Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1864
Showing: Items 451 - 500
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Industries)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Economic impact analysis of Texas marine resources and industries. 1970
Economic impact analysis of the electrical and electronics components industry : economic analysis of Phase II electronics / 1983
Economic impact analysis of the electrical and electronics components industry, phase II : final report / 1983
Economic impact analysis of the final reinforced plastics NESHAP / 2002
Economic impact analysis of the miscellaneous metal parts and products surface coating NESHAP. 2003
Economic impact analysis of the proposed taconite iron ore NESHAP 2002
Economic Impact Analysis, RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act) Interim Status Standards. Volume II. 1981
Economic Impact Analysis, RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act) Interim Status Standards. Volume III. 1981
Economic Impact Analysis, RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act) Interim Status Standards. Volume IV. 1981
Economic impact of air pollution controls on the secondary nonferrous metals industry. 1969
Economic impact of effluent guidelines : mineral mining and processing industry : construction sand and gravel, crushed stone, industrial sand, phosphate rock. 1979
Economic Impact of EPA's Regulations on the Petroleum Refining Industry. Volume 1. Executive Summary. 1976
Economic Impact of EPA's Regulations on the Petroleum Refining Industry. Volume 2. Part One and Two. Industry Description and Technical Analysis. 1976
Economic Impact of EPA's Regulations on the Petroleum Refining Industry. Volume 3. Part Three. Economic Impact Analysis. 1976
Economic impact of incremental pollution control at Asarco's Tacoma smelter final report. 1977
Economic impact of interim final and proposed effluent guidelines : mineral mining and processing industry, construction sand and gravel, crushed stone, industrial sand, phosphate rock. 1977
Economic impact of interim final and proposed effluent guidelines : mineral mining and processing industry, construction sand and gravel, crushed stone, industrial sand, phosphate rock. 1976
Economic Impact of Pollution Control. A Summary of Recent Studies. An Overview. 1972
Economic impact of proposed water pollution controls on the non ferrous metals manufacturing industry (Phase II). 1975
Economic Impact of Regulating Chlorofluorocarbon Emissions from Aerosols: A Retrospective Study. 1983
Economic Impact Study of the Pollution Abatement Equipment Industry. 1972
Economic Model System for the Assessment of Effects of Air Pollution Abatement. Volume I. The OAP Economic Model System Development and Demonstration. 1971
Economic Modelling of Water Supply: An Econometric Analysis of the Multiproduct Firm. 1985
Economic Potential of Colleton, Dorchester, and Hampton Counties, South Carolina with Particular Reference to Light Manufacturing Volume II. 1968
Economic Study of the Effect of Municipal Sewer Surcharges on Industrial Wastes. 1970
Economic trends and outlook of pesticide industry : need for "exculsive use" amendments to FIFRA. 1978
Economics of pollution control in the non-ferrous metals industry 1979
Economics of the mineral industries : a series of articles by specialists. 1985
Edited proceedings, International Conference on Air Pollution and Water Conservation, Basle, Switzerland, October, 1969 1970
Education and training to assure a qualified workforce : proceedings of the second National Conference on Meeting Environmental Workforce Needs, April 1-3, 1985 / 1985
Effect of Water Resources on Economic Growth in the Tennessee Valley Region. 1971
Effectiveness and impact of corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards / 2002
Effects of Diminished Groundwater Supplies on Selected New Hampshire Industries. 1973
Effects of federal land use policy and environmental policy on the hardrock mining industry : the 1970s in review, the 1980s in perspective 1981
Effects of fluvial tailings deposits on soils and surface- and ground-water quality, and implications for remediation--upper Arkansas River, Colorado, 1992-96 {MICROFICHE} / 2000
Effects of seafood waste discharges on the benthic environment at Ketchikan, Alaska 2004
Effects of underground mining and mine collapse on the hydrology of selected basins in West Virginia 1993
Effluent limitations guidelines and standards : industrial subcategories phase I / 1975
EIA technical review guidelines : energy generation and transmission / 2011
EIA technical review guidelines : non-metal and metal mining / 2011
Electric war : the fight over nuclear power 1976
Electrical energy as an alternate to clean fuels for stationary sources, volume II, appendix / 1976
Electrodialysis in Advanced Waste Treatment. 1967
Electronic products manufacture : source reduction of chlorinated solvents / 1991
Electronic products takeback : the worldwide legislative update. 2000
Electronics industry environmental roadmap. 1994
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act Section 313 guidance for metal mining facilities : (version 1.1) / 1998
Emission factor development for the feed and grain industry / 1974
Emissions and cost estimates for globally significant anthropogenic combustion sources of NOx, N2O, CH4, CO, and CO2 / 1990
Employer Intentions to Use the Win Tax Credit Program: A Survey of Employers who had Previously Hired Win Enrollees. 1972
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