Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 372
Showing: Items 351 - 372
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Ontario)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Water Pollution Problems and Improvement Needs Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River Basins. 1968
Water pollution problems and improvement needs: Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence River Basins 1968
Water quality characteristics of the US waters of Lake Ontario during IFYGL and modeling contaminant load-water quality response relationships in the nearshore waters of the Great Lakes 1979
Water quality data for Ontario lakes and streams. 1966
Water quality in the Lake Erie-Lake Saint Clair drainages : Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, New York, and Pennsylvania, 1996-98 / 2000
Water quality interpretive report, Ontario, 1967-1977 1979
Water quality management in the Great Lakes States and Ontario; statements presented at a seminar, annual meeting, Great Lakes Commission, Indianapolis, Indiana, December 15, 1966. 1967
Water quality management plan for the Lake Ontario basin : central (03-02), eastern (03-03), draft 1977
Water quality of the Lake Huron-Georgian Bay system / 1985
Water quality of urban storm water runoff in the borough of East York / 1977
Water quality studies 1976
Water resources survey of the County of Norfolk. 1963
Water resources survey of the County of Welland. 1964
Water-Oriented Outdoor Recreation in the Lake Ontario Basin: New York--Pennsylvania. 1967
Water-oriented outdoor recreation in the Lake Ontario Basin; New York - Pennsylvania. 1967
Waterfront transportation in the context of regional transportation : background and issues : a discussion paper / 1990
Welland Canal, Welland River and Twelve Mile Creek area : industrial discharges with potential impact on Lake Ontario / 1986
Western Canadian low-sulphur coal its expanded use in Ontario : technical report / 1986
Wetland plants of Ontario 1997
Winds over Lake Huron : chronicles in the life of a Great Lakes mariner / 1977
ZENON Environmental, Inc. cross-flow pervaporation system. 1995
Zooplankton production in Lake Ontario as influenced by environmental perturbations / 1975
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