Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Third Edition, Supplement No. 14 (Including Supplements 1-7). 1983
Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors. Volume 1. Stationary Point and Area Sources. Fourth Edition. Supplement D. 1991
Compilation of Federal, state, and local laws controlling nonpoint pollutants : an analysis of the law affecting agriculture, construction, mining, and silviculture activity / 1975
Completion report: Microbial sulfur cycle activity at a western coal strip mine. 1978
Compliance Evaluation Inspection Report Federal Machine Co., West Fargo, North Dakota. 1990
Comprehensive Energy Accomplishment Plan II, FY-75. Appendix A. 1974
Comprehensive Study of Specified Air Pollution Sources to Assess the Economic Impact of Air Quality Standards Asbestos, Beryllium Mercury. Volume II. 1972
Computer modeling of fluid flow during production and environmental restoration phases of in situ uranium leaching / 1980
Computer processing of multispectral scanner data over coal strip mines / 1979
Concept evaluation report : taconite tailings disposal, Reserve Mining Company, Silver Bay, Minnesota 1971
Concept Evaluation Report. Taconite Tailings Disposal. Reserve Mining Company, Silver Bay, Minnesota. 1971
Conceptual Site Model Technical Memorandum: Ely Copper Mine Superfund Site, Vershire, Vermont. Remedial Investigation, Feasibility Study. 2009
Conference in the Matter of Pollution of the Navigable Waters of Western South Dakota. Held at Rapid City, South Dakota, October 19-21, 1971; Transcript of Proceedings 1971
Consequences of increased coal utilization / 1979
Considerations for Modeling Small-Particulate Impacts from Surface Coal-Mining Operations Based on Wind-Tunnel Simulations. 1993
Considerations related to post-closure monitoring of uranium in-situ leach/in-situ recovery (ISL-ISR) sites : background information document of the revision of 40 CFR part 192; draft technical report / 2014
Considerations related to post-closure monitoring of uranium in-situ leach/in-situ recovery (ISL-ISR) sites : draft technical report / 2011
Continued analysis and derivation of a method to model pit retention / 1986
Control of mine drainage from coal mine mineral wastes. Phase I, Hydrology and related experiments / 1971
Control of mine drainage from coal mine mineral wastes. Phase II, Pollution abatement and monitoring / 1973
Control of Radon and Daughters in Uranium Mines and Calculations on Biologic Effects. 1950
Control techniques for asbestos air pollutants / 1973
Control techniques for mercury emissions from extraction and chlor-alkali plants / 1973
Controlling nonpoint source pollution : a guide. 1987
Convergence measurements for squeeze monitoring instrumentation and results / 1981
Cooperative mine drainage survey Kiskiminetas River Basin 1972
Copper dump leaching and management practices that minimize the potential for environmental releases final report / 1988
Copper, lead, zinc, molybdenum, and associated metal deposits of Wyoming / 1997
Correlation of coal properties with environmental control technology needs for sulfur and trace elements / 1984
Correlation of coal properties with environmental control technology needs for sulfur and trace elements {microform} / 1984
Cosolvents. 1995
Cost assessment for the emplacement of hazardous materials in a salt mine / 1977
Cost for testing coal mine discharges. 1976
Cost for treating coal mine discharges. 1975
Cost of reclamation and mine drainage abatement : Elkins Demonstration Project / 1970
Cost study for new iron ore concentrating facility : Reserve Mining Company / 1973
Cost/Effectiveness Analysis of the Illinois Ozone Episode Regulation (R75-4). 1977
Costs and effects of a water quality program for a small strip mining company : a report / 1971
Costs of strip mine reclamation in the West 1980
Criteria for developing pollution abatement programs for inactive and abandoned mine sites / 1975
Cross-borehole resistivity modeling and model fitting / 1989
Cumulative impacts of placer mining a bibliography of the 3809 EIS project / 1989
Czech-U.S. EPA Health Study: Assessment of Personal and Ambient Air Exposures to PAH and Organic Mutagens in the Teplice District of Northern Bohemia. 1993
Dalton Pass uranium mine : final environmental statement / 1978
Damage cases and environmental releases from mines and mineral processing wastes. 1997
Danage Cases and Environmental Releases from Mines and Mineral Processing Sites. 1998
Data mining : concepts and techniques / 2012
Data mining and knowledge discovery. 1997
Data science handbook : a practical approach / 2022
Debris basins for control of surface mine sedimentation / 1976
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