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Select Item Title Year Published
Coastal marinas assessment handbook / 1985
Commencement Bay deep water sediment investigation, Tacoma, Washington, September 15-17, 1982 / 1983
Commercial shrimps of the northeast coast of Florida, 1965
Comparison of Mutagen Accumulation in 3 Estuarine Species Using the Salmonella/Microsome Activation System. 1980
Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan: Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine Study. Technical Document, November 1994. 1994
Comprehensive list of Chesapeake Bay Basin species 1998 1998
Compreshensive List of Chesapeake Bay Basin Species, 2007. 2007
Computerized Risk and Bioaccumulation System (Version 1.0). 1991
Concentration of metal pollutants in bacterial biofilms and inhibition of oyster settlement and metamorphosis 1997
Concurrent Neoplastic and Protistan Disorders in the American Oyster (Crassostrea Virginica). 1979
Condition of the Mid-Atlantic estuaries. 1998
Conference on Shellfish Toxicology, 1957. 1957
Consolidation of baseline information, development of methodology, and investigation of thermal impacts on freshwater shellfish, insects, and other biota / 1984
Consumption Rates of Potentially Hazardous Marine Fish Caught in the Metropolitan Los Angeles Area. 1982
Consumption surveys for fish and shellfish : a review and analysis of survey methods / 1992
Contamination of New England's fish and shellfish a report to the governors and the public ; a report of the Coast Alliance 1987
Cooperative Program for the Certification of Interstate Shellfish Shippers. Part I. Sanitation of Shellfish Growing Areas. 1962
Cooperative Program for the Certification of Interstate Shellfish Shippers. Part II: Sanitation of the Harvesting and Processing of Shellfish. 1962
Copper Accumulation in the Bay Scallop, 'Argopecten irradians'. 1983
Crustacean and mollusk aquaculture in the United States 1985
Crustacean aquaculture 1983
Culture of bivalve molluscs : 50 years' experience at Conway 1974
Current Status and Historical Trends of Brown Tide and Red Tide Phytoplankton in the Corpus Christi Bay National Estuary Study Area. 1996
Current Status and Historical Trends of the Estuarine Living Resources within the Corpus Christi Bay National Estuary Program Study Area. Volume 1. 1996
Current Status and Historical Trends of the Estuarine Living Resources within the Corpus Christi Bay National Estuary Program Study Area. Volume 3. Project Summary. 1996
Cuticular Lesions Induced in Grass Shrimp Exposed to Hexavalent Chromium. 1983
Demersal fish and shellfish resources of the Eastern Bering Sea in the baseline year 1975 / 1976
Demonstration of Large-Scale Reintroduction of the Southern Bay Scallop to Tampa Bay, Florida. 1996
Descriptive Evaluation of the Effects of Number 2 Fuel Oil on the Tissues of the Soft Shell Clam 'Mya arenaria L'. 1976
Determination and Use of Condition Index of Oysters. 1982
Determination of Malathion, Malaoxon, and Mono- and Dicarboxylic Acids of Malathion in Fish, Oyster, and Shrimp Tissue. 1976
Developing Sediments Quality Standards: Comprehensive Sediment Management in Puget Sound. 1992
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the fish meal, salmon, bottom fish, clam, oyster, sardine, scallop, herring, and abalone segment of the canned and preserved fish and seafood processing industry point source category. 1975
Development Document for Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Concentrated Aquatic Animal Production Industry Point Source Category. 2002
Directory to literature on stool-shed viruses and shellfish : illness outbreaks and virus detection methods : Project summary / 1992
Discussion of the effects of certain potential toxicants on fish and shellfish in the upper Delaware estuary, 1973
Disease diagnosis and control in North American marine aquaculture 1988
Disease Incidence and Potential Mechanisms of Defense for MSX-Resistant and -Susceptible Eastern Oysters Held in Chesapeake Bay. 1991
Diseases, Parasites, and Toxic Responses of Commercial Penaeid Shrimps of the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic Coasts of North America. 1977
Disinfection. 1971
Dockside Shellfish Aquaculture Project. 2004
Dose/Dose-Rate Responses of Shrimp Larvae to UV-B Radiation. 1980
Draft Environmental Impact Statement - North Carolina Barrier Island Wastewater Management Technical Reference Document Environmental Inventory Report. 1982
Draft Environmental Impact Statement: Wastewater Treatment Facilities, Jefferson Parish (West Bank), Louisiana. 1982
Drilling fluid effects to developmental stages of the American lobster 1982
Eagle Harbor field investigation : Winslow, Washington, April - May, 1984 / 1985
Ecological Characterization of Coastal Maine (North and East of Cape Elizabeth). Volume 3. 1980
Economic Analysis of Effluent Guidelines for Seafood Processing Industry. (Fish Meal, Salmon, Bottom Fish, Clams, Oysters, Sardines, Scallops, Herring, Abalone). 1975
Economic Impact of Proposed Thermal Discharge Standard for Lake Sangchris. 1976
Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management for Chesapeake Bay. Review of Consumer Preferences for Eco-Labeled Seafood. Potential Implications for Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management in the Chesapeake Bay. 2009
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