Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 44
Showing: Items 1 - 44
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Superfund sites)

Select Item Title Year Published
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Site Visit of the Tower Chemical Superfund Site, Clermont, Lake County, Florida. 2011
Assessing Risks to Populations at Superfund and RCRA Sites Characterizing Effects on Populations. 2006
Cancer incidence in three communities near the Maywood Area Superfund Sites (Bergen County), New Jersey : a site-specific follow-up health study : final report / 1998
CERCLA Site Close Out. How Clean is Clean. An EPA Perspective. 2010
Changes in Groundwater Flow and Volatile Organic Compound Concentrations at the Fischer and Porter Superfund Site, Warminster Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 1993-2009. 2010
Citizen's Guide to Risk Assessments and Public Health Assessments at Contaminated Sites. 2004
Commentary on residual radioactivity. {Microfiche} / prepared forUS Environmental Protection Agency by the Radiation Advisory Committee. 1995
Common Radionuclides Found at Superfund Sites. 2002
Costs of Remedial Actions at Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites: Worker Health and Safety Considerations. 1986
EPA Should Improve Its Oversight of Federal Agency Superfund Reviews. Evaluation Report. 2010
Evaluation Guide for Fuel Cell Deployments at EPA Superfund Sites. 2012
Evaluation of exposure markers final report / 1990
Evaluation of personal cooling devices for a dioxin clean-up operation / 1988
Five-Year Review Tar Creek Superfund Site Ottawa County, Oklahoma. 2000
Guidance on the Use of Passive-Vapor-Diffusion Samplers to Detect Volatile Organic Compounds in Ground-Water-Discharge Areas, and Example Applications in New England. 2002
Guidelines for Using Passive Samplers to Monitor Organic Contaminants at Superfund Sediment Sites. 2012
Hydrogeologic Properties of the Ordovician Sinnipee Group at Test Well BN-483, Better Brite Superfund Site, De Pere, Wisconsin. 1999
Improved Controls Would Reduce Superfund Backlogs. 2008
Increasing Regulatory Acceptance of Passive Samplers. 2010
Methodology for Conducting Risk Assessments at Asbestos Superfund Sites Part 1: Protocol, Interim Version, Final Edition 1999
Methodology for Conducting Risk Assessments at Asbestos Superfund Sites Part 2: Technical Background Document, Interim Version, Final Edition 1999
Mining Waste NPL Site Summary Report, Silver Bow Creek/Butte Area Site, Butte, Montana (Final Draft) 1991
Moving Beyond Cleanup: Identifying the Crucibles of Environmental Gentrification. 2007
Non-Time Critical Removal Action. Beede Waste Oil Site, Plaistow, New Hampshire. Response Action Contract (RAC) Region I. 2005
Operations and research at the U.S. EPA incineration research facility : annual report for FY92 / 1993
Pilot Region-Based Optimization Program for Fund-Lead Sites in EPA Region 3. Site Optimization Tracker: Raymark, Hatboro, Pennsylvania. 2006
Post Remedial Action Report, Lansdowne Radioactive Residence Complex, Dismantlement/Removal Project. Volume 1. Government Operations. 1990
Post-Katrina NPL and Non-NPL Superfund Site Evaluations Southern and Coastal Alabama and Mississippi. 2005
Potential applicability of assembled chemical weapons assessment technologies to RCRA waste streams and contaminated media / 2000
Reductive Chlorination of Chlorinated Ethenes Under Oxidation-Reduction Conditions and Potentiometric Surfaces in Two Trichloroethene-Contaminated Zones at the Double Eagle and Fourth Street Superfund Sites in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 2004
Renewable and Alternative Energy at Superfund Sites: Harnessing New Sources of Power. Superfund Redevelopment Initiative. 2011
Reusing cleaned up Superfund sites : golf facilities where waste is left on site. 2003
Review of barriers to superfund site cleanups : case studies. 1995
Review of the Superfund Hazard Ranking System: Review by the Hazard Ranking System Review Subcommittee of the Science Advisory Board. 1988
Site emerging technologies : Bioscrubber for removing hazardous organic emissions from soil, water and air decontamination processes. 1993
Site Enforcement Tracking System (SETS): PRP Listing by Site for Region 4. 1993
Superfund and brownfields at work in Colorado. 2002
Superfund and brownfields at work in Montana. 2002
Superfund and brownfields at work in South Dakota. 2002
Superfund and brownfields at work in Utah. 2002
Superfund at work in Montana. 2001
Superfund at work in Utah. 2001
Use of sediment core profiling in assessing effectiveness of monitored natural recovery / 2008
Xpert Design and Diagnostics' (XDD) In Situ Chemical Oxidation Process Using Potassium Permanganate (KMnO(sub 4)), Innovative Technology Evaluation Report. 2007

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