Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1865
Showing: Items 201 - 250
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Select Item Title Year Published
Characterization of MWC ashes and leacheates from MSW landfills, monofills, and co-disposal sites / 1987
Characterizing risk at metal finishing facilities / 1998
Cheap and clean : how Americans think about energy in the age of global warming / 2014
Chem sources U.S.A. 1973
Chemical analyses of Oklahoma mineral raw materials, 1928
Chemical engineering cost estimation 1955
Chemical industries : a guide to information sources 1979
Chemical Industries Division newsletter. 1980
Chemical of current interest propylene oxide : health and environmental effects profile / 1986
Chemical origins and markets; product flow charts, tables of major organics and inorganics. 1967
Chemical process economics 1975
Chemical reagents in the mineral processing industry 1986
Chemical regulation reporter. 1977
Chemical safety data guide 1985
Chemical statistics handbook. 1940
Chemicals in Commerce Information System (CICIS)) on-line inventory system : Version 1.2 : uers's guide for RTP system / 1980
Chemicals in your community. 1999
Chemicals, human health, and the environment : a collection of Dow scientific papers : volume 1. 1975
Chemistry in the economy; an American Chemical Society study. 1973
Chemodynamic studies on bench mark industrial chemicals / 1977
Chesapeake Bay Revised Basinwide Toxics Reduction Strategy Commitments Evaluation Addendum. 1994
Chesapeake Bay Revised Basinwide Toxics Reduction Strategy Commitments Evaluation. 1994
Chromium : water quality standards criteria summaries : a compilation of state/federal criteria / 1988
Classification of American cities for case study analysis : volume 1, summary report / 1977
Clays and clay minerals. 1965
Clean energy investment : project synthesis report / 2008
Clean Water for Mid-America. 1970
Clean Water. Report to Congress, 1974. 1974
Cleaner production in industry : integrating business goals and environmental management / 1995
Cleaner production worldwide. 1993
Climate change : EPA and DOE should do more to encourage progress under two voluntary programs : report to Congressional requesters. 2006
Climate change and energy efficiency in industry. 1991
Climate Wise : turning energy efficiency and environmental performance into a corporate asset. 1996
Climate wise : wise rules for industrial efficiency : a tool kit for estimating energy savings and greenhouse gas emissions reductions. 1998
Cloud Chemistry and Occurrence in the Western United States: A Synopsis of Current Information. 1989
Coal & Illinois industry : the impact of the national energy acts of 1978 : conference proceedings of May 9-10, 1979 at the Conrad Hilton, Chicago, Illinois 1979
Cogeneration technology and economics for the process industries 1983
Colorado energy production for the '80s; best estimates for future production of coal, shale oil, oil and gas, and uranium in Colorado 1980-1990 1980
Colorado experience. Colorado's premier history series / Season 1 : 2013
Colorado mineral and mineral fuel activity, 2001 / 2002
Colorado permit directory for energy and mineral resource development 1980
Commercial biotechnology : an international analysis. 1984
Commercialization of solar energy by regulated utilities economic and financial risk analysis / 1980
Committee on oil shale, coal, and related minerals report to the Governor and General Assembly . 1974
Common Codes project, Interagency Regulatory Liaison Group : task 2 analysis. 1980
Common sense initiative computers and electronics sector : first in a series of background materials / 1995
Comparison of forecasts of petroleum product demand illustrating the effects of prices and other factors / 1975
Comparisons of Estimated and Actual Pollution Control Capital Expenditures for Selected Industries. 1980
Competitive implications of environmental regulation : a study of six industries / 1994
Competitive Implications of Environmental Regulation in the Laundry Detergent Industry. 1996
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