Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 44
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Three dimensional flow)

Select Item Title Year Published
3DFATMIC Three dimensional subsurface flow, fate and transport of microbes and chemicals model user's manual version 1.0 1997
3DFEMWATER/3DLEWASTE : numerical codes for delineating wellhead protection areas in agricultural regions based on the assimilative capacity criterion / 1992
3DFEMWATER/3DLEWASTE : numerical codes for delineating wellhead protection areas in agricultural regions based on the assimilative capacity criterion / 1992
3DHYDROGEOCHEM : a 3-dimensional model of density-dependent subsurface flow and thermal multispecies-multicomponent HYDROGEOCHEMical transport / 1999
A two-mode free-surface numerical model for the three-dimensional time-dependent currents in large lakes / 1980
AT123D: Analytical Transient One-, Two-, and Three-Dimensional Simulation of Waste Transport in the Aquifer System. 1985
Background document--ground water screening procedure. 1986
Comment on 'An Advection-Diffusion Concept for Solute Transport in Heterogeneous Unconsolidated Geological Deposits' by Gillham et al. 1986
Compilation of ground-water models / 1993
Computer code for three-dimensional incompressible flows using nonorthogonal body-fitted coordinate systems 1986
Curvilinear Finite Element Model for Simulating Two-Well Tracer Tests and Transport in Stratified Aquifers. 1986
Deterministic and Stochastic Analyses of Dispersion in an Unbounded Stratified Porous Medium. 1986
Experimental simulation of single and multiple cell cooling tower plumes / 1977
Experimental Study of Warm Water Flow into Impoundments. Part II: Temperature and Velocity Instrumentation and Data Processing for the Three-Dimensional Flow Experiments. 1968
Experimental Study of Warm Water Flow into Impoundments. Part III: Temperature and Velocity Fields Near a Surface Outlet in Three-Dimensional Flow. 1968
Experiments on Wave Breaking in Stratified Flow over Obstacles. 1993
Ground-water model testing : systematic evaluation and testing of code functionality and performance / 1997
Ground-water model testing : systematic evaluation and testing of code functionality and performance. 1997
Indoor air quality modeling phase II report / 1987
Meteorology and air quality modeling in complex terrain : a literature review / 1982
Model for Hysteretic Constitutive Relations Governing Multiphase Flow. 1. Saturation-Pressure Relations. 1987
Moderately Stable Flow Over a Three-Dimensional Hill: A Comparison of Linear Theory with Laboratory Measurements. 1991
Numerical Calculation of Inertial Aspiration Efficiency of Aerosols into Thin-Walled Sampling Inlets. 1993
Numerical Model for Three-Dimensional, Variable-Density Hydrodynamic Flows: Documentation of the Computer Program. 1987
Numerical models of lake currents / 1976
Numerical Simulation of Three-Dimensional Tuft Corona and Electrohydrodynamics. 1986
Obstacle Drag and Upstream Motions in Stratified Flow. 1987
Obstacle Drag in Stratified Flow. 1990
Performance, Analysis and Simulation of a Two-Well Tracer Test at the Mobile Site. 1986
Plume dispersion in the convective boundary layer. Part 1 : CONDORS field experiment and example / 1988
Plume3D three-dimensional plumes in uniform ground water flow / 1985
Results of a joint U.S.A. - U.S.S.R. hydrodynamic and transport modeling project : appendices B, C, and D. 1979
Results of a joint U.S.A./U.S.S.R. hydrodynamic and transport modeling project / 1979
Spatially Varied Open-Channel Flow Equations. 1972
Stratified Flow over Three-Dimensional Ridges. 1983
Three-Dimensional NAPL (Nonaqueous Phase Liquid) Fate and Transport Model. 1999
Three-dimensional plume dynamics in the vadose zone : PORFLO-3 modeling of a defense waste leak at Hanford / 1990
Three-Dimensional Solutions for Solute Transport in an Infinite Medium with Mobile and Immobile Zones. 1986
User's Manual for Three-Dimensional Heated Surface Discharge Computations. 1973
Verification and Transfer of Termal Pollution Model. Volume II: User's Manual for Three-Dimensional Free-Surface Model. 1982
Verification and Transfer of Thermal Pollution Model. Volume I: Verification of Three-Dimensional Free-Surface Model. 1982
Verification and Transfer of Thermal Pollution Model. Volume III: Verification of Three-Dimensional Rigid-Lid Model. 1982
Verification and Transfer of Thermal Pollution Model. Volume IV: User's Manual for Three-Dimensional Rigid-Lid Model. 1982
Verification and Transfer of Thermal Pollution Model. Volume V: Verification of One-Dimensional Numerical Model. 1982

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