Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 364
Showing: Items 201 - 250
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Select Item Title Year Published
Midwest Environmental Directory, 1973-1974. 1973
Midwest Environmental Directory. 1975 Third Edition. 1975
Mobilization and Participation of Citizens Groups in Improving the Quality of Water Resources Environments. 1973
Model State Housing Societies Law. 1970
Multimedium Management of Municipal Sludge. 1977
National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency: A Plan Developed by More than 50 Leading Organizations in Pursuit of Energy Savings and Environmental Benefits through Electric and Natural Gas Energy Efficiency. 2006
National air quality and emissions trends report, 1975 / 1976
National directory of citizen volunteer environmental monitoring groups / 1990
National environmental laboratory accreditation conference : constitution, bylaws, and standards. 2001
National environmental laboratory accreditation conference : constitution, bylaws, and standards. 2000
National environmental laboratory accreditation conference : constitution, bylaws, and standards. 2003
National Environmental Research Center-Las Vegas: A Staff Study. 1973
National Environmental Research Center/Program Directory. 1974
National Environmental/Energy Workforce Assessment, Business and Industry. 1977
National Environmental/Energy Workforce Assessment. Post-Secondary Education Profile: Private Sector. 1978
National Overview of Existing Coastal Water Quality Monitoring. 1972
Need for Federal Agencies to Improve Solid Waste Management Practices. (Report to the Congress). 1972
Need to Improve Administration of The Water Pollution Research, Development, and Demonstration Program. (Report to the Congress). 1972
Networking smart how to build relationships for personal and organizational success / 1993
NGOs in india the challenges of women's empowerment and accountability / [electronic resource] : 2011
Noise programs of professional/industrial organizations, universities, and colleges. 1971
Non-governmental organizations and natural resources management an assessment of eighteen African countries : executive summary / 1993
Nongovernmental organizations and the World Bank cooperation for development / 1991
Nonprofit sector yellow book : who's who in the management of the leading foundations, universities, museums, and other nonprofit organizations. 1999
Notes on EPA Symposium on Public-Private Partnerships. Held on September 6, 1988. 1988
OAT : an organizational assessment tool for environmental education organizations / 1999
Office of Radiation Programs : program statement / 1976
Operating Plan for Regional Laboratory. 1972
Operation of the Analytical Methodology Information Center. 1973
Operations Manual for Hispanic Community- Based Organizations. 2012
ORD publications summary. 1975
Organization of Community Groups in Support of the Planning Process and Code Enforecement Administration. 1970
Organizational systems : general systems approaches to complex organizations / 1973
Our Natural Resources: What is Our Water Worth. 1975-78 Water Quality Management Planning Program, North Central Texas Council of Governments. 1976
Oxidant Air Pollutant Effects on a Western Coniferous Forest Ecosystem: Task A, Planning Conference. 1978
Participatory Role of Citizen Advisory Groups in New England Water Resources Planning: A Preliminary Study. 1972
Persian lion, Caspian tiger : the role of Iranian environmental non-governmental organizations in environmental protection in Iran / 2000
Planning for post-disaster recovery : a review of the United States disaster assistance framework / 2011
Potential for capacity creation in the hazardous waste management service industry / 1976
Predictable results in unpredictable times / 2009
Predictable results in unpredictable times / 2009
Preliminary Survey of Public Water-Related Agencies in Hawaii. 1972
Priorities and procedures for development of standards of performacne for new stationary sources of atmospheric emissions / 1976
Private sector provision of operation and maintenance services to publicly owned treatment works final report, executive summary 1980
Problems and approaches to areawide water quality management. 1973
Problems and Approaches to Areawide Water Quality Management. Appendix A. Suggested Representative or Model Legislation. 1973
Problems of Executive Reorganization: The Federal Environmental Protection Agency. 1971
Proceedings of a National Conference on Public Policy on Ground-Water Quality Protection, Held at Blacksburg, VA., on April 13-16, 1977. 1977
Proceedings of a workshop on suspended sediments and solids [electronic resource] / 2005
Proceedings of Environmental Impact Statement Conference, Held at Kansas City, Missouri on 8-9 November 1972. 1972
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