Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A course in behavioral economics / 2012
Accomplishment Plan. Region VIII. Completion of State Implementation Plan (SIP) Approvals and Establishment of Compliance Schedule. 1972
Accomplishment Plan: Achievement of Federal Facilities Compliance with Standards. 1972
Adhocracy : the power to change / 1990
Agricultural Land Use Water Interaction: Problem Abatement, Project Monitoring, and Monitoring Strategies. 1980
Air Quality Analysis Workshop. Volume II. Executive Summary. 1976
Analytical Studies for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Volume II. Decision Making in the Environmental Protection Agency. 1977
Anthology of Selected Readings for the National Conference on Managing the Environment. 1973
Appendices to Financial Management Trouble-Shooting Handbook. 1995
Background Information for Standards of Performance: Primary Aluminum Industry. Volume 3: Supplemental Information. 1976
Best management practices for pollution prevention in the slabstock and molded flexible polyurethane foam industry : manual. 1996
Choices for the Chesapeake: An Action Agenda. 1983 Chesapeake Bay Conference Report. 1984
Choosing offshore pipeline routes : problems and solutions / 1980
Cities and the Nation's Disposal Crisis. 1973
Common Environmental Terms. A Glossary. 1974
Common ground on hostile turf : stories from an environmental mediator / 2013
Community Noise Attitudinal Survey Guidelines. 1981
Community Water Problems as a Factor in Municipal Incorporation in Montana. 1968
Concepts in problem solving 1980
Constructive engagement resource guide : practical advice for dialogue among facilities, workers, communities and regulators. 1999
Control of Infiltration and Inflow into Sewer Systems. 1970
Creative thinking and problem solving 1990
Creativity and innovation {videorecording} / 1995
Data abstraction and problem solving with C++ : walls and mirrors / 2002
Department of Defense : Air installations compatible use zones (AICUZ) program. 1977
Development and Evaluation of Citizen Participation Techniques for Inland Lake and Shoreland Management. 1971
Development of a sample air quality maintenance plan for San Diego / 1974
Development of an Economics-Based Methodology for Projecting Future Pollution Problems. 1976
Draft framework for watershed-based trading / 1996
Draft Guidelines for Areawide Waste Management Planning. Section 208, Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972. 1974
Driving patterns of heavy duty vehicles operating in the St. Louis regional area / 1976
Economic and Land Use Impact of Federal Regulations to Review New Indirect Sources of Air Pollution Prior to Construction. 1974
Economic Law Enforcement. Volume V. Ensuring Proper Operation and Maintenance: The Environment's Next Regulatory Problem. 1975
Economic Law Enforcement. Volume VI. Legal Issues. 1975
Effective group discussion : theory and practice / 2001
Eliciting and analyzing expert judgment : a practical guide / 2001
Environmental and Economic Problems Associated with the Development of the Burns Waterway Harbor, Indiana. (Report to the Congress). 1971
Environmental audit program design guidelines for federal agencies. 1989
Environmental Information Resources for State and Local Elected Officials. General Reference Guide. 1977
Environmental Information Resources for State and Local Elected Officials. Solid Waste. 1977
Environmental Justice 2002 Biennial Report. Constructive Engagement and Collaborative Problem-Solving. 2002
Environmental quality profile 1976 : Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington. 1976
EPA Needs to Improve Management Practices to Ensure a Successful Customer Technology Solutions Project. Audit Report. 2010
EPA Office of Pesticide Programs status report and action guide / 1976
Everett harbor action program : analysis of toxic problem areas. Puget Sound estuary program: final report and appendices / 1986
Expert Systems to Assist in Decisions Concerning Land Disposal of Hazardous Wastes. 1991
Federal policies & technological problem-solving / 1992
Final report : the US EPA environmental management system pilot program for local government entities. 2000
Finite Element Solution for Two-Dimensional Density Stratified Flow. 1973
Flock not clock : align people, processes, and systems to achieve your vision / 2018
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