Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 301 - 350
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Ontario)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Study into conditions of the freshwater aquifer in the Sarnia, Ontario area 1986
Study of conventional tile fields in fine-grained soils 1979
Study of trends in Canadian environmental and water issues concerning Ontario and the Great Lakes region 1983
Subsurface waste disposal in Lambton County, Ontario piezometric head in the disposal formation and groundwater chemistry of the shallow aquifer / 1977
Sugar maple decline in Ontario 1985
Summary of research results and list of publications Muskoka Conference '85, September 15-20, 1985 / 1985
Summary report 1972
Surface water data. Donnes sur les eaux de surface; Ontario 1965-1968. Ontario. 1965
Surveillance issue : contaminants. 1985
Surveillance issue : eutrophication 1985
Survey of Northern Wood Preservers Inc., Thunder Bay, Ontario, October 1984 1986
Synthesis of Ecological and Fish-Community Changes in Lake Ontario, 1970-2000. 2005
Technical report : development suitability / 1972
Technical report : fisheries / 1972
Technical report : natural vegetation / 1972
Technical report : physiography, geology and soils / 1972
Technical report : recreation resources / 1972
Technical report : water resources / 1972
Technical report : wildlife resources / 1972
Temagami pressure sewer system / 1984
The biogeochemistry of sulfur in two small lakes / 1981
The contribution of managed grasslands to sustainable agriculture in the Great Lakes basin / 1996
The Environmental protection act, 1971 : Statutes of Ontario, 1971, chapter 86 as amended by 1972, chapter 1, s. 69; 1972, chapter 106; 1973, chapter 94; 1974, chapter 20; 1974, chapter 125; 1975, chapter 70 and 1976, chapter 49 and Regulation 15; Revised regulations of Ontario, 1970 as amended by O. Reg. 873/74 and O. Reg. 271/77; Ontario regulation 872/74 as amended by O. Reg. 158/75. 1978
The Great Lakes economy : looking North and South / 1991
The green economy and the water-energy-food nexus / 2018
The problem of acid mine drainage in the province of Ontario, 1972
The role of nutrients and their budgets in the Bay of Quinte, Lake Ontario / 1970
The role of sludge worms in eutrophication / 1972
The state of Lake Ontario in 2003 / 2007
The Superior North Shore / 1987
The thermal regime of Georgian Bay (1953, 1954) 1967
Third implementation plan (IP3) for the integrated atmospheric deposition network : 2005 - 2010 / 2004
Time-series plots of Lake Ontario currents, temperatures, and winds (IFYGL, Winter 1972-73) 1978
Toronto area watershed management strategy study : Humber River pilot watershed project / 1986
Toronto Harbour Commissioners (THC) Soil Recycle Treatment Train. 1993
Toronto harbour contaminated sediment removal demonstration : report on the water quality monitoring program / 1994
Transboundary air pollution in Ontario / 2005
Treatment of waste treatment plant effluents by reverse osmosis / 1978
United States plan for phosphorus load reductions to Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, and Saginaw Bay. 1986
United States Task Force plan for phosphorus load reductions from non-point, and point sources on Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, and Saginaw Bay / 1985
Upgrading of sewage lagoon effluents / 1977
Upper Great Lakes Connecting Channels Study / 1988
Upper Great Lakes Connecting Channels Study. Volume 1: Executive Summary. 1988
Urban waterfront industry planning and developing green enterprise for the 21st century : symposium report / 1990
Use and production of iron salts for phosphorus removal, 1973
Verification analysis of Lake Ontario and Rochester embayment three dimensional eutrophication models / 1979
Verification of Water Quality Models. 1982
Water management : goals, policies, objectives and implementation procedures of the Ministry of the Environment. 1978
Water plant waste discharge in the Province of Ontario 1978
Water pollution investigation: Black River of New York. 1974
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