Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1028
Showing: Items 351 - 400
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Plants Botany)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Environmental fates and impacts of major forest use pesticides / 1981
Environmental hazard assessment of liquid siloxanes (silicones) / 1974
Environmental Impact of Highway Deicing. 1971
Environmental Impact Statement: Sludge Disposal and Land Reclamation in Fulton County, Illinois. 1981
Environmental Protection Agency Library System Book Catalog. Holdings for the Year 1976. 1977
Environmental Research Laboratory : Athens, GA : 1994 highlights / 1995
Environmental Research Laboratory-Corvallis. 1989
Erosion and sediment control : audiovisual training : instructor's manual. 1976
Estimate of the Possible Contribution of Biogenic Sources to Airborne Hydrocarbon Concentrations. 1979
Estimates of Isoprene and Monoterpene Emission Rates in Plants. 1982
Estimation of aerial deposition and foliar uptake of xenobiotics : assessment of current models / 1987
Ethylbenzene : ambient water quality criteria. 1978
Evaluating a Magnesium-Ammonium Phosphate Suspension as a Fertilizer Material. 1974
Evaluating the utility of natural vegetation in assessing arctic accumulation of air toxics. 0
Evaluation of Hydrologic Models in the Design of Stable Landfill Covers. 1988
Evaluation of Natural Rivers. 1971
Evaluation of Terrestrial Microcosms for Detection, Fate, and Survival Analysis of Genetically Engineered Microorganisms and Their Recombinant Genetic Material. 1989
Evaluation of the National Environmental Specimen Bank survey / 1977
Evapotranspiration and Its Chemical Reduction. 1971
Experiemental Study of Eddy Diffusion Coefficients, Evapotranspiration and Water Use Efficiency. 1971
Exposure and risk assessment for benzo{a}pyrene and other polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons volume I, summary / 1985
Exposure and risk assessment for trichloroethylene : final draft report / 1981
Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) Communications System Ecological Monitoring Program: Summary of 1983 Progress. 1984
Factors Affecting Bioavailability of Cadmium. 1987
Fate and Effects of Whole Drilling Fluids and Fluid Components in Terrestrial and Freshwater Ecosystems: A Literature Review. 1981
Fate and transport of recombinant sinorhizobium meliloti with enhanced N2-fixing abilities during a multiyear field trial with transgenic alfalfa / 1998
Fate of Selected Fungicides in a Terrestrial Laboratory Ecosystem. 1980
Field investigation and evaluation of land treating tannery sludges 1986
Field investigation and evaluation of land treating tannery sludges {Microfiche} 1986
Field studies for ecological risk assessment. 1994
Flow-through System for Exposure of Seagrass to Pollutants. 1981
Flue Gas Desulfurization Sludge: Establishment of Vegetation on Ponded and Soil-Applied Waste. 1984
Fluoride Pollution in the Flathead County, Montana. 1974
Foliar Washoff of Pesticides (FWOP) Model: Development and Evaluation. 1984
Forestry Measures against Immissions (Waldbauliche Massnahmen Gegen Immissionen). 1974
Genetic Basis for Using 'Tradescantia' Clone 4430 as an Environmental Monitor of Mutagens. 1981
Geothermal environmental assessment : behavior of selected geothermal brine contaiminants in plants and soils / 1981
Geothermal Environmental Assessment Baseline Study: Vegetation and Soils of the Roosevelt Hot Springs Geothermal Resource Area. 1981
Goals and Accomplishments of the Corvallis Risk Assessment Biotechnology Program. 1989
Great Smoky Mountains preliminary study for biosphere reserve pollutant monitoring / 1979
Growth Response in Radish to Sequential and Simultaneous Exposures of NO2 and SO2. 1984
Guidance for Safety Testing of Baculoviruses. 1975
Guidance for Safety Testing of Baculoviruses. 1975
Guide for Estimating Toxic Residues in Animal Feeds or Diets. 1975
Guide to Aquatic Smartweeds (Polygonum) of the United States. 1971
Guide to the biosolids risk assessments for the EPA Part 503 rule. 1995
Guidelines and support documents for environmental effects testing. 1982
Guides for short-term exposures of the public to air pollutants : IV, guide for ammonia / 1972
Guides for short-term exposures of the public to air pollutants : V, guide for hydrazine, monomethylhydrazine, and 1, 1-dimethylhydrazine / 1974
Guides for short-term exposures of the public to air pollutants : VI, guide for carbon monoxide / 1973
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