Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 364
Showing: Items 151 - 200
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Select Item Title Year Published
Five most important questions you will ever ask about your nonprofit organization : participant's workbook : the Drucker Foundation self-assessment tool for nonprofit organizations / 1993
For Health Care Manpower -- The U.S. Public Health Services' Urban Health Strategy. 1978
Fourth National Citizens' Volunteer Monitoring Conference : proceedings : putting volunteer information to use : April 10-14, 1994, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon / 1994
Fundamentals of noise : measurement, rating schemes, and standards. 1972
Funding Our Environmental Future: General Proceedings, Region 1 Conference on Public-Private Partnerships and Alternative Financing Mechanisms. Held in Northampton, Massachusetts on November 6-7, 1989. 1989
General Proceedings and Action Agendas from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's National Leadership Conference on Building Public-Private Partnerships. Held in Washington, DC. on October 26, 1988. 1989
General Report of the Air Compliance Review Group. 1975
Getting in Step: Engaging and Involving Stakeholders in Your Watershed. 2007
Global oceans directory : a compendium of organizations dedicated to marine conservation / 1992
Good cop/bad cop : environmental NGOs and their strategies toward business / 2010
Government affairs yellow book. 1995
Grant and cooperative agreement desk top resource for non-profit recipients / 2003
Group power II a manager's guide to conducting regular meetings / 1990
Groups That Can Help - A Directory of Environmental Organizations. 1972
Guide for compiling a comprehensive emission inventory / 1973
Hackensack Meadowlands Air Pollution Study. Evaluation and Ranking of Land Use Plans. 1973
Handbook for Employees. 1976
How come every time I get stabbed in the back my fingerprints are on the knife? and other meditations on management / 1999
How to get what you want at work : a practical guide for improving communication and getting results / 2003
How to make meetings work : the new interaction method / 1982
Hydrogeologic mapping needs for ground-water protection and management : workshop report, May 10-12, 1988. 1990
IERL-RTP data quality manual / 1976
If only we knew what we know : the transfer of internal knowledge and best practice / 1998
Impact of Federal Water Legislation at the State and Local Level. 1970
Impact of Institutional and Political Factors on Water Management in the Upper Wabash Basin. 1973
Implementation of an Initial Network for an EPA Ocean Waste Disposal Information Center in the New York Bight. 1975
Improving internal communications : final report of the Internal Communications Workgroup, Communications Strategy Committee. 1992
Incorporating Emerging and Voluntary Measures in a State Implementation Plan (SIP). 2004
Index of EPA Legal Authority. Statutes and Legislative History, Executive Orders, Regulations. 1973
Indexed bibliography of Office of Research and Development reports updated to January 1975, 1975
INFOTERRA/USA : directory of environmental sources / 1991
Institutional responses to contamination of ground water used for public water supplies : implications for EPA R & D programs / 1984
Institutions for Urban-Metropolitan Water Management: Essays in Social Theory. 1972
Integration of Multiple Objectives in Urbanizing Watersheds. 1972
Interest Groups with Water and Related Land Resources Programs in Minnesota, 1971. 1972
International government information and country information : a subject guide / 2004
International, Regional, Federal-State, Interstate and Federal Organization with Water and Related Land Resources Programs in Minnesota, 1971. 1971
Inventory of Water Resources Research Conducted in Minnesota 1963 through 1972. 1973
Juniata River Subbasin Survey: A Water Quality and Biological Assessment, June - November 2004. 2005
Land conservation through public/private partnerships 1993
Land Pollution: Strategies for Emergency Action. 1976
Land Use and Environmental Protection. An Overview for Addressing Environmental Problems Resulting from Land Use Practices in the United States. 1976
Language intelligence and the art of persuasive science / 2016
Legal and institutional aspects of interstate power plant development in the Ohio River Basin Energy Study region / 1980
Legislation, Programs and Organization. 1977
Literature and library service requirements : an analysis of current and potential requirements within the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency / 1975
Manpower Planning Criteria Manual for State Water Pollution Control Agencies. 1973
Medical and health information directory 1977
Micromanpower Planning in the Public Sector. 1974
Midwest Environmental Directory, 1972. 1972
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