Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Assessment of Industrial Hazardous Waste Practices in the Metal Smelting and Refining Industry. Volume II. Primary and Secondary Nonferrous Smelting and Refining. 1977
Assessment of Industrial Hazardous Waste Practices in the Metal Smelting and Refining Industry. Volume IV. Appendices. 1977
Assessment of Industrial Hazards Waste Practices, Paint and Allied Products Industry, Contract Solvent Reclaiming Operations, and Factory Application of Coatings. 1975
Assessment of Methods For Estimating Risk to Birds From Ingestion of Contaminated Grit Particles. 2011
Assessment of the Effects of Lead Additives in Gasoline on Emission Control Systems which might be used to Meet the 1975-76 Motor Vehicle Emission Standards. 1971
Assessment of the safety of lead and lead salts in food : a report of the Nutrition Foundation's Expert Advisory Committee. 1982
Assessment of the use of fugitive emission control devices / 1979
Assessment of toxicity of automotive metallic emissions. volume I, Assessment of fuel additives emission toxicity via selected assays of nucleic acid and protein synthesis / 1976
Assessment of toxicity of automotive metallic emissions. volume I, Assessment of fuel additives emission toxicity via selected assays of nucleic acid and protein synthesis / 1976
Assessment of toxicity of automotive metallic emissions. volume II, Relative toxicities of automotive metallic emissions against lead compounds using biochemical parameters / 1976
Assessment of water resources in lead-zinc mined areas in Cherokee County, Kansas, and adjacent areas / 1987
ASTM standards on lead hazards associated with buildings. 1998
ASTM standards on lead-based paint abatement in buildings 1994
At a Glance : EPA Has Made Progress in Assessing Historical Lead Smelter Sites But Needs to Strengthen Procedures. 2014
At a Glance : EPA Is Not Recovering All Its Costs of the Lead-Based Paint Fees Program. 2013
At a Glance : Examination of Costs Claimed Under Grant AB-83363501 Awarded to Lead Remediation Association of America. 2013
At a Glance : Implementation Plan With Cost Sharing Methodology Needed for Region 8 Senior Environmental Employee Work on Lead Risk Reduction. 2013
At a Glance : Review of Hotline Complaint Concerning Cost and Benefit Estimates for EPA's Lead-Based Paint Rule. 2012
At a Glance : Review of Hotline Complaint Regarding Residential Soil Contamination in Cherryvale, Kansas. 2013
At the crossroads of jobs and environment : reducing lead hazards through community employment / 1999
Atmospheric Emissions from Lead Typesetting Operations: Screening Study. 1976
Atmospheric Fluxes and Geochemistries of Stable Pb, Pb-210, and Po-210 in Crystal Lake, Wisconsin: Wisconsin Power Plant Impact Study. 1984
ATSDR health consultations under CERCLA. 1991
Attention! : how do lead-based paint laws apply to you? when : 2000
Attention! : how do lead-based paint laws apply to you? when : 2000
Attention! : remodeler / renovator / contractor / landlord : does the lead-based paint law of June 1, 1999 apply to you? 2001
Attention! : remodeler / renovator / contractor / landlord : does the lead-based paint law of June 1, 1999 apply to you? / 2000
Attenuation of pollutants in municipal landfill leachate by clay minerals / 1978
Automated atomic absorption determination of lead in gasoline / 1981
Automatic Analysis of Dissolved Metal Pollutants in Water by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy. 1982
Automobile Emission Control. The State of the Art as of December 1972. 1973
Background information for new source performance standards : Asphalt concrete plants, petroleum refineries, storage vessels, secondary lead smelters and refineries, brass or bronze ingot production plants, iron and steel plants, sewage treatment plants / 1974
Background information for new source performance standards: primary copper, zinc, and lead smelters / 1974
Background information for proposed new source performance standards : asphalt concrete plants, petroleum refineries, storage vessels, secondary lead smelters and refineries, brass or bronze ingot production plants, iron and steel plants, sewage treatment plants. 1973
Baltimore Integrated Environmental Management Project phase II report : reducing the hazards from abatement of lead paint. 1987
Baseline levels of platinum and palladium in human tissue / 1976
Basis for educational recommendations on reducing childhood lead exposure / 2000
Battery-Powered PM-10 Indoor Air Samplers Applied to Unvented Third World Residential Combustion Sources. 1993
Behavior and Identification of Toxic Metals in Complex Mixtures: Examples from Effluent and Sediment Pore Water Toxicity Identification Evaluations. 1993
Behavior of arsenic in a rotary kiln incinerator. {microfiche}/ by R.C. Thurnau 1990
Behavioral Effects of Moderate Lead Exposure in Children and Animal Models. Part 1: Clinical Studies. 1980
Behavioral Effects of Moderate Lead Exposure in Children and Animal Models. Part 2: Animal Studies. 1980
Behavioral effects of occupational exposure to lead 1975
Behavioral Effects of Prenatal and Early Postnatal Lead Exposure in the Primate 'Macaca fascicularis'. 1986
Behavioral toxicology : an emerging discipline : proceedings of the Southwest Psychological Association annual meeting, April 30, 1976, Albuquerque, New Mexico / 1977
Behavioral toxicology of lead in the infant rhesus monkey 1978
Bench-scale recovery of lead using an electromembrane/chelation process. 1995
Bench-scale testing of sorbent additives for trace metal capture and retention / 1995
Bennington, VT Revisits Its Sodium Bicarbonate Water Treatment Method. CEM Message. 1990
Benthic lead fluxes in San Francisco Bay, California, USA / 1994
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