Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 10
Showing: Items 1 - 10
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Thorium 230)

Select Item Title Year Published
Airborne Particulate Radioactivity Measurements in Pocatello, Idaho. 1979
Measurement and Instrumentation Techniques for Monitoring Plutonium and Uranium Particulates Released from Nuclear Facilities. 1976
Radiation dose estimates due to air particulate emissions from selected phosphate industry operations [microform] / 1978
Radioactive Emissions from Yellowcake Processing Stacks at Uranium Mills. 1980
Radioactivity associated with geothermal waters in the western United States : basic data / 1976
Superfund record of decision : Austin Avenue Radiation site, Delaware County, PA. 1996
Superfund record of decision : Austin Avenue Radiation site, PA. 1994
Superfund record of decision : Feed Materials Production Center, (USDOE), Operable Unit 4, Fernald, OH. 1996
Test Procedure for Gross Alpha Particle Activity in Drinking Water: Interlaboratory Collaborative Study. 1986
Thorium-230 Dating of Thermal Waters in the Vicinity of the Nevada Test Site. 1989

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