Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 364
Showing: Items 301 - 350
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Select Item Title Year Published
Social and Political Feasibility of Automated Urban Water Systems. 1972
Standard & Poor's register of corporations, directors and executives 2011. 2011
Standard Operating Procedure for Quality Assurance in Analytical Chemistry Methods Development. 2004
State activities in solid waste management, 1974 / 1975
State and local environmental libraries : a directory. 1976
State and municipal noise control activities, 1973-1974. 1976
State Environmental Programs: A Compendium of Federal and State Programs Prepared for the Congressional Delegations. 1976
State Organization for Water Resources Management. 1972
State program implementation guide : hazardous waste transportation control / 1976
Strategic management of public and third sector organizations : a handbook for leaders / 1992
Strategic organizational communication : in a global economy / 2005
Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations : a guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement / 1995
Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations : a guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement / 2011
Study of the Future Federal Role in Municipal Wastewater Treatment: Report to the Administrator. Appendices. 1985
Study of Various Procedures Utilized by Selected Water-Oriented Special Districts Which Are Common to All of Them. 1970
Study of Water Institutions of Hawaii. 1972
Study of Water Resource Public Decision Making. 1971
Suggested Solid Waste Management Ordinance for Local Government. 1974
Superfund : report of the EPA Superfund Revitalization Public Meeting held on June 24, 1992. 1992
Superfund record of decision : Davisville Naval Construction Battalion Center, RI. 1993
Supplement to the Environmental Organizations Directory 1988
Supplemental Report on Air Pollution Control Activities in Foreign Countries. Second Year of Profile Study. 1973
Sustaining innovation : creating nonprofit and government organizations that innovate naturally / 1998
Synopsis of State Legislation on Water Pollution Control Laws Enacted During 1970. 1970
Taking action an environmental guide for you and your community / 1995
Taking charge : a practical guide for leaders / 1986
Technical Support to the State of Connecticut in Development of an Air Quality Maintenance Plan. 1977
Technology Transfer in Water Research. The Interface Between Producers and Users. Proceedings of a Conference Held in Lincoln, Nebraska on September 25-26, 1972 Sponsored by Nebraska Water Resources Research Institut e. 1972
The ACS style guide : effective communication of scientific information. 2006
The art of active listening : how people at work feel heard, valued, and understood / 2023
The Chesapeake Bay Program : project summaries / 1979
The Communication coach II : communication tips from the pros, for the pros / 2007
The Ecological impact of land restoration and cleanup. 1978
The Economic impact of pollution control : a summary of recent studies / 1972
The five most important questions you will ever ask about your organization / 2008
The greening of trade law : international trade organizations and environmental issues / 2002
The modern rules of order / 2007
The strategy of social regulation : decision frameworks for policy / 1981
The value of partnerships : how businesses and non-profit organizations are partnering to improve business performance, communities and the environment in New England. 1999
Think tank directory : a guide to independent nonprofit public policy research organizations / 2006
Toward Clean Clear Water. 1972 Catalog. 1972
U.S. directory of environmental sources / 1979
U.S. directory of environmental sources : United States International Environmental Referral Center, National Focal Point of the United Nations Environment Program/International Referral System. 1977
U.S. directory of environmental sources. 1981
Urban Water Policies and Decision-Making in the Detroit Metropolitan Region. 1970
USDA 1996 Farm Bill Conservation Provisions Overview 1996
User-Oriented Water Research Plan for Nebraska. 1972
Using Nonprofit Organizations to Advance Estuary Program Goals. 1993
Washington information directory. 1976
Waste minimization efforts : an overview of the U.S. EPA pollution prevention research program / 1990
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