Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Lead)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Effects of Age and Body Lead Burden on CNS Function in Young Children. II. EEG Spectra. 1981
Effects of Aqueous Al, Cd, Cu, Fe(II), Ni, and Zn on Pb Immobilization by Hydroxyapatite. 1994
Effects of Automobile Exhaust Fumes on Respiratory Function. On Workers in Polluted Places of Work. 1971
Effects of chemical variations in aquatic environments. Vol. 3, Lead toxicity to Rainbow trout and testing application factor concept / 1973
Effects of Chemical Variations in Aquatic Environments. Volume III. Lead Toxicity to Rainbow Trout and Testing Application Factor Concept 1973
Effects of Divalent Metal Chlorides on Respiration and Extractable Enzymatic Activities of Douglas-Fir Needle Litter. 1979
Effects of environmental contaminants on cell mediated immunity / 1978
Effects of exposure to heavy metals on selected freshwater fish : toxicity of copper, cadmium, chromium and lead to eggs and fry of seven fish species / 1976
Effects of fluvial tailings deposits on soils and surface- and ground-water quality, and implications for remediation--upper Arkansas River, Colorado, 1992-96 {MICROFICHE} / 2000
Effects of heavy metals on the differentiation of metabolic pathways in the CNS / 1982
Effects of heavy metals on the differentiation of metabolic pathways in the CNS / 1982
Effects of Inorganic Lead In vitro on Ion Exchanges and Respiratory Metabolism of Rat Kidney Cortex. 1985
Effects of lead in the Canadian environment, 1978 : executive report / 1979
Effects of lead in the environment--1978, quantitative aspects 1979
Effects of Lead on Benzene Metabolism. 1981
Effects of Low to Moderate Lead Exposure on Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials in Children. 1985
Effects of Low to Moderate Lead Exposure on Slow Cortical Potentials in Young Children: Two Year Follow-Up Study (Journal Version). 1982
Effects of NO3(-), Cl(-), F(-), SO4(2-), and CO3(2-) on Pb(2+) Immobilization by Hydroxyapatite. 1994
Effects of oral lead on serum proteins and on the development of specific antibody response in young sheep / 1974
Effects of pH, Solid/Solution Ratio, Ionic Strength, and Organic Acids on Pb and Cd Sorption on Kaolinite. 1991
Effects of phosphorus loading on phytoplankton distribution and certain aspects of cytology in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron / 1983
Effects of Pollution Control on the Nonferrous Metals Industries. Lead. Part I. Introduction and Executive Summary. 1971
Effects of Pollution Control on the Nonferrous Metals Industries. Lead. Part II. Structure of the Industry. 1971
Effects of Pollution Control on the Nonferrous Metals Industries. Lead. Part III. The Economic Impact of Pollution Abatement on the Industry. 1971
Effects of reduced use of lead in gasoline on vehicle emissions and photochemical reactivity / 1972
Effects of Reduced Use of Lead in Gasoline on Vehicle Emissions and Photochemical Reactivity. 1972
Effects of Some Trace Elements on the Blood of Kuwait Mullets 'Liza macroleps' (Smith). 1978
Effects of Temperature and Fuel Lead Content on Particulate Formation in Spark Ignition Engine Exhaust. 1972
Effects of the proposed EPA lead phasedown on the supply of gasoline with sufficient octane 1984
Effects of using unleaded and low-lead gasoline, and non-lead additives on agricultural engines designed for leaded gasoline / 1987
Effects of Waste Oil on the Survival and Reproduction of the American Flagfish, 'Jordanella floridae'. 1980
Effluent Monitoring Procedures: Metals Analyses. Student Reference Manual. 1977
Eighteenth Annual Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory Research Symposium : abstract proceedings / 1992
El Centro Nacional de Información sobre el Plomo. 1995
El envenenamiento por el plomo y sus ni nos. 1995
El envenenamiento por el plomo y sus niños. 2000
Electrochemical Design Associates (formerly Geokinetics International, Inc.) lead recovery technology evaluation : Building 394 Battery Shop, Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility, Honolulu, Hawaii / 2003
Electrochemistry of lead 1979
Electrolytic method for recovery of lead from scrap batteries 1981
Electrolytic method for recovery of lead from scrap batteries : scale-up study using 20-liter multielectrode cell / 1984
Electrophysiological Assessment of Sensory and Cognitive Function in Children Exposed to Lead: A Review. 1987
Electrophysiological Systems for Neurotoxicity Field Testing: PEARL II and Alternatives. 1989
Elements in Major Raw Agricultural Crops in the United States. 1. Cadmium and Lead in Lettuce, Peanuts, Soybeans, Sweet Corn, and Wheat. 1983
Elements in Major Raw Agricultural Crops in the United States. 3. Cadmium, Lead, and Eleven Other Elements in Carrots, Field Corn, Onions, Rice, Spinach, and Tomatoes (Journal Version). 1985
Elevated Lead in D.C. Drinking Water: A Study of Potential Causative Events, Final Summary Report. 2007
Eliminating childhood lead poisoning : a federal strategy targeting lead paint hazards. 2000
Eliminating childhood lead poisoning : a federal strategy targeting lead paint hazards. 2000
Elimination of Spectral Interferences in Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy Using Orthogonal Polynomials. 1990
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act-Section 313: Guidance for Reporting Releases and Other Waste Management Quantities of Toxic Chemicals: Lead and Lead Compounds. 2001
Emergency responders agreements for fund-lead remedial actions. 1994
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