Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1781
Showing: Items 201 - 250
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Select Item Title Year Published
Case history of a pilot-scale acidic in situ uranium leaching experiment 1982
Case studies in sustainable development in the coal industry 2006
Case studies of submarine tailings disposal North American examples / 1993
Case studies of surface mining; proceedings. 1969
Case study of surface mining and reclamation planning ASARCO open pit copper mine, Casa Grande, Arizona / 1977
Case study of surface mining and reclamation planning International Minerals and Chemical Corporation, phosphate operations, Polk County, Florida / 1977
Catawissa Creek mine drainage abatement project / 1977
CBEP in Henryetta, Ok (Eagle-Picher). 1995
Central Florida Phosphate Industry Areawide Impact Assessment Program. Volume I: Description of Program and Industry. 1978
Central Florida Phosphate Industry Areawide Impact Assessment Program. Volume II: Environmental Permits and Approvals Relating to Phosphate Mining and Fertilizer Manufacturing in Florida. 1978
CERCLA Compliance with Other Laws Manual: Summary and Part 2. CAA, TSCA, and Other Statutes. 1990
CERCLA Imminent Hazard Mining and Mineral Processing Facility. 1997
Characterization and control of asbestos emissions from open sources / 1974
Characterization and Eh/pH-based leaching tests of mercury-containing mining wastes from the Sulfur Bank Mercury Mine, Lake County, California [electronic resource] / 2001
Characterization and utilization of municipal and utility sludges and ashes / 1975
Characterization of mine leachates and the development of a ground-water monitoring strategy for mine sites / 1999
Characterization of mine leachates and the development of a ground-water monitoring strategy for mine sites / 1999
Characterization of PM 10 and TSP air quality around western surface coal mines / 1982
Characterization of vegetation and drainage in strip mined land utilizing remote sensing techniques / 1979
Characterization of Wastewater and Solid Wastes Generated in Selected Ore Mining Subcategories (Sb, Hg, Al, V, W, Ni, Ti). 1981
Chemical Analyses of Water Wells in Selected Strippable Coal and Lignate Areas, Denver Basin, Colorado 1980
Chemical and microbiological investigations of a surface coal mine settling pond / 1979
Chemical and physical characteristics of coal fly ash / 1980
Chemistry and technology of coal = (Khimiya i tekhnologiya uglya) / 1966
Classification of coal surface mine soil material for vegetation management soil water quality / 1979
Cleaner water through conservation. 1995
Cleaning up commingled uranium mill tailings : is Federal assistance necessary? : {introduction} 1979
Climate and air quality : a technical supplement to the West-Central North Dakota regional environmental impact study. 1977
Clinch and Powell valley watershed ecological risk assessment. 2002
Closing Mine Facilities: Policy Analysis and Recommendations, EPA-Region 8. 2000
Coal : a human history / 2003
Coal : research and development to support national energy policy / 2007
Coal age. 1996
Coal age. 1911
Coal and environmental protection : costs and costing methods. 1983
Coal and the environment abstract series : bibliography on mined-land reclamation / 1979
Coal and the Environment Abstract Series. Bibliography on Disposal of Refuse from Coal Mines and Coal Cleaning Plants. 1978
Coal and the Environment Abstract Series. Mine Drainage Bibliography 1910-1976. 1977
Coal and the Environment Abstract Series: Bibliography on Disposal of Mine and Cleaning Plant Refuse. 1981
Coal country : rising up against mountaintop removal mining / 2009
Coal lease tracts in the West - : a concise comparison methodology / 1979
Coal map of Wyoming / 1991
Coal mine drainage prediction and pollution prevention in Pennsylvania / 1998
Coal mine land reclamation research, located at Decker, Montana : progress report, 1971 / 1972
Coal mine land reclamation research, located at Western Energy Company, Colstrip, Montana : progress report, 1971 / 1972
Coal mine methane recovery in Ukraine : inventory of methane emissions from coal mines in Ukraine : 1990-2000 / 2001
Coal mine profits and environmental protection / 1995
Coal Mine Siting for the Ohio River Basin Energy Study. 1981
Coal mine subsidence several states may not meet federal insurance program objectives : report to congressional requesters. 1991
Coal Mine Water Pollution Legal and Regulatory Issues: A Survey. 1978
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