Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Plants Botany)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Methods for assessing exposure to chemical substances : volume 5: methods for assessing exposure to chemical substances in drinking water / 1985
Methods for assessing exposure to chemical substances : volume 6: methods for assessing occupational exposure to chemical substances / 1985
Metric Similarity in Vegetation-Based Wetland Assessment Methods. 2010
Microcosm Method to Assess Survival of Recombinant Bacteria Associated with Plants and Herbivorous Insects (Journal Version). 1987
Mill River and Its Floodplain in Northampton and Williamsburg, Massachusetts: A Study of the Vascular Plant Flora, Vegetation, and the Presence of the Bacterial Family Pseudomonadaceae in Relation to Patterns of La nd Use. 1972
Mine Waste Technology Program: Acid/Heavy Metal Tolerant Plants. 2007
Minutocellus polymorphus': A New Marine Diatom for Use in Algal Toxicity Tests. 1988
Modellierung und Simulation des Verhaltens von Umweltchemikalien in Boeden und Pflanzen (Modeling and Simulation of the Effect of (Environmental) Chemicals in Soil and in Plants). 1992
Modification of the Neubauer Technique to Assess Toxicity of Hazardous Chemicals in Soils. 1985
Molecular Mechanism of Mutagenesis: Results and Recommendations. 1994
Molybdenum-Infiltrated Biogeochemical Provinces (Biogeokhimicheskie Provintsii, Obogashchennie Molibdenom). 1966
Monitoring for Mutagenicity with Plants. 1983
Monoterpene emission rates from slash pine / 1978
Movement of mercury-203 in plants / 1977
Multimedia levels : cadmium / 1977
Mycorrhizae Alter Quality and Quantity of Carbon Allocated below Ground. 1994
NAPCA Abstract Bulletin. Volume 1, Number 11, December 1970. 1970
Naphthalene : ambient water quality criteria / 1978
National Environmental Specimen Bank survey / 1976
National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands: Central Plains (Region 5). 1988
National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands: South Plains (Region 6). 1988
Nationwide evaluation of combined sewer overflows and urban stormwater discharges : volume III, characterization of discharges / 1977
Natural environmental radioactivity from radon 222 / 1967
Natural hydrocarbon emission rate measurements from selected forest sites / 1984
New Cumberland, West Virginia - Knox Township, Ohio : air pollution abatement activity : technical report. 1969
New Environmental Effects Test Guidelines. 1983
Nickel : ambient water quality criteria / 1978
Nitrates: An Environmental Assessment. 1978
Nitrobenzene : ambient water quality criteria. 1978
Nitrogen dioxide, time-concentration model to predict acute foliar injury / 1979
Nitrogen oxides / 1976
Nitrogen Saturation in Northern Forest Ecosystems: Excess Nitrogen from Fossil Fuel Combustion May Stress the Biosphere. 1989
Nitrophenols : ambient water quality criteria. 1978
Nonselective Biochemical Methods for the Determination of Fungal Mass and Community Structure in Estuarine Detrital Microflora. 1979
Nonwater quality impacts of closed-cycle cooling systems and the interaction of stack gas and cooling tower plumes / 1979
Nutritional ecology of nuisance aquatic plants / 1975
Occupational Exposure to Pesticides. 1974
Occurrence of Fluoride in Drinking Water, Food, and Air (Draft). 1984
Odors and air pollution: a bibliography with abstracts. 1972
Open space as an air resource management measure ... / 1976
Open Space as an Air Resource Management Measure. Volume IA: Appendix to Sink Factors. 1976
Oxidant air pollution impact to the forests of eastern United States : a literature review / 1979
Oxidant air pollution impact to the forests of eastern United States : a literature review / 1979
Ozone and Other Photochemical Oxidants. Volume 2 (Chapters 8-15). 1976
Ozone and vascular tissue differentiation in plants / 1976
Ozone-Induced Ethylene Release from Leaf Surfaces. 1986
PAH (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) Uptake by Plants: Methodology and Initial Investigations. 1985
Pala Tribal Wastewater System Rehabilitation Project San Diego, California. Biological Resources Technical Report. 2007
Parameters for Estimating the Uptake of Transuranic Elements by Terrestrial Plants. 1976
Parkersburg, West Virginia - Marietta, Ohio, air pollution abatement activity : supplemental technical report. 1969
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