Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
'Crassostrea virginica' as an Indicator of Cadmium Pollution. 1981
'Crassostrea virginica' as an Indicator of Lead Pollution. 1979
'Proctoeces' sp. (Trematoda: Digenea) in the American Oyster, 'Crassostrea virginica'. 1981
1964 proceedings / 1965
1982 shellfish-related disease outbreak in New York State : agency response and interaction / 1983
1985 National shellfish register of classified estuarine waters 1985
1997 atlas of Chesapeake Bay Basin biological and living resources long term monitoring programs 1997
A guide to trace metal levels in shellfish [by] Benjamin H. Pringle and Carl N. Shuster, Jr. 1967
A multiplier for computing the value of shellfish / 1968
A preliminary assessment of the economic impact of water pollution on the shellfish resources of San Francisco Bay, California / 1971
A preliminary investigation into the use of crayfish as a sensitive species to pollutants in the Clark Fork River near Missoula, MT : research project technical completion report / 1983
A Problem paper on boat wastes and the national shellfish sanitation program / 1968
A study of the bay scallop (argopecten irradians) in North Carolina waters / 1979
A Summary of selected data on chemical contaminants in tissues collected during 1984, 1985, and 1986. 1987
A Symposium on diseases of fishes and shellfishes. 1970
Accumulation and Depuration of No. 2 Fuel Oil by the Soft Shell Clam, 'Mya arenaria L.' 1976
Accumulation of Cadmium by the American Oyster, 'Crassostrea virginica'. 1976
Acute Toxicities of Selected Heavy Metals to the Softshell Clam, 'Mya arenaria'. 1977
Acute Toxicity, Sublethal Effects and Bioconcentration of Chlorination Products, Viruses, and Bacteria in Edible Shellfish: A Review. 1989
Addendum to 1985 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation : recreational shellfishing in the United States. 1991
Advances in assessment of world cephalopod resources Progres realises dans l'evaluation des ressources mondiales de cephalopodes = progresos realizados en la evaluacion mundial de cefalopodos / 1983
Agrochemical Hazards in Aquatic Systems and Evaluation of Such Hazards with Emphasis on Developing Countries. 1983
Alaska crab stock enhancement and rehabilitation : workshop proceedings, March 14-16, 2006, Kodiak, Alaska / 2006
Algal toxins in seafood and drinking water 1993
Alpha Methylglucoside Transport by the Gill of the Oyster 'Ostrea edulis'. 1981
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for chlorine / 1985
Ambient Water Quality and Shellfish Tissue Monitoring in New Hampshire Estuaries 2001 and 2002. 2003
Ambient Water Quality and Shellfish Tissue Monitoring in New Hampshire Estuaries 2001 and 2002. Final Report. 2003
Ambient water quality criteria for chlorine - 1984. 1985
An analysis of shellfish sanitation data / 1979
An investigation into the quality of shellfish and receiving waters in Corte Madera Creek and San Rafael Bay as it relates to harvesting shellfish for human consumption, July 1969 / 1970
Analysis of wastewater discharge from marine sanitation devices : final report / 1981
Analytical Methodology for the Determination of Kepone (Trademark) Residues in Fish, Shellfish, and Hi-Vol Air Filters. 1977
Annual inventory of commercial and recreational shellfish areas. 1988
Annual Progress Report under the Chesapeake Bay Agreement (2nd). 1987
Appendix V, shellfish bed closures / 1978
Application of Adenine Nucleotide Measurements for the Evaluation of Stress in 'Mytilus edulis' and 'Crassostrea virginica'. 1982
Aquaculture systems for wastewater treatment : an engineering assessment / 1980
Aquarium systems 1981
Aquatic (marine and freshwater) biotoxins. 1984
Aquatic disposal field investigations, Columbia River disposal site, Oregon : appendix E, demersal fish and decapod shellfish studies, final report / 1977
Aquatic disposal field investigations, Duwamish Waterway disposal site, Puget Sound, Washington : appendix A, effects of dredged material disposal on demersal fish and shellfish in Elliott Bay, Seattle, Washington / 1978
Aquatic Invasive Species: A Guide to Least-Wanted Aquatic Organisms of the Pacific Northwest. 2001
Are Your Patients at Risk from Eating Fish? (Card) 2001
Arsenic Uptake and Loss in the American Oyster, 'Crassostrea virginia'. 1982
Asian and Pacific Islander seafood consumption study / 1999
Aspects of the physiology of Crustacea 1967
Assessing human health risks from chemically contaminated fish and shellfish : a guidance manual / 1989
Assessment and control of bioconcentratable contaminants in surface waters / 1991
Assessment of nongame marine invertebrate harvest in Washington State final report / 1991
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