Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1232
Showing: Items 601 - 650
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Incineration)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Incineration of radioactive waste 1985
Incineration of refuse & sludge: proceedings of a symposium, Department of Civil Engineering University of Southampton, January 1972; 1972
Incineration of sewage sludge : technical support document / 1988
Incineration of Solid Waste. 1989
Incineration of solid wastes 1974
Incineration of volatile organic compounds on the M/T Vulcanus II / 1983
Incineration systems 1985
Incineration systems selection and design / 1984
Incineration Treatment of Arsenic-Contaminated Soil. 1991
Incineration-at-sea research strategy / 1985
Incineration. 1980
Incineration; a state-of-the-art study. 1974
Incinerator and cement kiln capacity for hazardous waste treatment 1986
Incinerator and cement kiln capacity for hazardous waste treatment / 1987
Incinerator and solid waste technology : a collection of papers on the subject of incinerator and solid waste technology from 1962-1975 1975
Incinerator monitoring techniques for assuring performance and building public trust. 1990
Incinerator operating parameters which correlate with performance / 1987
Industrial process design for pollution control 1974
Influence of Atomization Quality on the Destruction of Hazardous Waste Compounds. 1986
Influence of Rogue Droplet Atomization on Incineration Effectiveness. 1987
Information Collection Request for: Monitoring, Reporting, and Recordkeeping Requirements under the Technical Regulation for Sewage Sludge Use and Disposal. 1988
Inhalation pathway risk assessment of hazardous waste incineration facilities 1984
Initial report for destruction of polychlorinated biphenyls in a mobile incineration system at EPA Region II Facility, Edison, New Jersey : Volume 1. / 1981
Innovative and alternative technology assessment manual. 1980
Innovative fossil fuel fired vitrification technology for soil remediation. 1994
Innovative treatment technologies : overview and guide to information sources. 1991
INSEA User's Manual Environmental Performance Model of Incineration at Sea Operations. 1987
Instrumental monitoring of non-methane hydrocarbons at a hazardous waste incinerator / 1987
Instrumental monitoring of non-methane hydrocarbons at a hazardous waste incinerator {microfiche} 1986
Integrating Dispersion Modeling, Receptor Modeling and Air Monitoring to Apportion Incinerator Impacts for Exposure Assessment. 1994
Interim evaluation of health risks associated with emissions of tetrachlorinated dioxins from municipal waste resource recovery facilities / 1981
Interim Report : Organic Analyses and TCDD Determination in Extracts of Samples Collected from the Hempstead Resources Recovery System Incinerator / 1980
Interim Report on PIC (Products of Incomplete Combustion) Minimization in a Research Combustor. 1982
International Ash Working Group: A State-of-Knowledge Treatise on MSW Incinerator Residues. 1994
Introduction to hazardous waste incineration 1987
Introduction to hazardous waste incineration 2000
Inventory of treatability study vendors. 1990
Inventory of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions and sinks : 1990-1993 / 1994
Inventory of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions and sinks : 1990-1994 / 1995
Inventory of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions and sinks : 1990-1996 / 1998
Inventory of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions and sinks : 1990-1997 / 1999
Investigation of the Biodegradability of Packaging Plastics. 1972
Issues affecting the applicability and success of remedial/removal incineration projects. 1991
Laboratory and field evaluation of a methodology for determination of hydrogen chloride emissions from municipal and hazardodus waste incinerators / 1989
Laboratory and field evaluation of a methodology for determination of hydrogen chloride emissions from municipal and hazardodus waste incinerators / 1989
Laboratory Evaluation of Method 0050 for Hydrogen Chloride. 1993
Laboratory method to estimate hydrogen chloride emission potential before incineration of a waste / 1990
Laboratory Method to Estimate Hydrogen Chloride Emission Potential Before Incineration of a Waste. 1990
Laboratory-scale flame-mode hazardous waste thermal destruction research / 1984
Laboratory-scale flame-mode hazardous waste thermal destruction research. 1984
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