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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Soil microbiology)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Enumeration and Characterization of Bacteria Indigenous to a Shallow Water-Table Aquifer. 1983
Environmental Fate and Effects Division: Standard Evaluation Procedure Anaerobic Soil Metabolism Studies. 1988
Environmental impact of soil component interactions 1995
Environmental soil science / 1994
Equivalence of Microbial Biomass Measures Based on Membrane Lipid and Cell Wall Components, Adenosine Triphosphate, and Direct Counts in Subsurface Aquifer Sediments (Journal Version). 1988
Establishing Quantitative Performance Criteria for Wetland Restoration. 1993
Evaluation of a Method to Measure Conjugal Transfer of Recombinant DNA in Soil Slurries. 1989
Evaluation of Methods for Detecting Ecological Effects from Genetically Engineered Microorganisms and Microbial Pest Control Agents in Terrestrial Systems. 1992
Evaluation of Techniques for Algae Removal from Wastewater Stabilization Ponds. 1974
Evidence for a Novel Pathway in the Degradation of Fluorene by 'Pseudomonas' sp. Strain F274. 1994
Fate of Tn5 Mutants of Root Growth-Inhibiting 'Pseudomonas' sp. in Intact Soil-Core Microcosms. 1989
Field Calibration of Soil Core Microcosms for Evaluating Fate and Effects of Genetically Engineered Microorganisms in Terrestrial Ecosystems. 1991
Field Evaluation of the Lignin-Degrading Fungus 'Phanerochaete sordida' to Treat Creosote-Contaminated Soil. 1993
Formation of Transconjugants on Plating Media Following 'In situ' Conjugation Experiments. 1991
Goals and Accomplishments of the Corvallis Risk Assessment Biotechnology Program. 1989
Growth Measurements of Terrestrial Microbial Species by a Continuous-Flow Technique (Journal Version). 1987
Herbicides and the soil. 1960
Human viruses in sediments, sludges, and soils 1987
Human viruses in sediments, sludges, and soils 1987
Increasing Levels of Environmental Mutagens: Potential for Affecting Viral Evolution and Pathogenicity: A Speculative Review. 1991
Influence of Aerobic Microorganisms upon Virus Survival in Soil (Journal Version). 1988
Influence of Deep Ocean Sewage Outfalls on the Microbial Activity of the Surrounding Sediment. 1985
Influence of microbial ecology on subsurface degradation of petroleum contaminants 1992
Influence of Soil Mineral Colloids on Metabolic Processes, Growth, Adhesion, and Ecology of Microbes and Viruses. 1986
Initial scientific and minieconomic review of monuron / 1975
Intact Soil-Core Microcosms for Evaluating the Fate and Ecological Impact of the Release of Genetically Engineered Microorganisms. 1989
Interaction of herbicides and soil microorganisms / 1971
Interactions of soil minerals with natural organics and microbes 1986
Interim Protocol for Testing the Effects of Microbial Pathogens on Litter Microarthropods. 1989
Introduction to soil microbiology. 1961
Investigation of the biodegradation potential of groundwater contaminants 1989
Isolation and Characterization of (+)-1,1a-Dihydroxy-1-Hydrofluoren-9-One Formed by Angular Dioxygenation in the Bacterial Catabolism of Fluorene. 1993
Isolation and Purification of Bacterial DNA from Soil. 1992
Land cultivation of industrial wastes and municipal solid wastes : state-of-the-art study / 1978
Land cultivation of industrial wastes and municipal solid wastes : state-of-the-art study : volume I, technical summary and literature review / 1978
Land Spreading, a Conserving and Non-Polluting Method of Disposing of Oily Wastes. 1972
Large Laboratory Column Study of the Transport and Degradation of Atrazine, Carbofuran, and Diuron in Soils. 1989
Litter and soil microbial dynamics in a deciduous forest stand / 1973
Metabolism of Alachlor and Propachlor in Suspensions of Pretreated Soils and in Samples from Ground Water Aquifers. 1986
Methodology for Assessing Respiration and Cellular Incorporation of Radiolabeled Substrates by Soil Microbial Communities (Journal Version). 1988
Methods for studying bacterial gene transfer in soil by conjugation and transduction / 1989
Methods for the Detection of Changes in the Microbial Ecology of Soil Caused by the Introduction of Microorganisms. 1993
Methods for the Detection of Microorganisms in the Environment. 1992
Methods of soil analysis. 1994
Methods of soil analysis. Part 2, Microbiological and biochemical properties / 1994
Methods to Measure the Influence of Genetically Engineered Bacteria on Ecological Processes in Soil. 1990
Microbial communities : functional versus structural approaches / 1997
Microbial communities in soil 1986
Microbial Degradation of Flurtamone in Three Georgia Soils. 1991
Microbial Degradation of Halogenated Hydrocarbons. 1978
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