Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 451 - 500
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Lead)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the nonferrous metals manufacturing point source category. 1989
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the nonferrous metals manufacturing point source category. 1989
Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Nonferrous Metals Point Source Category. Volume 2. Supplemental Development Documents for: Primary Aluminum, Primary Copper Smelting and Electrolytic Refining, Primary Lead, Primary Zinc, and Metallurgical Acid Plants. 1983
Development Document for Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Nonferrous Metals Point Source Category. Volume 3. Supplemental Development Documents for: Primary Tungsten, Primary Columbium - Tantalum, Secondary Silver, Secondary Lead, Secondary Aluminum, and Secondary Copper. 1983
Development Document for Interim Final Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Proposed New Source Performance Standards for the Lead Segment of the Nonferrous Metals Manufacturing Point Source Category. 1975
Development document for proposed effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the lead segment of the nonferrous metals manufacturing point source category. 1974
Development of a Field Test Method for the Determination of Lead in Paint and Paint-Contaminated Dust and Soil. 1993
Development of a mobile treatment system for handling spilled hazardous materials / 1976
Development of a model to predict the adsorption of lead from solution on a natural streambed sediment / 1984
Development of a Nucleonic Particulate Emission Gauge. 1972
Development of an example control strategy for lead / 1979
Development of an Integrated Intervention Plan to Reduce Exposure to Lead and Other Contaminants in the Mining Center of La Oroya, Peru. 2005
Development of analytical techniques to measure human exposure to fuel additives / 1974
Development of estimated quantitation levels for the second six-year review of national primary drinking water regulations. 2009
Development of Methods to Define Water Quality Effects of Urban Runoff. 1983
Development of Particulate Emission Control Techniques for Spark-Ignition Engines. 1971
Development of Particulate Emissions Control Techniques for Spark Ignition Engines. 1971
Development of the Molten Carbonate Process to Remove Lead and Other Particulates from Spark Ignition Engine Exhausts. 1970
Device for Field Determination of Heavy Metals in Natural Waters. 1970
Dialysis for concentration and removal of industrial wastes / 1976
Dialysis for concentration and removal of industrial wastes / 1976
Direct Determination of Arsenite by Differential Pulse Polarography in the Presence of Lead(II) and Thallium(I). 1987
Direct Determination of Metals in Air. 1973
Disclosure of information on lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards. 1990
Dispersion of pollutants near highways: experimental design and data aqquisition procedures, 1978
Distribution of lead in tap water : working draft report for Task 3-29 / 1989
Distribution of metals in Baltimore harbor sediments / 1974
Distribution of Metals in Elizabeth River Sediments. 1974
Distribution of Selected Metals in Bottom Sediments. 1971
Distribution of Selected Trace Metals in Southern Lake Michigan and Lower Green Bay. 1974
Distribution of Trace Metals in Impoundments. 1970
Distributions of soil lead in the nation's housing stock. 1996
Distributions of soil lead in the nation's housing stock. 1996
District of Columbia Final Total Maximum Daily Loads for Organics and Metals in Broad Branch, Dumbarton Oaks, Fenwick Branch, Klingle Valley Creek, Luzon Branch, Melvin Hazen Valley Branch, Normanstone Creek, Pinehurst Branch, Piney Branch, Portal Branch, and Soapstone Creek. 2004
District of Columbia's drinking water : agencies have improved coordination, but key challenges remain in protecting the public from elevated lead levels ; report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Environment and Hazardous Materials, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / 2005
Documentation of EMSL-LV contribution to Dallas lead study 1984
Documentation of EMSL-LV contribution to Dallas lead study / 1983
Documentation of EMSL-LV contribution to Dallas lead study / 1984
Documentation of EMSL-LV contribution to Dallas lead study {microform} / 1984
Dossier on Antimony and antimony compounds / 1978
Draft development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the major nonferrous metals segment of the nonferrous metals manufacturing point source category. 1979
Draft environmental impact statement Red Dog Mine project / 1984
Draft final report for the comprehensive abatement performance study. 1993
Draft final report for the pilot study of targeting elevated blood-lead levels in children / 2007
Draft implementation frame work for the use of equilibrium partitioning sediment guidelines 2000
Draft lead report 2004
Draft quality management plan for the targeting elevated blood-lead levels in children / 2007
Draft report on evaluation of statistical methodologies for relationships among soil lead, dust lead, and ambient air lead concentrations for TASK 3-21 : support health risk assessment for development of regulation of lead in drinking water / 1988
Draft report on population blood lead distribution from lead in drinking water using lognormal distribution for TASK 3-10 : support health risk assessment for development of regulation of lead in drinking water / 1988
Draft report on use of models for estimating blood lead in risk assessment applications for Task 3-21 : support health risk assessment for development of regulation of lead in drinking water / 1988
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