Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Temperature measurement)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1996 annual book of ASTM standards General methods and instrumentation. 1996
A Method of calculating soil temperature under a cover of snow = Metod rascheta temperatury pochvy pod snezhnym pokrovom / 1961
A study of nitrate respiration in the activated sludge process / 1980
Airborne LIDAR Raps studies, February, 1974 / 1976
Airborne Surface Temperature Measurements of the Sea. 1970
Analysis and control of thermal pollution. 1974
Application of holographic methods to the measurement of flames and particulate : volume I / 1974
Atmospheric turbulence properties in the lowest 300 meters / 1975
Best practices for continuous monitoring of temperature and flow in wadeable streams. 2014
Brain Temperature Measurement in Rats: A Comparison of Microwave and Ambient Temperature Exposures. 1986
Carbon Balance of the Continuous Permafrost Zone of Russia. 1993
Chlorine Disinfection of Treated Wastewater in a Baffled Contact Chamber at < 1 degree C. 1973
Climatological investigation of soil temperature 1957
Columbia River Thermal Effects Study. Volume II. Temperature Prediction Studies. 1971
Determination of the Microlevel Temperatures during Lake Cooling, Ice Formation, Ice Melting and the Break-Up of the Ice Cover of a Mountain Lake. 1973
Drift of Benthic Invertebrates in Goldstream Creek, Alaska. 1973
Effect of Environmental Variables on Enteric Virus Survival in Surface Freshwaters. 1987
Effect of Thermal Inputs on the Populations of Fish and Macroinvertebrates in the Wabash River. 1973
Effects of Heated Discharges from Gulf Power on the Temperature Regime and Biota of the Lower Escambia River. 1973
Effects of Logging on Growth of Juvenile Coho Salmon. 1973
Effects of temperature on growth and reproduction of aquatic snails / 1973
Effects of Temperature, Ration, and Size on the Growth of Juvenile Steelhead Trout, Salmo Gairdneri. 1973
Effects of Water Management Practices on the Movement of Largemouth Bass. 1973
Emission adjustments for temperature, humidity, air conditioning, and inspection and maintenance for on-road vehicles in MOVES2014 / 2015
Emissions from and within an Allison J-33 combustor : II : the effect of inlet air temperature / 1973
Entrainment at a once-through cooling system on western Lake Erie / 1978
Estimating stream temperature in the Willamette River basin, northwestern Oregon : a regression-based approach / 2022
Evaluation of mathematical models for temperature prediction in deep reservoirs / 1975
Evaluation of stationary source particulate measurement methods : Gas temperature control during method 5 sampling : vol. III / 1979
Factors Influencing Stream Temperatures. 1968
Factors Influencing Stream Temperatures. Part I. The Effect of Surface Configuration on Evaporation from a Porous Stream Model. 1966
Fishing pole thermistor temperature indicator. 1962
Forms of upper surfaces of cloud layers and their relation to the temperature lapse rate in clouds = Formy verkhneei poverkhnosti oblachnykh sloev i ikh sviaaz' s vertikal'nym gradientom temperatury v oblackakh / 1962
Global-change scenarios : their development and use / 2007
Green Mountain Reservoir - Lower Blue River Study, Colorado, September, 1976. 1977
Ground temperature measurements. 1980
Growth and Food Consumption of Juvenile Coho Salmon Exposed to Natural and Elevated Fluctuating Temperatures. 1973
Growth of Postlarval Atlantic Silversides in Four Temperature Regimes. 1981
Improved Temperature Prediction Model for Small Streams. 1972
Induction conductivity temperature indicator 1961
Investigation of the Water Quality and Productivity of Polson Bay, Flathead Lake, Montana. 1974
Investigations of CARS and laser-induced saturated fluorescence for practical combustion diagnosis / 1980
Landfill Temperature Sampling Interval Analysis. 1971
Laser Holography Study of Oil-Fired Burner Combustion. 1971
Limnological conditions in southern Lake Huron, 1974 and 1975 / 1980
Low-altitude and low-temperature exhaust emissions tests of four vehicles on oxygenated gasoline blends and gasoline fuels / 1989
Measurement of high temperature in furnaces and processes 1986
Measuring and Estimating the Bioconcentration Factor of Chemicals in Fish. 1979
Meteorological data preparation for demonstration of the application of ASTM Standard D 6589. 2003
Methods for chemical analysis of water and wastes / 1979
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