Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Plants Botany)

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Select Item Title Year Published
4-aminopyridine : pesticide registraton standard / 1980
A citizen's guide to phytoremediation : technology fact sheet / 1998
A comparison of plant succession and bird utilization on diked and undiked dredged material islands in North Carolina estuaries / 1978
A gas-exchange system for assessing plant performance in response to environmental stress / 1979
A review and assessment of the effects of pollutant mixtures on vegetation : research recommendations / 1984
A review of concentration techniques for trace chemicals in the environment. 1975
A review of the physiological impact of mercurials / 1974
A screening procedure for the impacts of air pollution sources on plants, soils, and animals / 1980
A Study of Agronomic Plants Grown on Herbicide-Contaminated Soils. 1975
Accumulation of atmospheric sulfur by plants and sulfur-supplying capacity of soils / 1979
Acenaphthene : ambient water quality criteria. 1978
Acid Precipitation Phenomenon and Its Ecological Consequences. 1981
Acid rain. 1980
Acrolein : ambient water quality criteria. 1978
Action Spectra and Their Key Role in Assessing Biological Consequences of Solar UV-B Radiation Change. 1987
Adsorption, Degradation, and Plant Availability of 2,4-Dinitrophenol in Sludge-Amended Calcareous Soils. 1990
Aice Survey of USSR Air Pollution Literature. Volume II. Effects and Symptoms of Air Pollutes on Vegetation, Resistance and Susceptibility of Different Plant Species in Various Habitats, in Relation to Plant Utilization for Shelter Belts and as Biological Indicators. 1969
Aice Survey of USSR Air Pollution Literature. Volume III. The Susceptibility or Resistance to Gas and Smoke of Various Arboreal Species Grown Under Diverse Environmental Conditions in a Number of Industrial Regions of the Soviet Union. 1969
Air Pollution Abstracts, Volume 2, Number 4, April 1971. 1971
Air Pollution Abstracts, Volume 3, Number 7, July 1972. 1972
Air Pollution Abstracts. Volume 3, Number 10, October 1972. 1972
Air Pollution Abstracts. Volume 3, Number 8, August 1972. 1972
Air Pollution Abstracts. Volume 4, Number 3, March 1973. Abstracts 25768-26243. 1973
Air Pollution Abstracts: Index to Vol. 6, Nos. 7 - 12 (July 1975 - December 1975). 1975
Air Pollution Abstracts: Index to Vol. 7, Nos. 1 - 6d (January 1976 - June 1976). 1976
Air Pollution Abstracts: Vol. 2, No. 6, June 1971. 1971
Air Pollution Abstracts: Vol. 7, No. 6b, June 1976. 1976
Air Pollution Abstracts: Vol. 7, No. 6c, June 1976. 1976
Air Pollution and Vegetation II. Effects of Fertilization on Growth and Development of Twenty Woody Plants Grown in Industrial Areas (Luftforurensning og Vegetasjon II. Virkninger av Gjodsling og Kalking pa Vekst og Utvikling av 20 Lignoseslag Dyrket pa Sterkt SO2-Eksponert Sted i Sarpsborg). 1974
Air pollution aspects of aeroallergens (pollens) / 1969
Air pollution aspects of aeroallergens (pollens) / 1969
Air pollution aspects of aldehydes {microform} / 1969
Air pollution aspects of ammonia. : Prepared for the National Air Pollution Control Administration. / 1969
Air pollution aspects of arsenic and its compounds / 1970
Air pollution aspects of asbestos 1970
Air pollution aspects of barium and its compounds. 1969
Air pollution aspects of beryllium and its compounds / 1970
Air pollution aspects of biological aerosols (microorganisms) / 1969
Air pollution aspects of boron and its compounds. 1969
Air pollution aspects of cadmium and its compounds / 1970
Air pollution aspects of chlorine gas / 1969
Air pollution aspects of chromium and its compounds 1970
Air pollution aspects of emission sources: iron and steel mills : a bibliography with abstracts. 1972
Air pollution aspects of ethylene 1969
Air pollution aspects of ethylene / 1969
Air pollution aspects of hydrochloric acid 1969
Air pollution aspects of hydrogen sulfide / 1969
Air pollution aspects of iron and its compounds / 1969
Air pollution aspects of mercury and its compounds / 1970
Air pollution aspects of nickel and its compounds 1970
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