Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Birds of Ontario : habitat requirements, limiting factors, and status / 2005
Brucewood urban test catchment / 1980
Burning waste chlorinated hydrocarbons in a cement kiln / 1978
Canadian point sources to the Niagara River final report on MOE and EPA 1981/82 surveys : NRTC appendix report / 1985
Canandaigua Lake, Ontario and Yates Counties, New York. 1974
Case against the rain : a report on acidic precipitation and Ontario programs for remedial action 1980
Case study of particulate emissions from semi-suspension incineration of municipal refuse : final report. 1976
Cases in Water Conservation: How Efficiency Programs Help Water Utilities Save Water and Avoid Costs. 2004
Categorization of toxics in Lake Ontario : a report / 1988
Cemeteries and groundwater : an examination of the potential contamination of groundwater by preservatives containing formaldehyde / 1992
Characteristics of Bacteria Adapted to Low Nutrient Conditions in Lake Ontario. 1979
Chlorinated hydrocarbons in the Lake Ontario ecosystem (IFYGL) / 1975
Cladophora distribution in Lake Ontario (IFYGL) / 1974
Cladophora investigations, 1959 : a report of observation on the nature and control of excessive growth of Cladophora sp. in Lake Ontario / 1959
Cladophora investigations, 1962; a report of observations on the nature and control of excessive growth of Cladophora Sp. in Lake Ontario and Lake Erie / 1962
Collingwood harbour contaminated sediment removal demonstration : report on the water quality monitoring program / 1994
Collingwood Harbour remedial action plan : environmental conditions & problem definition / 1989
Collingwood Harbour Remedial Action Plan stage 2 report : a strategy for restoring the Collingwood Harbour ecosystem and delisting Collingwood Harbour as an area of concern / 1992
Collingwood Harbour Remedial Action Plan stage 2 report : a strategy for restoring the Collingwood Harbour ecosystem and delisting Collingwood Harbour as an area of concern / 1992
Community Water Supply Study, San Bernardino - Riverside - Ontario, California, Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area. 1969
Comparative nutrient budget of the two branches of Canagagigue Creek / 1977
Compilation of the average depths of Lake Michigan and Lake Ontario on a two-minute grid 1972
Comprehensive IFYGL materials balance study for Lake Ontario / 1977
Comprehensive plan for abatement of pollution from waters of Eighteenmile Creek Drainage Basin and other tributaries of Lake Ontario between Niagara River and Eighteenmile Creek 1954
Computer-aided planning of regional sludge disposal systems user's manual 1976
Conference in the matter of pollution of the navigable waters of the Detroit River and Lake Erie and their Tributaries in the State of Michigan : proceedings. 1965
Contaminant hydrogeology of toxic organic chemicals at a disposal site, Gloucester, Ontario 1. Chemical concepts and site assessment/ 1985
Contaminated sediment removal program / 1994
Contribution of phosphorus from agricultural land to streams by surface runoff / 1978
Countdown Acid Rain summary and analysis of the ... progress reports by Ontario's four major sources of sulphur dioxide. 1986
Critical evaluation of extended aeration systems in arctic and subarctic regions 1977
Cropping, tillage and land management practices of southwestern Ontario / 1986
Data report on trace elements in the waters of Lake Ontario during August 1985 : final data report to Great Lakes National Program Office, United States Environmental Protection Agency / 1987
Development document for the draft effluent monitoring regulation for the Ontario mineral industry Group B industrial minerals sector. 1989
Development of the Ontario provincial sediment quality guidelines for arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel and zinc : draft / 1990
Diurnal motions of the thermocline of Lake Ontario caused by meteorological and tidal forces / 1967
Don River watershed site evaluation : predicting effectiveness of stormwater source controls in urban watershed revitalization. 2010
Drinking water objectives, 1964
Eastern Lake Ontario and Oswego and Rochester Harbors chemical and physical characteristics data for 1971 / 1980
Ecosystem Changes in Lakes Erie and Ontario. 1981
Effect of flow equalization on water pollution control plant performance / 1980
Effect of Genesee River discharge and wind-induced resuspension on the nearshore area of Lake Ontario 1976
Effects of Different Habitats versus Agricultural Practices on Farmland Birds in Ontario. 1997
Effects of household sanitary systems on effluent phosphate levels, 1973
Effects of land use and cultural development on the Lake Ontario ecosystem since 1750 1990
Eighteenmile Creek drainage basin and other tributaries entering Lake Ontario between Niagara River and Eighteenmile Creek : recommended classifications and assignments of standards of quality and purity for designated waters of New York State 1957
Eighteenmile Creek watershed : the location of sources of pollution / 2010
Emissions of vinyl chloride to the ambient air around manufacturing facilities in Ontario : a summary of three reports produced by Air Resources Branch of the Ontario Ministry of the Environment 1977
Environmental applications of advanced instrumental analyses : assistance projects, FY 73 / 1974
Environmental assessment act, 1975 : Statutes of Ontario, 1975, chapter 69. 1978
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