Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 172
Showing: Items 151 - 172
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Soil microbiology)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Solid-Phase Treatment of a Pentachlorophenol-Contaminated Soil Using Lignin-Degrading Fungi. 1993
Some Aspects of the Role of USNIC Acid in Forest Ecology. 1972
Some effects of cadmium on coniferous forest soil/litter microcosms / 1975
Status of Restoration Science: Wetlands Ecosystems. 1993
Structural Properties of Organic Chemicals as Predictors of Biodegradation and Microbial Toxicity in Soils. 1988
Studies on the Microbial Ecology of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Biodegradation. 1994
Study of Selected Economic and Environmental Aspects of Individual Home Wastewater Treatment Systems. 1972
Survival and Effects of Wild-Type, Mutant, and Recombinant 'Streptomyces' in a Soil Ecosystem. 1989
Survival of, and Genetic Transfer by, Genetically Engineered Bacteria in Natural Environments. 1986
Terrestrial ecology protocols for environmental assessment programs : workshop proceedings / 1979
Test methods for assessing the effects of chemicals on plants / 1975
The biosphere as a possible sink for carbon monoxide emitted to the atmosphere : final report / 1970
The Control of nitrate as a water pollutant / 1977
The hidden half of nature : the microbial roots of life and health / 2016
The microbial component of the ecosystem / 1970
Transduction of 'Escherichia coli' by Bacteriophage P1 in Soil. 1988
Transfer of Conjugative Plasmids and Mobilization of a Nonconjugative Plasmid between 'Streptomyces' Strains on Agar and in Soil. 1988
Treating Soil Solution Samplers to Prevent Microbial Removal of Analytes. 1992
Use and Development of Environmentally Controlled Chambers (Mesocosms) for Evaluating Biotechnology Products: The Proceedings of the Workshop on the Use and Development of Terrestrial Mesocosms. 1991
Using Linear and Polynomial Models to Examine the Environmental Stability of Viruses (Chapter 7). 1991
Viable count quantitative and environmental aspects / 1988
Virus behavior in saturated and unsaturated subsurface media / 2002
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