Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 101 - 150
Your Search: (SUBJECT=sediment)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Characterization of spawning gravel and stream system evaluation / 1980
Characterization of suspended sediments in water from selected watersheds as related to control processes, nutrient contents, and lake eutrophication / 1974
Characterization of the Reducing Properties of Anaerobic Sediment Slurries Using Redox Indicators. 1990
Characterization of the Water Quality of the Lower Mississippi River. 1985
Chemical and sediment movement from agricultural land into Lake Erie : supplement report, project 390X, June 30, 1972 to Sept. 30, 1972 (data for calendar year 1972) / 1973
Chemical Effects of Red Clays on Western Lake Superior. 1979
Chemical Quality of Surface and Sediment Pore Water in Louisiana and Mississippi Estuaries. 1973
Chemicals of Emerging Concern in Water and Bottom Sediment in Great Lakes Areas of Concern, 2010 to 2011: Collection Methods, Analyses Methods, Quality Assurance, and Data. 2012
Chemistry laboratory manual for bottom sediments and elutriate testing. 1979
Chesapeake Bay : research summary. 1980
Chesapeake Bay ambient toxicity assessment workshop report : workshop held 25-27 July 1989, Annapolis, Maryland / 1990
Chesapeake Bay Groundwater Toxics Loading Workshop proceedings / 1993
Chesapeake Bay sediment flux model 1993
Chronic sublethal effects of San Francisco Bay sediments on Nereis (Neanthes) arenaceodentata : effect of storage time on sediment toxicity / 1994
Circulation, sediments, and transfer of material in the estuary : {papers} / 1976
Cleaning up contaminated sediment : a citizen's guide / 1989
Clearing and grading strategies for urban watersheds 1995
Coal remining best management practices guidance manual / 2000
Coastal 2000 Northeast Component: Field Operations Manual. 2000
Coastal and estuarine fine sediment processes / 2001
Coastal and estuarine processes / 2009
Collection of Pyrethroids in Water and Sediment Matrices: Development and Validation of a Standard Operation Procedure. 2009
Collection of undisturbed surface sediments : sampler design and initial evaluation testing / 2005
Combined remote sensing and mathematical modeling of sediment transport and thermal structure in the Great Lakes / 1978
Combined sewer overflow sediment transport model : documentation and evaluation / 1985
Combined sewer overflow sediment transport model : documentation and evaluation / 1985
Compaction and development of preferred orientation in clayey sediments / 1960
Comparative Costs of Erosion and Sediments Control, Construction Activities. 1973
Comparative toxicity testing of selected benthic and epibenthic organisms for the development of sediment quality test protocols 1999
Compendium of ERT surface water and sediment sampling procedures : interim final. 1991
Computation of fluvial-sediment discharge 1972
Concentration and transport data for dissolved inorganic constituents in water collected during seven cruises on the Mississippi River and some of its tributaries, July 1987-June 1990 / 1995
Concentration and transport data for selected dissolved inorganic constituents and dissolved organic carbon in water collected from the Mississippi River and some of its tributaries, July 1991-May 1992 / 1995
Concentrations and mass transport of pesticides and organic contaminants in the Mississippi River and some of its tributaries, 1987-89 and 1991-92 / 1995
Concentrations and transport of pesticides in northwestern Ohio rivers - 1981 1981
Conceptual Ecological Model for Chesapeake Bay. 1978
Contaminant trace element loads at the Susquehanna River fall line during the spring, 1993 high flow event : addendum to the fall line toxics 1992 final report / 1994
Contaminated Marine Sediments: Water Column and Interstitial Toxic Effects. 1993
Contaminated sediments : relevant statutes and EPA program activities / 1990
Contaminated Sediments News: Number 10, December 1993. 1993
Contaminated Sediments News: Number 2, April 1990. 1990
Contribution of Ammonia, Metals and Nonpolar Organic Compounds to the Toxicity of Sediment Interstitial Water from an Illinois River Tributary. 1991
Contribution of sediment and associated elements to the Great Lakes from erosion of the Canadian shoreline : Task D, activity 1 / 1978
Control of Benthic Deposits in Lakes. 1971
Control of sediments resulting from highway construction and land development. / 1971
Controlling sediment and nutrient losses from Pacific Northwest irrigated areas / 1981
Controlling sediment and nutrient losses from Pacific Northwest irrigated areas / 1982
Controlling sediment and nutrient losses from Pacific Northwest irrigated areas {microform} / 1981
Controls on phosphorous mobility in the Potomac River near the Blue Plains Wastewater Treatment Plant 1984
Correlation of littoral transport with wave energy along shores of New York and New Jersey / 1966
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