Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1981 Boca de Quadra monitoring study coastal and marine biology program : Quartz Hill Molybdenum Project / 1982
1990-91 Annual Report State of Utah Department of Natural Resources 1991
50 Pb : early history of the Lead Belt / 1985
A Balanced approach to resource extraction and creative land development associated with open-pit copper mining in Southern Arizona : [a joint project of the College of Architecture and the College of Mines of the University of Arizona / 1974
A baseline assessment of coal industry structure in the Ohio River Basin Energy Study region : appendix, County coal profiles / 1979
A citizen's handbook to address contaminated coal mine drainage. 1997
A dictionary of mining, mineral, and related terms / 1968
A general introduction to data analytics / 2019
A guide for methane mitigation projects : gas-to-energy at coal mines : draft / 1996
A guide for revegetating coal minesoils in the eastern United States / 1981
A guide to the prevention of ground water contamination by uranium mill wastes / 1982
A history of coal mining in North Dakota, 1873-1982 / 1983
A network for monitoring the impact on surface water quality / 1980
A preliminary assessment of potential impacts of uranium mining in Virginia on drinking water sources : executive summary. 2011
A preliminary assessment of the environmental impacts from oil shale developments / 1977
A preliminary model to estimate the strip mine reclamation potential of selected land uses / 1984
A preliminary radiological assessment of radon exhalation from phosphate gypsum piles and inactive uranium mill tailings piles / 1979
A rainfall-based mechanism to regulate the release of water from ranger uranium mine / 1990
A report on mining Narragansett coal / 1977
A study of the cost impact of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) on the disposal of nonhazardous wastes from mining : preliminary draft / 1979
A summary of accidents related to non-nuclear energy. 1977
A systematic investigation of Manitoba's Provincial Laboratory data / 2012
A water use assessment of selected Alaska stream basins affected by placer gold mining / 1986
A watershed assessment primer / 1994
A Western regional energy development study : final report / 1976
Abandoned Mine Lands Site Discovery Process. 2006
Abandoned mine reclamation interior may have approved state shifts to noncoal projects prematurely : report to Congressional requesters / 1991
Abandoned mine site characterization and cleanup handbook / 2000
Abandoned Uranium Mines and the Navajo Nation : Navajo Nation AUM screening assessment report and atlas with geospatial data / 2007
Abandoned Uranium Mines and the Navajo Nation : Navajo Nation AUM screening assessment report and atlas with geospatial data / 2007
Abandoned Uranium Mines on the Navajo Nation : preliminary scoring results for AUM sites on or within 1 mile of the Navajo Nation / 2005
Abandoned-inactive mines program Deerlodge National Forest. Volume II, Cataract Creek Drainage 1995
Abatement of mine drainage pollution by underground precipitation / 1973
Absorption of radium and thorium from Wyoming and Utah uranium mill tailings solutions 1979
Abstracts of selected precious metal mines' permits / 1991
Accepting the challenge : a primer about the history, cause, and solutions to abandoned mine drainage / 2003
Accomplishment Plan, Northern Great Plains Resource Program 1973
Accomplishment Plan. Region VIII. Comprehensive Energy-Environment Program. 1975
Accomplishment Plan. Region VIII. Comprehensive Energy-Environment Program. Appendix. 1975
Accomplishment Plan. Region VIII. Northern Great Plains Resource Program. 1973
Acid mine drainage : a report prepared for the Committee on Public Works, House of Representatives / 1961
Acid Mine Drainage Abatement Measures for Selected Areas within the Susquehanna River Basin. 1968
Acid mine drainage abatement measures for selected areas within the Susquehanna River Basin. 1968
Acid mine drainage and subsidence : effects of increased coal utilization / 1978
Acid mine drainage formation and abatement / 1971
Acid mine drainage formation and abatement. 1971
Acid mine drainage prediction : technical document / 1994
Acid Mine Pollution Effects on Lake Biology. 1971
Acidification in the Black Triangle region : excursion, June 21-June 24, 1995 : ACID REIGN '95? : 5th International Conference on Acidic Deposition, Science and Policy : Geoteborg, Sweden, 26-30 June 1995 : under the patronage of His Majesty Carl XVI Gustaf / 1995
Acidulation of Florida phosphate matrix in a single-tank reactor 1979
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