Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 401 - 450
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Incineration)

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Select Item Title Year Published
European Refuse Fired Systems: Evaluation of Design Practices. Volume I. 1979
European refuse-fired energy systems : evaluation of design practices / 1979
Evaluate and quantify sludge incinerator hydrocarbon emissions : project 91-ISP-1, 1993 / 1993
Evaluation of 19 on-site waste treatment systems in southeastern Kentucky / 1980
Evaluation of a carbon adsorption/incineration control system for auto assembly plants / 1976
Evaluation of a fluidized-bed sewage sludge incinerator using wood chips for fuel / 1986
Evaluation of air pollution control devices for hazardous waste combustion 1983
Evaluation of Alternative Treatment Technologies for CERCLA Soils and Debris (Summary of Phase 1 and Phase 2). 1991
Evaluation of an ESCA (electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis) / leachate analytical scheme to characterize process stream wastes : final report / 1984
Evaluation of an ESCA/leachate analytical scheme to characterize process stream wastes / 1984
Evaluation of bacteroides as indicator bacteria in drinking water / 1987
Evaluation of bacteroides as indicator bacteria in drinking water / 1987
Evaluation of CO and THC analyzers for hazardous waste incinerator emissions measurement / 1990
Evaluation of emission control criteria for hazardous waste management facilities : final report / 1978
Evaluation of emission control options at Leed Architectural Products / 1989
Evaluation of emissions from the open burning of household waste in barrels : volume 1. technical report / 1997
Evaluation of emissions from the open burning of household waste in barrels : volume 2. appendices A-G / 1997
Evaluation of hazardous waste incineration in an aggregate kiln : Florida Solite Corporation / 1985
Evaluation of hazardous waste incineration in cement kilns at San Juan Cement Company / 1984
Evaluation of HCl measurement techniques at a hazardous waste incinerator / 1990
Evaluation of oxygen-enriched MSW/sewage sludge co-incineration demonstration program / 1994
Evaluation of POHC and PIC screening methods / 1993
Evaluation of small modular incinerators in municipal plants. 1976
Evaluation of solidification/stabilization treatment processes for municipal waste combustion residues / 1993
Evaluation of the Behavior of Flame Ionization Detection Total Hydrocarbon Continuous Emission Monitors at Low Concentrations. 1998
Evaluation of the efficiency of industrial flares : background - experimental design - facility / 1983
Evaluation of the efficiency of industrial flares : flare head design and gas composition / 1985
Evaluation of the efficiency of industrial flares : flare head design and gas composition / 1986
Evaluation of the efficiency of industrial flares : H2S gas mixtures and pilot assisted flares / 1986
Evaluation of the efficiency of industrial flares : test results / 1984
Evaluation of the efficiency of industrial flares test results / {microform} : 1984
Evaluation of the feasibility of incinerating hazardous waste in high-temperature industrial processes / 1984
Evaluation of the feasibility of incinerating hazardous waste in high-temperature industrial processes / 1984
Evaluation of the thermal stability POHC incinerability ranking in a pilot-scale rotary kiln incinerator / 1991
Ex-situ Remediation Technologies as Practiced in USA. 1993
Executive summaries of Roundtables on Hazardous Waste Minimization and Combustion. 1994
Experience in incineration applicable to Superfund site remediation / 1988
Experimental investigation of critical fundamental issues in hazardous waste incineration / 1989
Experimental Investigation of Critical Fundamental Issues in Hazardous Waste Incineration. 1989
Experimental Investigation of PIC Formation during CFC Incineration. 1996
Experimental investigation of PIC formation during the incineration of recovered CFC-11 : project summary / 1994
Experimental Investigation of PIC Formation during the Incineration of Recovered CFC-11. 1994
Experimental investigation of PIC formation in CFC incineration / 1991
Experimental investigation of PIC formation in CFC-12 incineration : project summary / 1993
Exposure of main to dioxins : a perspective on industrial waste incineration / 1992
Facilities evaluation of high efficiency boiler destruction PCB waste / 1981
Fate of Trace Metals in a Rotary Kiln Incinerator with a Single-Stage Ionizing Wet Scrubber. Volume 1. Technical Results. 1991
Fate of Trace Metals in a Rotary Kiln Incinerator with a Single-Stage Ionizing Wet Scrubber. Volume 2. Appendices. 1991
Fate of trace metals in a rotary kiln incinerator with a Venturi/packed column scrubber. {microform}. Volume 2. Appendices. / 1990
Feasibility of environmental monitoring and exposure assessment for a municipal waste combustor : Rutland, Vermont pilot study. 1991
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