. 2001
Bioaccumulation testing and interpretation for the purpose of sediment quality assessment : status and needs / 2000
Biogenic structure of lower Chesapeake Bay sediments : EPA Chesapeake Bay Program final report / 1982
Biogenic structure of lower Chesapeake Bay sediments : EPA Chesapeake Bay Program final report / 1980
Biogeochemistry of intertidal sediments / 1997
Biological availability of sediment phosphorus inputs to the lower Great Lakes / 1984
Biological remediation of contaminated sediments with special emphasis on the Great Lakes : report of a workshop, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, July 17-19, 1990 / 1991
Biological significance of fluvial processes in the lotic environment / 1978
Biotic and abiotic factors affecting the sorption of toxic compounds to natural sediments / 1983
Calculating sediment discharge from a highway construction site in central Pennsylvania / 1985
Calculation of movable bed friction factors / 1994
California OCS Phase II Monitoring Program final report : special study on sediment transport and bioturbation / 1992
CF Systems organics extraction system, New Bedford, Massachusetts. Volume 1. 1990
Channel mapping river miles 29-62 of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, May 2009 / 2017
Channel morphology of Cottonwood Creek near Cottonwood, California, from 1940 to 1985 / 1988
Chapter 18: Workgroup Summary Report on an Uncertainty Evaluation of Measurement Endpoints Used in Sediment Ecological Risk Assessments. 1996
Characteristics of the Oswego River plume and its influence on the nearshore environment / 1978
Characterization of Mud/Dirt Carryout onto Paved Roads from Construction and Demolition Activities. 1995
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