Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Exposure assessment component of the field verification program : overview and data presentation / 1989
Fact Sheet: Economic Benefits of Wetlands 1995
Factors affecting phosphorus transport at a conventionally-farmed site in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 1992-95 1996
Factors Affecting Stream Transport of Combined Sewer Overflow Sediments. 1985
Factors Controlling the Dynamics of Non-Ionic Synthetic Organic Chemicals in Aquatic Environments. 1973
Fate and transport of sediment-associated contaminants / 1989
Fate and transport of sediment-associated contaminants / 1987
Fate of Commercial Disperse Dyes in Sediments. 1991
Fate of Fenthion in Salt-Marsh Environments: 1. Factors Affecting Biotic and Abiotic Degradation Rates in Water and Sediment. 1989
Fate of selected toxic compounds under controlled redox potential and pH conditions in soil and sediment-water systems / 1984
Fate, Transport and Transformation Test Guidelines: OPPTS 835 Series. 1998
Fate, Transport and Transformation Test Guidelines: OPPTS 835.8100 Field Volatility. 2008
Fate, Transport, and Transformation of Toxics: Significance of Suspended Sediment and Fluid Mud. 1982
Field manual on sediment and erosion control : best management practices for contractors and inspectors. 2002
Field methods for measurement of fluvial sediment 1970
Field methods for measurement of fluvial sediment 1999
Field studies of sediment resuspension characteristics of selected dredges 1989
Field Studies on Sediment-Water Algal Nutrient Interchange Processes and Water Quality of Upper Klamath and Agency Lakes, July 1967-March 1969. 1969
Field study of the effects of storms on the stability and fate of dredged material in subaqueous disposal areas : final report / 1977
Field Testing and Adaptation of a Methodology to Measure 'In-Stream' Values in the Tongue River, Northern Great Plains (NGP) Region - Executive Summary. 1978
Field Testing and Adaptation of a Methodology to Measure 'In-Stream' Values in the Tongue River, Northern Great Plains (NGP) Region. 1978
Field testing pesticide transport models at a cooperative test site near Plains, Georgia / 1991
Field-to-Stream Transport of Agricultural Chemicals and Sediment in an Iowa Watershed. Part 2. Data Base for Model Testing (1979-1980). 1984
Field-to-Stream Transport of Agricultural Chemicals and Sediment in an Iowa Watershed. Part I: Data Base for Model Testing (1976-1978). 1982
Filter fence design aid for sediment control at construction sites 2004
Final data report : sediment sampling and chemical analysis for placement site 104, Queen Annes [sic] County, Maryland / 1998
Final Report Field Testing and Adaptation of a Methodology to Measure "In-Stream" Values in the Tongue River, Northern Great Plains (NGP) Region, Appendix A - K 1977
Final Report Field Testing and Adaptation of aMethodology to Measure "In-Stream" Values in the Tongue River, Northern Great Plains (NGP) Region 1977
Final Report for Summer 2004 Sediment Displacement Study Conducted on the Palos Verdes Shelf. 2005
Final Report of the Chesapeake Bay Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee's Workshop: Understanding 'Lag Times' Affecting the Improvement of Water Quality in the Chesapeake Bay. Held in Annapolis, Maryland on May 19-20, 2004. 2005
Finding cooperative solutions to environmental concerns with the Conowingo Dam to improve the health of the Chesapeake Bay : field hearing before the Subcommittee on Water and Wildlife of the Committee on Environment and Public Works, United States Senate, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, second session, May 5, 2014 -- Conowingo, MD. 2016
Finite element model for sediment transport in estuaries 1978
Fish physiology, toxicology, and water quality : proceedings of the seventh international symposium, Tallinn, Estonia, May 12-15, 2003 / 2004
Fish physiology, toxicology, and water quality : proceedings of the sixth international symposium, La Paz, B.C.S. Mexico, January 22-26, 2001 / 2002
Fish Physiology, Toxicology, and Water Quality. Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium, Chongqing, China, October 12-14, 2004. 2006
Fish Physiology, Toxicology, and Water Quality. Proceedings of the International Symposium (9th). Held in Capri, Italy on April 24-28, 2006. 2007
Flocculation of Fine-Grained Lake Sediments Due to a Uniform Shear Stress. 1987
Florida coastal sediment contaminants atlas : a summary of coastal sediment quality surveys. 1994
Flourescent Tracing of Sediment in Coastal Areas. 1967
Flow and solute-transport models for the New River in the New River Gorge National River, West Virginia / 1992
Flume experiments on sand, silt, and clay mixtures from the offshore dredged material disposal site, Galveston, Texas 1978
Flume Studies of Sediment Transportation in Shallow Flow with Simulated Rainfall. 1966
Flume width and water depth effects in sediment-transport experiments, 1970
Flushing Study of South Beach Marina, Oregon. 1981
Fluvial Geomorphologic Assessment of Upper Arkansas River 1998
Fluvial sediment in Ohio 1978
Fluvial sediment in the Arkansas River Basin, Kansas 1977
Fluvial sediments : a summary of source, transportation, deposition, and measurement of sediment discharge / 1963
Fluvial transport and processing of sediments and nutrients in large agricultural river basins / 1984
Fluvial transport and processing of sediments and nutrients in large agricultural river basins / 1983
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