Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Effect of Cadmium Body Burdens in Adult 'Crassostrea virginica' on Fecundity and Viability of Larvae. 1981
Effect of sewage discharges from pleasure craft on Puget Sound waters and shellfish quality Puget Sound Quality Authority task MB-6 / 1989
Effects and interactions of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) with estuarine microorganisms and shellfish / 1977
Effects of Cadmium and Mercury on the Behavioral Responses and Development of 'Eurypanopeus depressus' Larvae. 1982
Effects of Continuous Chlorination on Spat of the American Oyster ('Crassostrea virginica'). 1981
Effects of Mercury on Developing Larvae of 'Rhithropanopeus harrisii' (Gould). I. Interactions of Temperature, Salinity and Mercury on Larval Development. 1980
Effects of mirex, methoxychlor, and malathion on development of crabs / 1976
Effects of ocean disposal activities on mid-continental shelf environment of Delaware and Maryland / 1974
Effects of Sodium Pentachlorophenate on Several Estuarine Animals: Toxicity, Uptake, and Depuration. 1978
Effects of soluble fractions of used light-weight lignosulfate type mud and hexavalent chromium on the complete larval development of crabs, Rhithropanopeus harrisii and Callinectes sapidus 1982
Effects of Sublethal Concentrations of Cadmium on Adult 'Palaemonetes pugio' under Static and Flow-Through Conditions. 1982
Effects of water-borne mirex on the survival and production of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) 1980
Effects of Whole Drilling Mud and Selected Components on the Shell Movements of the Bay Scallop, 'Argopecten irradians'. 1981
Electron Capture Gas Chromatographic Determination of Kepone Residues in Environmental Samples. 1976
Engineering Study of Sewage Disposal Needs for Federal Installations at Mt. Edgecumbe, Alaska. 1965
Environmental assessment of proposed revisions to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System regulation and effluent limitations guidelines for concentrated animal feeding operations 2001
Environmental Bibliography for Northwest Florida 1900-1985. 1988
Environmental Indicator Report: Critical Habitats and Species. 2006
Environmental Indicator Report: Shellfish. Final Report to the New Hampshire Estuaries Project. 2003
Environmental Indicator Report: Shellfish. New Hampshire Estuaries Project. 2005
Environmental Indicator Report: Species and Habitats. Final Report to the New Hampshire Estuaries Project. 2003
Environmental indicators and shellfish safety 1994
Environmental Requirements Assessments of the Bay Scallop 'Argopecten irradians concentricus'. 1993
Estuarine and marine bivalve mollusk culture 1991
Evaluating Ecosystem Effects of Oyster Restoration in Chesapeake Bay. A Report to the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. 2005
Evaluation of Chemical Contaminant Effects in the Massachusetts Bays. Report to the Massachusetts Bays. 1995
Evaluation of Chester River Oyster Mortality. 1979
Evaluation of Effects of Wastewater Treatment Discharge on Estuarine Water Quality. 2003
Evaluation of Tampa Bay Waters for the Survival and Growth of Southern Bay Scallop Larvae and Juveniles. Action Plan Demonstration Project. 1993
Evaluation of trace metal monitoring in Florida shellfish / 1986
Examination of the Blue Crab Fishery in the Pamlico River Estuary. 1992
Existing and potential recreational and commercial shellfish production and use in the San Francisco, San Leandro, Richardson San Rafael, and San Pablo Bay's complex / 1968
Experimental Quantification of Nutrient Bioextraction Potential of Oysters in Estuarine Waters of New Hampshire. 2011
Exploring Alternatives for Fisheries Management in the Chesapeake Bay: A Workshop. Held in Linthicum, Maryland on April 10-11, 2001. 2002
Exposure factors handbook : volume 2 of 3. Food ingestion factors. 1996
Exposure factors handbook : volume 2, food ingestion factors. 1997
Fact Sheet: Economic Benefits of Wetlands 1995
Fate and Effect of Oil in the Aquatic Environment - Gulf Coast Region. 1980
Feasibility and Mass, Outdoor Cultivation of Gonyaulax Catenella. 1966
Feasibility of mass, outdoor cultivation of Gonyaulax catenella 1966
Field and Laboratory Study of Fluoride Uptake by Oysters. 1969
Final Determination of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Assistant Administrator for Water Pursuant to Section 404(c) of the Clean Water Act Concerning the Proposed Yazoo Backwater Ware Pumps Project, Issaquena County, Mississippi. 2008
Final report - water quality dependent water uses in Puget Sound. 1984
First Plague, and Why It Keeps Coming Back. 1981
Fish and shellfish hygiene : report of a WHO Expert Committee convened in cooperation with FAO, Geneva, 18-24 September 1973. 1974
Fish and shellfish pathology 1985
Fish Consumption in Connecticut, Florida, Minnesota, and North Dakota. 2013
Fish Hold Effluent and Fish Hold Cleaning Wastewater Discharge. 2011
Fish Poisoning: A Problem in Food Toxication. 1960
Fish Resources and Aquatic Habitat Impact Assessment Methodology for the Ohio River Basin Energy Study Area. 1981
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