Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1864
Showing: Items 151 - 200
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Select Item Title Year Published
Biopharmaceuticals in transition 1990
Biorefineries and chemical processes : design, integration and sustainability analysis / 2014
Bioremediation engineering for mining and mineral processing wastes 1997
Biotechnology & nanotechnology : regulation under environmental, health, and safety laws / 2009
Biotechnology : delays in and status of EPA's efforts to issue a TSCA regulation : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Regulation, Business Opportunities, and Energy, Committee on Small Business, House of Representatives / 1992
Biotechnology : implications for agribusiness in the 1990s / 1988
Biotechnology : new developments in federal policies and regulations / 1988
Biotechnology and the law 1982
Biotechnology deskbook / 2001
Biotechnology in agriculture : advances in commercial livestock and plant production technology 1984
Biotechnology law for the 1990s analysis and perspective. 1989
Biotechnology revolution an international perspective / 1988
Biotechnology sourcebook 1989
Bisphenol A Action Plan. (CASRN 80-05-7). 2010
Book of lists. [Oklahoma] 1988
Boom, bust, boom : a story about copper, the metal that runs the world / 2012
Bottled water supply : a pilot survey of water bottlers and bottled water. 1972
Brain tumors in the chemical industry / 1982
Breaking new ground : mining, minerals, and sustainable development : the report of the MMSD project. 2002
Business and the environment : policy incentives and corporate responses. 2007
Business, ethics, and the environment : the public policy debate / 1990
Business, public policy and the environment : readings and discussion / 1991
Cadmium : water quality standards criteria summaries : a compilation of state/federal criteria / 1988
Calciners and dryers in mineral industries : background information for proposed standards / 1985
California geology magazine index, 1948-1986 1987
California manufacturers register. 1968
California services register. 1981
Canadian & American mines handbook. 2005
Canadian mines handbook. 1931
Candidate coding scheme inventory : common codes project : working paper. 1979
Capacity analysis for land disposal restrictions--Phase IV : newly identified toxicity characteristic metal wastes and mineral processing wastes (final rule) ; technical background document. 1998
Capital and operating costs of selected air pollution control systems / 1976
Carbon nation : fossil fuels in the making of American culture / 2014
Career Choices. 1975
Case histories of accidents in the chemical industry. 1962
Cement Industry: Economic Impact of Pollution Control Costs. Volume I. executive Summary. 1971
Cement Industry: Economic Impact of Pollution Control Costs. Volume II. 1971
Cement plant glossary / 1980
Characteristics and settlement patterns of energy related operating workers in the northern Great Plains 1977
Characterization and Eh/pH-based leaching tests of mercury-containing mining wastes from the Sulfur Bank Mercury Mine, Lake County, California [electronic resource] / 2001
Characterization of Contaminated Nuclear Sites, Facilities and Materials: Radioisotope and Radiopharmaceutical Manufacturers and Suppliers. 1983
Characterization of Contaminated Nuclear Sites, Facilities, and Materials: Research and Development. 1983
Characterization of MWC (Municipal Waste Combustion) Ashes and Leachates from MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) Landfills, Monofills, and Co-Disposal Sites. 1987
Characterization of MWC (Municipal Waste Combustion) Ashes and Leachates from MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) Landfills, Monofills, and Co-Disposal Sites. Volume 2. Leachate Baseline Report: Determination of Municipal Landfill Leachate Characteristics. 1987
Characterization of MWC (Municipal Waste Combustion) Ashes and Leachates from MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) Landfills, Monofills, and Co-Disposal Sites. Volume 3. Addendum to Characterization of Municipal Landfill Leachates--A Literature Review. 1987
Characterization of MWC (Municipal Waste Combustion) Ashes and Leachates from MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) Landfills, Monofills, and Co-Disposal Sites. Volume 4. Characterization of Municipal Waste Combustion Residues and Their Leachates--A Literature Review. 1987
Characterization of MWC (Municipal Waste Combustion) Ashes and Leachates from MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) Landfills, Monofills, and Co-Disposal Sites. Volume 5. Characterization of Municipal Waste Combustor Residues. 1987
Characterization of MWC (Municipal Waste Combustion) Ashes and Leachates from MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) Landfills, Monofills, and Co-Disposal Sites. Volume 6. Characterization of Leachates from Municipal Waste Disposal Sites and Co-Disposal Sites. 1987
Characterization of MWC (Municipal Waste Combustion) Ashes and Leachates from MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) Landfills, Monofills, and Co-Disposal Sites. Volume 7. Addendum to Monofill Report. 1987
Characterization of MWC ashes and leacheates from MSW landfills, monofills, and co-disposal sites / 1987
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